Threats from Europe

Europe? Click for Victory in Europe sounds
BBC ..... Churchill, 8th May 1945.

The European Union, for decades (previously, as "the European Community"), has been developing the powers of an undemocratic super-state by accepting legal conventions that undermine the democratic, civil and human rights of the people of the European Union, including the Scots.

Note, in particular, the Council of Europe's European Convention on Human Rights (E.C.H.R.) law which re-imposes defamation/libel laws (Article 10.2) which provide cover for Scottish, British or European judges to deny proper freedom of expression to the Scots.

Hitler would have loved ECHR law as his judges would simply have ruled any criticism of Hitler or the Nazis as defamatory, illegal and therefore inviting punishment (by death presumably?).
It is misnamed as the European Convention on Human Rights because it denies the human right of freedom of expression. The convention might be more accurately described as the European Convention to Deny Human Rights.

Admittedly, the European Parliament is a useful forum for Scotland's representatives to discuss European and global issues (and therefore Scotland should continue to elect Members of the European Parliament). Nevertheless, Scotland should be prepared to defy the most fascist parts of the ECHR until such time as it is appropriately amended or superseded.

The European Union has much to learn from the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, in particular as regards reforming the law of freedom of expression. Maybe though the European Union has learned something as now they've come up with a new charter of rights, which may eventually supersede the ECHR.

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

<BGSOUND src="//"> <BGSOUND src="//">

European Anthem - low fidelity

European Anthem - high fidelity

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