BLOODY MURDER 2: CLOSING CAMP a screenplay by John R. Stevenson - - - FADE IN: EXT. WOODS - DAY WE SEE a girl standing in about a foot of snow. She faces the woods. Her face is in awe. She pans the woods up and down with her eyes. She steadily starts walking further and further...and starts gaining a faster pace as the epic-ness begins. Once she's in the woods, it grows very dark. She looks back for a moment...then back around to be struck in the face by a bright light. It fades and she can see a man standing on a small hill. She walks to him. TRACY Jason? JASON You shouldn't be here. TRACY Mom and Dad want you to come home now. JASON I can't. TRACY Why? JASON He won't let me. The boy starts to quiver. Tracy grows scared. Blood begins to run from his mouth. TRACY A chain saw rips through Jason's chest. Tracy screams! WE PAN BACK to reveal a masked man standing behind him, holding the machine. 2. Tracy still screams as her brother is being ripped up. CUT TO: INT. CABIN - DAY WE SEE Tracy lying in bed...eyes wide open. She's breathing heavy. She looks around, and then sits up. She sees her roommate staring at her. SOPHIE Bad dream? TRACY Yeah. SOPHIE Same one? TRACY Yeah, Soph, same one. Sophie drops her does Tracy. CUT TO: EXT. CAMP - CONTINUOUS WEE SEE sign that reads MAIN LODGE AND DINING. Tracy and Sophie run past it in a hurry. SOPHIE (V.O.) We are going to be so late. TRACY (V.O.) I know. Tracy gets up on the porch and gives her boyfriend, MIKE, a hug. The head counselor walks out, followed by another guy. RICK Alright everybody! Listen up. We got a lot of work ahead of us over the next few days so lock this place down for the winter. Two of the counselors hug each other. 3. RICK (CONT'D) As I was saying. We got a lot of work over the next few days so we can lock this place down. So I arranged for an extra set of hands. He puts his hand on a guy's shoulder. RICK (CONT'D) So I want to you meet James. He's an old family friend. JAMES Hey everybody. ELVIS What's up, man? Everyone says hey. RICK James is hitching his way to USC. He's a got full scholarship no less. Everyone awes. RICK (CONT'D) I roped him into sticking around for a couple days, helping us. Let's get to it. Any volunteers who want to pair up with James for the day? SOPHIE Me. I will. RICK Okay. Nice to see your enthusiasm, Sophie. Oh, one more thing. We got some weather coming in so if you want to grab some extra blankets from the shed tonight, go ahead. RYAN Who needs blankets? RICK Alright. Let's go everyone. Let's go. 4. Everyone walks away except Ryan and Angela...they're kissing. RICK (CONT'D) Ryan! Can I see you for a moment? Did you put the wood chipper back in the shed like I asked you to last night? RYAN Shit. RICK I knew it. RYAN I'll take care of it right now. RICK No, it's too late. The rain last night ruined the motor. RYAN I'm sorry. It won't happen again. RICK It's just like the leaf blower. RYAN The leaf blower wasn't my fault. RICK And the canoe paddles? RYAN Look! Why are you always on my ass? RICK Because you're a screw-up. RYAN What'd you say? RICK You heard me. Look, I'm not impressed by your macho bull shit like your little girlfriend. I'm going to say this one: your screw ups are costing me a lot money and I don't like it. 5. RYAN So what are you going to do, Rick? Are you going to fire me, with only three days left? Ryan walks away. CUT TO: EXT. TRAIL - CONTINUOUS We see Mike and Tracy walking to us. Tracy is carrying blankets. TRACY Ah. The trees are turning early this year. MIKE Yeah. So much for our Indian summer, huh? TRACY Yeah. It's kind of lonely here without all of the kids. MIKE Do not tell me you miss them. TRACY It's sad. The end of summer and everything. The two help each other spread the blanket over a close line. TRACY (CONT'D) Don't you miss them? MIKE Now that you bring it up. (pointing) Nah. They laugh. TRACY Come on, mister tough guy. Now you can't fool me. Inside you're just a geat big softy. 