About Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon is a show that started with a 14 year old llate goin to school and saving a strange cat from bratty kids. and that cat couls talk the ctas nme is luna and the gurl name is serena. and as sshe went to shool she had a test and failed and tryed to throw the papoer away and instead it hit a collledge guy namer darien and he started picking on her then gave her a nick name it was" meat ball haed" and when she came home the cat was there and it talked and gave serena a broch and serena sad 3 words which was moon prism power and she transform into the hero of justice(i think it's that) and her mother saw serena test and kick serena out to got to the libraty and study. and as time went serena met fellow scouts and noe they all work together to deafeat the foces of evil


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