by: Rev. N. A. Urshan


This is a subject that oft-times brings quite a bit of controversy, and that subject is water baptism. Many ideas have been propounded through the years on the matter of water baptism. Some of it is controversial in aspect.  Some of it needs very careful Biblical investigation, so that the true meaning, relative to the Word of God, can be understood.


First of all, I would like for you to notice that baptism, according to the Word of God in the New Testament, is done in the name of Jesus Christ. I want you to notice very carefully how the references in the Bible point to the truth that the name of Jesus Christ is to be uttered over a candidate as he is baptized in water. In Luke 24:47 Jesus taught that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name beginning at Jerusalem. This was the commission that was given to the disciples as Jesus Christ sent them into the world to declare the gospel.

We notice according to Acts 2:38 that Peter obeyed this statement of Jesus (Luke 24:47) by telling Jewish believers: "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins." Later on, as this budding church revival began to expand and move into other areas, the Samaritans, after hearing the word from the preaching of Philip, were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 8:16). All of this is, of course, comparable to that which we have said in connection with what Jesus taught and the obedience of Peter.

In Acts 10:48 we have the opening of the Gospel to the Gentile nations. Cornelius was the first Gentile who was permitted fellowship under the expanding move of that early church. As Peter preached to Cornelius' household, you recall, the Holy Spirit fell, just as it fell on them at the beginning. After this experience was enjoyed by the household of Cornelius, Peter commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Act, 10:48 gives us the substantiation for this truth.

Here is something else which I think is important to everyone who is reading this message today. Paul rebaptized. Yes, I said it, Paul rebaptized. In the city of Ephesus, he met disciples of John the Baptist and asked them the question, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" They said they had not heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. In Acts 19:3-5, Paul, declaring the truth to them, found a receptive attitude on the part of the disciples of John the Baptist. When they heard his message, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Paul rebaptized disciples of John the Baptist in the name of the Lord Jesus. Back to Acts 4:10-12, Peter, standing before the Sanhedrin declared, "There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." And then in Colossians 3:17, Paul adds emphasis to this great truth by saying, "And whatsoever ye do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus."

Now, my friend, I am giving you examples from the scriptures which declare that baptism is to be done in the name of Jesus Christ, The above scriptures are not given to refute Matthew 28:19, where Jesus told the apostles to baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," they merely show how the command was interpreted and obeyed by them.


The Apostles knew what most religious leaders of today fail to recognize. They knew that the Lord Jesus Christ is the family name. By reading Ephesians 3:15, you will discover this.

They understood that the fulness of the Godhead, the deity of God, dwelleth bodily in Christ (Colossians 2:9). They knew the name of the Son is Jesus; Matthew 1:21 declares this. They knew that the Son came in the Father's name; John 5:43 emphasizes this. They also knew that the Holy Ghost is the spirit of Christ and would come in the name of Jesus; John 14:26 corroborates this.

The name "Jesus" means Jehovah-salvation. This interpretation can be found in Faussets Bible Encyclopedia on page 359.

My friend, there should be no controversy over the matter of baptism, when the scriptures authenticate and corroborate the great truth of baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The only way the New Testament church, which was set up after the day of Pentecost, practiced immersion was in the name of Jesus Christ. Somehow, for some people, the scriptures are not the truth. Therefore in order to give such persons an accepted understanding of the fact, we investigate another source. Not only do the scriptures corroborate the relationship of His name to baptism, but history also proves that the facts I am giving to you about the matters of baptism are certainly unerring and truthful.


In the Encyclopedia Britannica, the eleventh edition, Volume 3, pages 365 and 366, you will find this statement: The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in the second century. Now, I am giving you historical proof that the original church baptized in Jesus' name.

Also, from the Britannica Encyclopedia, Volume 3, page 82: Everywhere in the oldest sources it states that baptism took place in the name of Jesus Christ.

Referring again to the Canney Encyclopedia of Religion, page 53: The early church always baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus until development of trinity doctrine in the second century. My friend, is this not proof that the early church practiced baptism in His name? Because of the change that religious leaders wrought on Bible interpretations in that day, this truth was completely hidden from the viewpoints of religious thinkers and from other people who were not entirely familiar with the early church.

Now according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2, page 263, Catholics acknowledged baptism was changed by the Catholic Church.

In addition, Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion, Volume 2, page 377: Christian baptism was administered using the words "In the name of Jesus." Out of the same Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion, Volume 2, page 378: The use of a Trinitarian formula of any sort was not suggested in early church history. From the same volume, page 389, note: Baptism was always in the name of the Lord Jesus, until the time of Justin Martyr when the Triune formula was used.

Now back to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Justin Martyr was one of the early Fathers of the Roman Catholic church. So this man introduced a new idea of baptism.

Let me go back to Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion, Volume 2, page 377, which concerns the teaching of Acts 2:38: Name was an ancient synonym for "person." Payment was always made in the name of some person referring to ownership.

Therefore, one being baptized in Jesus' Name became His personal property. That is why the scriptures said, "Ye are Christ's."

Oh, my friend, the name brought the person of Jesus Christ near to the individual.

Now, from the New International Encyclopedia, Volume 22, page 40: The term "trinity" was originated by Tertullian, a Roman Catholic Church Father.


History testifies to the authenticity of the scriptures. History also corroborates the fact that you and I must go back over the period of church thinking, rearrangements of man, philosophies and ideas of individuals introduced long after the apostles had died, which hanged the original promises of the New Testament church. We have to look back over the dark ages, reach into the early time of the formulation of the church, and find there those things that have made history, lay them side by side, and make a very careful comparison. We will come up again with the great truth that baptism in the name of Jesus Christ is the mode for water baptism. This is what the apostles practiced.

This is what the individual who hears the Word of God should obey. Friend, as "you read this message today, let me tell you the desire of our hearts. We are not trying to introduce controversy just for the sake of argument. We are here by the help of God to explain to you the great truth that lies dormant in the church world. We are here to resurrect again an understanding of the Great Power there is in the name of Jesus Christ. We are here to show you from the Word of God that this Lord whom we serve is a mighty Lord and that baptism in His name brings emission of sin. This One who died on Calvary's cross for your sins and my sins, the One who shed His blood in our behalf, who became the lamb, the paschal lamb slain for man's sins, is Jesus. The One who became the "He Goat" and suffered without the gate, the One who took upon Himself the sins of mankind, the Propitiator of all mankind's sin -- this One is Jesus Christ.

It is to Him that we look today for salvation; there is none in any other name. By looking to Him and finding in the centrality of His person this great truth, He is magnified in our eyes. His blood becomes very real to us; the sacrifice of Calvary comes out of the dead letter of history and becomes very, very outstanding -- all of his because of what was accomplished by Jesus Christ. You and I must obey the scriptures, believe them, and practice them for the scriptures are authenticated by history. You and I must lay our faith on the line according to the things that are found in the great truths of God and in the great records of man.

(The above article appeared in an issue of the Pentecostal Herald.)