6. MIKE Actually, you know that kid with the lazy eye? He kind of got to me a little bit. TRACY (laughing) See. I knew it. They smile at each other. CUT TO: EXT. CAMPFIRE - NIGHT RYAN (O.S.) I'd like to propose a toast. They all come into frame. RYAN (CONT'D) To the end of camp. They all toast. RYAN (CONT'D) May we not have to clean up another camper's puke for another ten months. ANGELA Or Elvis'. ELVIS That shit is fucking nasty. RYAN And now that the little bastards have gone home to their mommies and daddies, we can turn our thought to more adult pursuits. Angela looks up at him. RYAN (CONT'D) So what's tonight's mischief? ANGELA How about a game...of (cringes) Bloody Murder? 7. RYAN Great idea. Who's up for it? Elvis... ELVIS Do I have to? RYAN Don't be a chicken shit, you're it. ELVIS Who's being a chicken shit? Everyone teases him. ELVIS (CONT'D) Fuck you, okay. RYAN How about you Mike? You up for it? MIKE Yep, yep, yep, yep. RYAN Tracy? TRACY Actually. I think I'm going to pass. MIKE Trace... TRACY It's fine. You guys have fun. RYAN Trace... TRACY Actually I'm really tired. I'm just going to go to bed early. MIKE I thought we were gonna... TRACY Not tonight, I'm serious. You guys have fun, okay? She kisses Mike and leaves. 8. MIKE Let me walk you back. He leaves and follows her. SOPHIE Jesus. You guys are so insensitive. RYAN What? ELVIS What? SOPHIE Don't play innocent. You know exactly what you were doing. Mike of all people should know better. JAMES I think I might have missed something. SOPHIE Tracy's brother Jason disappeared up here about five years ago. JAMES Disappeared? SOPHIE Well, there was a series of murders that summer, and Jason's body was never found. The locals claim it was Trevor Moorehouse. ELVIS They claimed. ANGELA Exactly. CUT TO: EXT. CABIN - CONTINUOUS We see Mike and Tracy walk up to Tracy's cabin. MIKE I'm sorry, Tracy, that was--that was insensitive of me. 9. TRACY It's okay. I'm fine--really. MIKE I just wasn't really thinking. TRACY It's okay. I didn't even mean to make a thing out of it. MIKE Why don't you and I hang here while the others run around the woods like idiots? They kiss. MIKE (CONT'D) What do you say? TRACY Mike... MIKE What if I begged? TRACY Mike. MIKE What if I cried? TRACY Even if you cried. MIKE I'm sensing you're trying to tell me no. TRACY Trust your senses. MIKE I've tried really hard to get close to you this summer. TRACY Don't make a thing out of it. MIKE I'm just saying I've tried so hard to be sensitive to your family situation. 10. TRACY My family situation? Is that really what you think of this? MIKE I didn't mean it to sound like that. TRACY What did you mean? MIKE I can't get close to you. You put up this front. TRACY I'm tired of being treated like I've got six heads. MIKE Then you shouldn't have told us about your brother. TRACY What are you saying? MIKE I'm just saying it's a little confusing. You know, you either want the attention or you don't. TRACY I don't think I want to talk about this anymore. She leaves and walks inside the cabin. MIKE Fine. CUT TO: EXT. CAMPFIRE - CONTINUOUS Off in the distance. ELVIS (mumbling) That's it. Ease up... There's laughter. 11. RYAN (O.S.) Hey, you need a beer? Mike walks up to the fire where everyone else is. RYAN (CONT'D) Hey. MIKE Amen, brother. ANGELA Got back kind of quick. RYAN Looks like somebody's not getting any tonight. MIKE Yeah. What else is new, man? RYAN James has been asking about Trevor Moorehouse. MIKE Fuck him. That guy's putting a serious dent in my sex life. JAMES Who was he? MIKE Somebody else tell that story. RYAN Trevor was the son of the meanest camp director that Placid Pines has ever seen. He had this habit of ratting on the counselors to his old man. Well, one year...several of the counselors got this half-assed plan to get back at them. But things got out of control, and before they knew it, Trevor was at the bottom of a ravine half dead with his face eaten by hungry birds. JAMES What happened to him? RYAN Well, naturally... 