This site is the opion and owned by Sam Fares |
Thank you for stopping by my site. My name is Sam Fares. I started this site to maybe help somone in need or try to help answers questions. I am in no way a Bible Authority, but do a lot of reading and togeather maybe we can find the answer your looking for. If I have typed something that you disagree with, please let me know, I will be glad to go over it again, I love learing. What I type is just what I read and the way I inturpet it. It dosn't mean I don't make mistakes. My goal is to help as many as I can to spend a life with our Lord, Jesus Christ. Just think to live in a world with no sin, no sorrow, no pain, no tears. It's almost impossiable to imagine considering life on a day to day basis today. As a Christian, your mission in life should be to spead the word, you should want all to enjoy Heaven, your goals should not be wealth, mansions, new cars, big boats, ect. Your work should be helping that one person that just needs a little push, a little food, and little love. God gives to Christians, not to hoard, not to build but to share and help, we have seemed to lost that part of it. |
As you read some of these articles, stop and think about your own life, are you living right in God's eye's? Do you believe like most Americans, it's the way of the world, so I just do what everyone else is doing. When you meet someone do they know with out asking that you are a child of God? Are you living in sin and just dont realize it? The sad thing is that so many are.They |
are having pre-marital sex, comiting adultry, greedy, and gossiping. How many people who are Christian go into a gas station and buy a lottery ticket. That's greed wanting somthing given without earning. With faith God will provide you with the things you need. That dollar you just wasted could have bought a can of food for a hungry child. |
There are a lot of things and daily issues I will try to cover, if you want something in particular please email me. We will find out together. Keep in mind that a Christian does not mean instant happiness during this life. Your faith will be tested, the same as Jesus was in the wilderness, the same as Job was when he lost his entire family. Your faith will pull you through, and when life seems to get you down, never stop praying, God hears your prayers, he knows your needs. He will never give you more that you can bare. Dealing with life on a day to day basis, at work, at school, with friends or get togethers can be very difficult on Christians. You will be hated by some, talked about behind you back, or even made fun of. Don't be upset, pray for those people, pray that they may someday find the peace and happiness you have found. Don't deny your relationshiop with God to try to fit in, or not to be made fun of or hated. Stand tall after all you have a pretty good friend on your side and in your life. Below are some topics you might find interesting, some I wrote some I have posted from other writers with hope that you may find them useful. |
If Jesus came right now while you were reading this, would you be ready? We want to believe we are but after reading these articles are you really ready. Why don't you take the time right now, to ask Jesus into your heart? Start a relationship with him. He has been standing at your door knocking, waiting for you to invite him in. |
Dont wait til it's too late!!! |
Does it matter if you inturpet the Bible different in someways? |