24 Day One Episode#16 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Transcript by Daniel Smith ds825@yahoo.com JACK BAUER: {Voice Over} The following takes place between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the day of the California Presidential primary. [Split screen a man killing Ellis as he lays him on the floor and Jack Bauer in his office] JACK BAUER: Bob? What just happened I can't hear you.............Bob can you hear me? ...................Bob. Pick up the phone. Somebody pick up the phone. [The man takes papers out of Ellis's jacket and walks over to the cell phone on the ground.] JACK BAUER: Whoever's there pick up the phone............Bob? [The man turns off the cell phone and leaves the bathroom] INT. C.T.U. JACK'S OFFICE [Jack hangs up the phone he presses the redial button only to get a voice message] ROBERT ELLIS: {Voice over} At the beep leave a message for Bob Ellis. [Jack hangs up] JACK BAUER: Oh God no. [Puts his hands on his face] Just think Jack think. [He picks up the phone and calls C.T.U. New Orleans office] ROUTING OPERATOR: Routing operator. JACK BAUER: Yes this is Jack Bauer I want you to transfer me to agent Watson in our New Orleans office. ROUTING OPERATOR: One moment please. [She connects him.] AGENT WATSON: C.T.U. New Orleans. Watson speaking. JACK BAUER: This is Jack Bauer in Los Angeles. You've got a floating NSA operative in your region. His name is Robert Ellis. I think something terrible has happened to him. AGENT WATSON: All right what would you like us to do? JACK BAUER: I'm going to transfer you to our comm link. I'll get you an address I want you to check it out. Phone me back as soon as you got anything. [Milo enters] MILO: Jack? JACK BAUER: I'll transfer you now. [To Milo] Not right now Milo I'm busy. MILO: Jack you got to see this. JACK BAUER: WHAT? [Milo sets three photos on the desk] MILO: Look. These are surveillance shots of all three backup shooters. I cross referenced the files Ellis sent us with our Interpol records. JACK BAUER: How long ago? MILO: Just now. Any or all of them could still be targeting Palmer. Or you. JACK BAUER: Right. MILO: I sent the photos to Secret Service. JACK BAUER: Make sure they brief Palmer's staff. I want them to keep their eyes open. MILO: Right. Look there's one more thing. Johnny cool guy here. His name is Alexis Drazen. He's Victor Drazen's son. JACK BAUER: Good work. [As he stares at the photo] MILO: He was trained in Belgrade, Special Forces. ***FADE OUT*** EXT. ALEXIS DRAZEN WALKING BACK TO HIS CAR [His cell rings] ALEXIS DRAZEN: Hello? ELIZABETH NASH: It's me. I wanted to tell you we're not leaving town today after all. ALEXIS DRAZEN: What made the Senator change his mind? ELIZABTH NASH: He didn't say and I didn't ask. I was just happy I would get to see you again so soon. ALEXIS DRAZEN: Well I'm leaving a meeting right now but I can be back at the hotel by four thirty. ELIZABETH NASH: I know where to find you. [Hangs up] ***FADE OUT*** EXT. THE SAFE HOUSE [An extra team has been sent. One agent is disguised as a phone line operator and is sitting in his van. Another agent is cutting the house's front lawn.] AGENT BREEHER: Daniel's is in position 10-98 can you give me a data check. AGENT DANIEL'S: This is Daniels. I'm in position. Touch your ear if you can hear me. [The agent cutting the grass touches his ear.] AGENT DANIEL'S: Paulson can you hear me? [Agent Paulson is inside the house] AGENT PAULSON: Yeah. Breeher talk to me. How you looking? AGENT BREEHER: It's quiet on my end. 3:05:23......3:05:24......3:05:25...... [Paulson answers a ringing cell phone] AGENT PAULSON: Hello?.......Hey Jack, yeah hold on. [Paulson knocks on Teri's door] AGENT PAULSON: Mrs. Bauer? It's Jack. TERI BAUER: Thank you......Jack? JACK BAUER: How you doing? TERI BAUER: I'm doing okay. Just trying to get some rest. JACK BAUER: I couldn't help but feeling after I hung up.....I don't know that something was wrong. TERI BAUER: No I'm fine. A lot has happened and I really need to talk to you. JACK BAUER: Fine then let's talk. TERI BAUER: No now is not the time. JACK BAUER: Why not? TERI BAUER: You do what you have to do and we'll talk when this is all over okay? JACK BAUER: Okay. I'm here at C.T.U. if you need me. TERI BAUER: I know. JACK BAUER: Okay bye. [Hang up] ***FADE OUT*** INT. PALMER