All of us, but particularly us veterans, must NEVER let our country forget!
I urge all my fellow bikers, PARTICULARLY if you are a vet, to participate in the Rolling Thunder, Ride to the Wall. It's held every Memorial Day weekend in our nation's capital to bring the POW/MIA plight to the attention of our "leaders."
...And let's not forget the women who bravely gave their lives in their courageous and unselfish attempt to save others.
Please click on the above image to read about the POW/MIA I have adopted, 1LT Kenneth Frank Backus, USAF. Missing over North Viet Nam since 22 May 1967
![Want to laugh? Read this!](presseal.gif)
Please click on the Presidential Seal above to read the letter I received from President Clinton's Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office after I had written to the President concerning his policy on POW/MIA's.
Father Denis Edward O'Brien
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