RPGAndrew's Game Page

Welcome to my humble little game page. As games happens to be one of my favorite hobbies, I decided to put this site about the games I have enjoyed for so many years. A lot of these are Role-Playing Games such as Dungeons & Dragons. However, there are some other ones listed below (well, not yet, but coming)! Anyways, enjoy looking around!

Oh, and please remember, all the information is the intellectual property of the creators. You may link to the site and copy information for personal use, but otherwise do not re-post this information elsewhere without asking me first. (I can contact the creator of the ideas/art that are not mine.)

(Oh and the easiest way to find this page is to search "RPGAndrew" at google.com.)

UPDATED: 8/19/06
Moving over to the new site still...andrewlchang.com/RPG - further updates will be made to that site as this one is phased out.

Here's a link to the maps I've made for the Citybooks. Let me know what you think!

The classic RPG! With the new 3.5 edition coming out, the 3rd Edition of this game is taking off! This is a link to my personal game world and a lot of my house rules as I like the old school feel of the game.

  • Been putting a lot of thought into the d12 system. 6/13/03
  • Put down some new rules I'm considering in the Misc Rules section. 6/13/03
  • Corrected the shield bash discrepancies. 6/13/03
  • Added The Overflow to Highport. 4/22/02
  • "HEAR YE! HEAR YE! ONE HUNDRED GOLD CROWNS TO THE ADVENTUROUS AT HEART! SEE GREVAN AT THE SINGING FROG!" Stopping the crier, you manage to learn from the youth that it seems a particularly wealthy merchant is attempting to recover some goods lost to him a few nights ago to a raid just a day's travel north along the Suss Road. Slipping him a copper for the information, he smiles and adds, "an' he's buyin' drinks fer those who jus' show!" As he leaves, you can hear his voice continue through the streets repeating the announcement. A free drink and possibly one hundred gold coin, not bad at all. -- GAME ON HOLD 10/15/02
  • I'm working on putting up character sheets for our RPG's online. They'll be located in my Yahoo! briefcase. You need to have a Yahoo! ID to access your own sheet. They should be funcitonal soon -- I'm having a little trouble with the html layout -- ON HOLD. 6/13/03

TSR's original Science Fiction game. My favorite RPG! Still under construction.

  • Updated the links, 2 SF links. 3/22/02

TSR's newest Science Fiction game, unfortunately, cancelled after less than 2 years post-production. Still under construction.

Aliens, conspiracies, and govement agendas, oh my. Still under construction.

Made famous by the Knights of the Dinner Table, this "spoof" of 1st edition D&D is pure HackFUN! Even as a spoof, it's a very well done RPG in itself -- maintaining the roots of AD&D and expanding upon it greatly. Gotta say, the DMG is one of the best GM manuals out there! Still under construction.

A cyberpunk game set in the mid 21st century in which magic has re-awakened on Earth.

  • Updated Clues for the Icarus Rising PBEM. 4/23/03.
  • Started my own campaigns -- character index. 8/27/02.

My personal DM screen -- some have asked what I use, here's some pictures.

Chat with me! -- A simple chat message board for online gaming or whatever. Come check it out!

Andrew's homepage -- My personal homepage describing me, my other hobbies, as well as current news about what's going on in my life.

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