HOTEL AGENT PIERCE: Folks I know you’re all busy so I'll be as brief as I can. SHERRY PALMER: Good. You’re just in time. SENATOR PALMER: What's going on? SHERRY PALMER: Bauer sent over photos of the people targeting you. AGENT PEIRCE: The threat against Senator Palmer remains a high probability. We have gotten a significant piece of heads up intelligence. These three men are the suspected shooters. [Elizabeth Nash sees Alexis's photo and freaks out as she runs out of the room] SENATOR PALMER: Elizabeth what's wrong? ***FADE OUT*** INT. THE SAFE HOUSE NINA MYERS: Okay Kim but the fact is Rick ran away before we could talk to him KIM BAUER: He was scared. NINA MYERS: Apparently. Whatever explanation he has doesn't change the fact that he's a fugitive and if you know where he is and aren't saying anything, that in itself constitutes for a serious.... KIM BAUER: I don't know where he is. NINA MYERS: Are you sure? KIM BAUER: What I'm sure of is that he helped us escape and if it wasn't for him we would have never gotten out of there. NINA MYERS: Kim. When people are taken hostage it's not uncommon for them to feel a certain bond with their kidnappers. KIM BAUER: Rick isn't a kidnapper. Anyway I don't know where he is. TERI BAUER: Sorry Nina. Whenever your ready we can pick up were we left off. NINA MYERS: Ah..Sure. Kim, why don't you take a break and your mother and I can finish up here. [Kim walks out of the room] NINA MYERS: Sure you’re okay to do this? TERI BAUER: Yes. Are you sure? NINA MYERS: Yeah. TERI BAUER: Listen Nina, I don't want you to have to tiptoe around me. Jack and I were separated when you slept with him. I'm not going to hold that against you. [Nina gets herself together] NINA MYERS: Okay um, you and Kim have both said that Rick helped you. Talking to Kim I get the sense that she's withholding something. TERI BAUER: Based on what? NINA MYERS: She's protecting Rick. She seems to have feelings for him from what I can tell. TERI BAUER: There may have been an attraction when she met him last night but if Kimberly knew anything she'd tell you. NINA MYERS: Sure about that? TERI BAUER: She's my daughter I think I know her better than you. ***FADE OUT*** INT. C.T.U. JACK'S OFFICE [Phone rings] JACK BAUER: Bauer. SENATOR PALMER: It's David Palmer. JACK BAUER: Sir, Is everything all right? SENATOR PALMER: I'm not sure. JACK BAUER: What's going on? SENATOR PALMER: A member of my advance team Elizabeth Nash, She recognized one of the assassins in the photos you sent Secret Service. Victor Drazen's son Alexis. JACK BAUER: Does she know where he is? SENATOR PALMER: There in contact. JACK BAUER: Contact? What do you mean? In which context? SENATOR PALMER: Intimate. JACK BAUER: Senator, Is this person in a position to endanger your security? SENATOR PALMER: I'm afraid so. Look she's pretty shaken up but she wants to help. JACK BAUER: Good. We have to bring her into C.T.U. and question her. I'll get a helicopter to you in a few minuets. SENATOR PALMER: I'll have her ready. Jack? What about Ellis? Did he retrieve the missing file on Operation Nightfall? JACK BAUER: I lost contact with Ellis. SENATOR PALMER: Lost contact? What do you mean? JACK BAUER: We got interrupted in the middle of our phone call. Sir I have to be honest with you I've got a very bad feeling about this. SENATOR PALMER: So what are you saying to me? JACK BAUER: I'm telling you that for right now we have to assume that Ellis is dead. [The Senator is shocked] SENATOR PALMER: Keep me posted. JACK BAUER: Yes sir. [HANG UP] JACK BAUER: Milo? Get me chopper command. 3:11:24......3:11:25......3:11:26...... COMMERCIAL BREAK [Kim calls Rick for the second time] RICK: Yeah. KIM BAUER: Rick it's Kim. RICK: Hey. KIM BAUER: This woman here, she’s really pushing me hard. RICK: What did you tell her? KIM BAUER: The truth. I told her that you helped us escape. RICK: That's really going to save my ass. I'm sorry. I'm a little edgy right now. KIM BAUER: Look I just think that if you tell her what happened it'll work out. RICK: She won't believe me. KIM BAUER: I don't know how much longer I can keep covering for you. RICK: Okay okay. Can she prove anything? KIM BAUER: I don't think so. RICK: That's all that matters. Listen I appreciate what you’re doing and all but you probably shouldn't call here. Least not for a