Josh Henderson

**For any big Josh fans out there, join our yahoo club, Josh henderson Forever:

Full Name- Josh Baret Henderson
Birthday- Oct. 25, 1981
Age- 20
Hometown- Tulsa, OK
Siblings-  Hannah (11) and Chelsea    (3)
Day Job- Singing Waiter
Oddest Job- Umpire for Little League   Baseball
Special Talents- Weird Noises
Fav Drink- Dr. Pepper
Fav Movie- Braveheart, The Green     Mile, Titanic, Ladybugs, My Father The Hero, Hook, Gladiator
Fav T.V. shows- Amazing Grace,Real World,The Weakest Link(sometimes)
Fav foods- steak, mac n cheese,        and grilled fish
Fav color- blue
Fav sport- baseball (although loves    many others)
Inspiration- *//\\//SYNC- "They are amazing performers and I used to watch them on T.V. and say to myself "I think I can do that, I want to do that!" But I never thought I would so it was kinda always just a far off dream. But I wouldn`t have made it so far if it wasn`t for the support fromMorgan and my family and help from God. He just kept pushing me to dobetter and  work harder."