Squadron Meetings:
First Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM except July & August
SAL State Convention LOCATION:
June 1, 2007 to June 3, 2007
Squadrons 404 and 245
Houghton Lake, Mi
Legion Conventioon Location:
June 14 - 17, 2007
Sal DEC June 16, 2007
Hyatt Dearborn
Dearborn, Mi
Texas Hold,em Tourney
june 22,2007 645p
$50.00 buy in, $25 extra at door
pre-registar get $1000.00 extra chips
SAL Fall Convention Location:
Sept 24-26, 2004
SAL DEC Sept 25,2004
Troy, Mi,
Spring Conference 2005 Location:
February 16, 2005 to February 19, 2005
Includes National Commander Visit
Holiday Inn South
SAL DEC February 19, 2005
Lansing, Mi
SAL Spring NEC Meeting
May 1-3, 2004