while. KIM BAUER: How long? RICK: I don't know. I got to go. [HANGS UP] [Rick's Girlfriend enters the room] MELANIE: Who's that? RICK: Don't know. Just a wrong number. [Rick lies on his bed] RICK: I'm worked. I'm gonna crash for a while okay? [Melanie gets up and leaves the room] ***FADE OUT*** INT. THE SAFE HOUSE [Nina still questioning Teri Bauer] NINA MYERS: So is there anything else you can tell me about Gaines? Maybe a conversation you overheard? TERI BAUER: Who's Gaines? NINA MYERS: Ira Gaines, The leader of the group. TERI BAUER: Right. NINA MYERS: Teri. TERI BAUER: No I'm fine. NINA MYERS: Maybe we should take another break. TERI BAUER: Maybe you should do your job Nina. Don't you have a job to do? NINA MYERS: I wish it were that simple. TERI BAUER: Things tend to get complicated when you screw your boss. NINA MYERS: Look this obviously isn't working. TERI BAUER: No it's not. I'm sorry. I thought I could stay calm and rational about this but I can't do it. NINA MYERS: There's no apology needed but I think Paulson should finish up here. ***FADE OUT*** INT. C.T.U. JACK'S OFFICE [Jack puts on some new cloths when George Mason walks into Jack's Office] JACK BAUER: George. What are you doing here? GEORGE MASON: I'm the new quarterback. JACK BAUER: Since when? GEORGE MASON: Since right now? JACK BAUER: What about Alberta Green? GEORGE MASON: Back at District. JACK BAUER: So Chappelle thought you'd do a better job keeping an eye on me than she would. GEORGE MASON: I don't know Jack something like that.........So it’s really Drazen's boys that are after Palmer? JACK BAUER: This whole day has been a revenge plan for killing their father. GEORGE MASON: I know why they're gunning for you but why are they after Palmer? JACK BAUER: [Sighs] Senator Palmer was head of the subcommittee that authorized the mission. GEORGE MASON: You got Ellis tracking down the missing file on that operation right? JACK BAUER: I had Ellis. I lost contact with him twenty minuets ago. GEORGE MASON: You think they took him out? JACK BAUER: Yes I do. We got a break on another front though. [Jack walks over to his computer.] A Miss Elizabeth Nash, part of the Senator's Advance team identified one of the shooters from the photos I sent over. She's been dating him. She had no idea who he was. She's pretty shaken up but she's on her way here for a debriefing. GEORGE MASON: Which one was she seeing? JACK BAUER: Alexis Drazen. She's supposed to meet him in his hotel room in an hour. GEORGE MASON: Good, That will give us time to stage an arrest. JACK BAUER: George think about this. What if she keeps her date? We would have the upper hand in this thing for the first time. See what we could learn. GEORGE MASON: Don't know Jack it's a little risky. JACK BAUER: I'd have a squad across the hall ready to go before anything could possibly happen. George? I think this a big opportunity just to pass up. GEORGE MASON: What time is she getting here? JACK BAUER: Ten minuets. GEORGE MASON: We'll talk to her then make up our minds. JACK BAUER: Absolutely. ***FADE OUT*** INT. PALMER HOTEL [The Senator is on his cell] SENATOR PALMER: She's going to the CTU office right now. DAVE: Why are they taking her there? SENATOR PALMER: Well they what to find out everything they can about Alexis Drazen. DAVE: Is that the brother? SENATOR PALMER: No it's his son. [Keith enters] SENATOR PALMER: Dave let me call you back. [Hangs Up] 3:20:26......3:20:27......3:20:28...... SENATOR PALMER: Keith come here. KEITH PALMER: What's up? SENATOR PALMER: I know we haven't had a chance to talk since last night and it seems like every time we do we're at each others throats. KEITH PALMER: Everything's okay between you and me dad. SENATOR PALMER: I guess you noticed that we haven't been on the same page today. KEITH PALMER: It's been hard to miss. SENATOR PALMER: The pressure's on. It's testing all of us. KEITH PALMER: For sure. SENATOR PALMER: That's what I wanted to talk about. It stayed in my head what you said about of hours ago. About how Dr. Faragamo has always been there for you when you needed someone and I wasn't. KEITH PALMER: I'm sorry but that's just how it was then. SENATOR PALMER: That's all going to change. Starting now. I know I can't earn your trust overnight. If you just come to me when you need to talk, I promise you son I'll