12. JAMES Naturally, he went to the hospital. Medical at first, then mental. His face was so badly disfigured that he always wore a mask. RYAN Yeah, how did you know? JAMES Every summer camp has a Trevor Moorehouse. Here, let me see. At some point he was either released, or he broke out of the mental hospital. Then it's said that he returned to Camp Placid Pines to forever seek out his revenge on the place and the people...that did this to him. How'd I do? RYAN Smart ass. JAMES Set up the new guy, huh? Nice try, boys. Trevor Moorehouse is just some fictitious local psychopath to get campers into bed at night. RYAN Fictitious local psychopath? JAMES Did you really think I'd be stupid enough to fall for that? RYAN You think I'm making it up? JAMES I hope not. I would think you'd be able to come up with something a little better than the old "psychopath in the woods" story. RYAN Well then, tough guy. Since you've got nothing to fear you won't mind being "It." They all laugh. 13. RYAN (CONT'D) Okay sports fans. It's time for a little game of -- Angela jumps up to Ryan, hugging. ANGELA Bloody Murder. RYAN Angela, do the honors. He hands her a blindfold. ANGELA Of course. She walks over to James with it. JAMES Wait a minute. I didn't say anything -- RYAN What's the matter, Jimbo? Huh? You having a little change of heart? ANGELA Scared? RYAN You afraid Trevor might break up the game? JAMES No. I just don't feel -- RYAN Good! Then let the pretty lady blindfold you. Remember...there's nothing to fear. JAMES But fear itself. RYAN Let the games begin. CUT TO: 14. EXT. WOODS - CONTINUOUS The group walks to a big tree in the middle of the woods. James is blindfolded. RYAN You've got to count to 20 before you can remove the blindfold. JAMES Okay. RYAN Everybody ready? ANGELA Yeah! RYAN Go! The group runs off to hide. JAMES One-one thousand. Two-one thousand. Three-one thousand. Four-one thousand. Five-one thousand...eighteen-one thousand. Nineteen-one thousand. Twenty-one thousand. He turns around and removes the blindfold. He looks around. Nothing. JAMES (CONT'D) Oh, man. Me and my big mouth. James walks off to search for the rest of the group. Each of the people are hiding in a different location. James backs up into a tree and gasps. ELVIS (peeking through trees) You're not in Compton anymore. James sees Mike gagging by a tree, back to him. Mike turns around. His neck is bloody as he holds it. He spits up blood. James begins to back up. 15. MIKE Oh-oh-oh! James turns around in horror. There's a hockey-masked figure with an axe coming up behind James. JAMES Trevor -- Trevor Moorehouse! He screams as the masked man yells with the axe in the air. The yelling turns into laughter. Mike is okay, and the man removes his mask. It is Ryan. RYAN (laughing) You were saying something about fictitious local psychopaths? MIKE We got him. RYAN Amen, brother. ELVIS What's going on? RYAN We're just having a little fun at James' expense. ANGELA Tell him about the psychopath, then they come out dressed -- that's hot, baby. RYAN That was beautiful with the blood. MIKE Thank you. Thank you very much. RYAN (pretend crying) Trevor Moorehouse! Oh my God! JAMES Rick was right about you. James begins to walk away. 16. RYAN Yeah, well, what's that?! JAMES You are an asshole. RYAN What did you say? JAMES I said you're an asshole. Ryan tackles James to the ground. Ryan falls first though. JAMES (CONT'D) Come on, man. RYAN Fuck. ANGELA Break it up, guys! They restrain Ryan. RYAN You're dead, you little fucker! Don't fuck with me! Fuck you, bitch. JAMES (pointing) Get your little friend out of here before he gets hurt. MIKE Easy! They all runs back to the cabin except for James and Sophie. SOPHIE You okay? JAMES Yeah. He's not the first asshole I've had to deal with. He certainly won't be the last. SOPHIE I'm gonna head back up, but I'll see you in the morning. 17. JAMES Yeah, if I decide to stay. SOPHIE Don't let that loser get to you. JAMES We'll see. SOPHIE Good night. JAMES Good night. Sophie walks back to the camp. EXT. CAMPFIRE - LATER James sits there by himself. 18.