Raye's Fire Reading Room

The Silver Crystal:It is the strongest force in the in the universe and which bertal was after. Queen Serenty used it to imprision every1 as in the negaverse and prince darien and princess serenty and her court. and then she sent them tkio earth to be reborn so they can live a peacful life and if the forces of evil showed there ugly rear luna and artenus will revieve the sailor scouts to finally defeat queen bereal and to do that they had to use the crystal. Serena used it numerous times. she used it to defeat beral , and more.

Dark Crsytal (negamoon) : It was the power of the dark moon. it had thge power to asborb anything near it but if it was over lod with power it wouyld exploded plus the person who was feading energy from it.when safifire realzized this he took the control chip to shut it down permetly.but wised man klilled him and took it and put it back. it ot the most powerful thing but it was able to stop serena from transforming.

Dark Crystal (negaverse): Zosite tolok nepyhlitght star crsystal , yet beryal was forced to make a nmassive crystal that look exacly like the star syrstal wand served the same purpose. ziosite used it to track the rainbow crsytstal.

Luna Minle Meld:
Luna used it to revive the sailor senshi memories after the battle with beryal.

Luna Pen: it disgiuses it user

Moon Cresent Wand :The cresnt wand was used by sailormoon it is able to heal innocent people that was turned into a monster.

7 Rainbow Crystal : They are 7 peice of the imperium silver crystal. once they r combined they r 2 which is the imperium silver crystal which was used a long time agao. it broke intop pices because it saome how broke into peices and 7 humans was born with the 7 crystal inside of them. when beryal discovered this she sent her workers to find all of the crsytal. and asberyal was finding out so was tuxedo mask.

Star Crsytal :neprite used his powers over the stars to create this crystal called the star cryustal and it it reaceted to molys love for him.

Time Key :it was used by rini wich she came from the future . it has tthe power to trvel it's user to anypart of time. but it has a mind of it own and it only work good whebn it was time to leave

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