always be there. KEITH PALMER: [Smiles] Thanks dad. So what about Faragamo? Did the police say anything? SENATOR PALMER: We haven't called yet. KEITH PALMER: What are we waiting for? SENATOR PALMER: We're not putting anything off Keith. It's just something else has come up. Listen to me. We have a security breach in our staff. We have to deal with that first. KEITH PALMER: What kind of security breach? SENATOR PALMER: I can't tell you. KEITH PALMER: [Upset] Dad. You can't tell me anything. SENATOR PALMER: Look Keith I have to be able to make decisions around here without you challenging me. KEITH PALMER: Look everything your feeling, now’s the time I need you dad. Not just to talk to me, but to do the right thing. SENATOR PALMER: Keith.........I will do the right thing at the right time. KEITH PALMER: I'm sure you will. ***FADE OUT*** EXT. OUTSIDE THE SAFE HOUSE [Jovan, one of the backup shooter's is in a car on his cell talking to Andre Drazen.] JOVAN: I found Bauer's wife and daughter. They were moved to a safe house. [Andre Drazen is sitting down still at the cafe] ANDRE DRAZEN: Where are you? JOVAN: I'm almost in. ANDRE DRAZEN: How many men are guarding them? JOVAN: I'm handling the situation Andre. [Jovan has a dead agent next to him in his car] JOVAN: Rest assured, the women will be dead soon. ANDRE DRAZEN: Call me the minute it is done. 3:23:55......3:23:56......3:23:57...... COMMERCIAL BREAK 3:28:49......3:28:50......3:28:51...... INT. CTU WORK STATION MAIN FLOOR JACK BAUER: Milo can you help me with something? MILO: Yeah. JACK BAUER: What's wrong with the system? My terminal is locked. I just downloaded all my files to here. Now I can't..........DAMNIT. MILO: Hold on a sec let me see here. JACK BAUER: Why can't I log in? MILO: What do you mean? Mason didn't tell you? JACK BAUER: Tell me what? MILO: They downgraded your privileges to 3-w. You’re the same as everyone else here. JACK BAUER: I see. MILO: Here, This should get you into anything you need. [Punches in a code] JACK BAUER: Thanks. [Sighs] MILO: Jack, don't worry your going to be back up in your office by tomorrow. JACK BAUER: By tomorrow I'm lucky I'm not in federal custody. I'm only on provisional status until the end of the day. As soon as Senator Palmer leaves the state I have to face these charges. MILO: I'm sorry Jack........Look your all set up here. JACK BAUER: Thanks.............Milo? MILO: Yeah. JACK BAUER: Have you noticed anyone accessing anything unusual on the servers? MILO: What do you mean by unusual? JACK BAUER: I don't know, anything received or relating to sensitive Intel? MILO: No. I mean I haven't been looking for it. JACK BAUER: Start looking. MILO: Wait, You think there's another mole inside CTU? JACK BAUER: I don't know just let me know if you mind anything okay? MILO: Okay. ***FADE OUT*** INT. PALMER HOTEL LIVING ROOM [Keith is on the phone with Carl] KEITH PALMER: All I'm saying is don't test me. CARL: I'm not testing you. KEITH PALMER: I will do what I said. CARL: Keith. KEITH PALMER: I'm serious because I have nothing left to loose. Not anymore. CARL: I know you’re upset. KEITH PALMER: That's right. CARL: Okay we should talk. KEITH PALMER: I'm glad you understand. CARL: You know the Griffith Park Observatory? KEITH PALMER: Yeah. CARL: Can you meet me there now? KEITH PALMER: Yeah I can be there. Fifteen minutes. [HANGS UP] NICOLE PALMER: Be where? KEITH PALMER: Nowhere. NICOLE PALMER: Keith. KEITH PALMER: I'm trying to protect you. NICOLE PALMER: The last time you tried to protect me someone died. KEITH PALMER: Nicole, please. NICOLE PALMER: I'm sorry. That was a terrible thing to say. KEITH PALMER: The less you know---- NICOLE PALMER: What's going on? Who were you talking to on the phone? KEITH PALMER: You trust me, don't you? NICOLE PALMER: Trust goes both ways Keith. KEITH PALMER: Carl. NICOLE PALMER: Why? KEITH PALMER: Because I don't want to spend the rest of my life with the regret I've been living with for years. NICOLE PALMER: You didn't kill Gibson intentionally. KEITH PALMER: Yeah but I kept the truth from coming out. Now with Faragamo dead, I can't do that again Nicole. I won't. I need your help. NICOLE PALMER: For what? KEITH PALMER: This Secret Service guy has been dogging me all day. I need you to help me get past him. NICOLE PALMER: He's here to protect us Keith. KEITH PALMER: Everything that has been happening today, everything that's still happening. It's not too late to change the way this all plays out. Now do you trust me or not? [Nicole shakes her head yes] KEITH PALMER: Okay good. [Nicole walks up to the Agent as a distraction for Keith to exit the room] ***FADE OUT*** INT. CTU JACK'S OFFICE JACK BAUER: Victor Drazen had two sons. We know that Alexis Drazen is here. I think we should assume that Andre Drazen is here as well. GEORGE MASON: With at least two other shooters right? JACK BAUER: Potentially a third assuming Ellis is dead. GEORGE MASON: Hear she comes...........Miss Nash, George Mason District Director. This is agent Bauer. ELIZABETH NASH: Mr. Bauer. Senator Palmer told me about you. He said I should do whatever you tell me and I could be sure that I'd be in good hands. JACK BAUER: I appreciate that. I also have to say if you wish to have a lawyer present you're entitled to that but in no way we consider you a suspect. We just want to ask you a few questions. ELIZABETH NASH: I don't need a lawyer. I'll cooperate in anyway I can. JACK BAUER: Okay. GEORGE MASON: Come on in. INT. CTU CONFERENCE ROOM ELIZABETH NASH: Can I have something to drink? JACK BAUER: I'll get you a glass of water. [They all sit down] GEORGE MASON: So. How did Alexis Drazen represent himself to you? ELIZABETH NASH: He told me he ran an import company out of Berlin. He seemed successful. He gave me this on our third date. It must have cost him $10,000 dollars. It's real. Which is more than I can say for him. JACK BAUER: When did you meet him? ELIZABETH NASH: About a month ago. In D.C. I'm with the Senator's Advance team. We had some down time and a few of us went out for drinks. GEORGE MASON: So you met him at a bar? ELIZABETH NASH: When you’re working on a campaign, you basically put your life on hold for a year. There are always people around but it's lonely. JACK BAUER: You’re supposed to meet Mr. Drazen in his hotel room in about an hour? ELIZABETH NASH: That's right. JACK BAUER: Miss Nash. Would you be willing to keep your appointment with Alexis? ELIZABETH NASH: You want me to spy on him? GEORGE MASON: Well only if you feel comfortable. If you have any doubts at all. JACK BAUER: We would keep it simple. We want you to plant a tracking device on him so we can trace his locations. ELIZABETH NASH: It's just the thought of seeing him again. JACK BAUER: We would make it so that we could hear and see everything that took place. You would be safe. [Elizabeth shakes her head no] GEORGE MASON: It's okay. We understand. Jack you want to head on over to the hotel? I'll finish debriefing Miss Nash. JACK BAUER: Yeah. ELIZABETH NASH: Mr. Bauer? You say that this might help protect the Senator? JACK BAUER: Yes I think it would. GEORGE MASON: The Senator is perfectly safe. He's got a team of Secret Service Agents with him around the clock. ELIZABETH NASH: Well that didn't stop Alexis from getting to me did it? And if they got to me, they might have gotten to somebody else.....................I'll do it. If something happened to Senator Palmer that I might have prevented... I could never forgive myself so please. I have to do this. ***FADE OUT*** INT. THE SAFE HOUSE TERI BAUER: He looks familiar too. I think I heard them call him Jenson. [Paulson clicks on the next photo] AGENT PAULSON: Recognize him? TERI BAUER: No. AGENT PAULSON: How about him? [It's Eli. The man who raped Teri. She can't say anything.] AGENT PAULSON: Mrs. Bauer? KIM BAUER: Yeah. I think they called him Eli. AGENT PAULSON: Can you tell me anything about him? KIM BAUER: No. ***CUT TO OTHER SIDE OF THE HOUSE*** [Agent Breeher notices that it's real quiet outside. He gets on his radio] AGENT BREEHER: Daniel's this is Breheer. [Jovan quietly opens the door next to Breheer without him seeing Jovan.] AGENT BREHEER: Daniel's this is Breheer come in. [Jovan has a deadly dart attached to his silenced pistol and he fires it into Breheer's jugular part of his neck. Breheer falls down dead as Jovan enters the house.] 3:37:00......3:37:01......3:37:02...... COMMERCIAL BREAK 3:41:26......3:41:27......3:41:28...... INT. THE SAFE HOUSE AGENT PAULSON: These rooms with the monitors. You say they had your father under surveillance? KIM BAUER: From what I saw. AGENT PAULSON: Even at CTU? KIM BAUER: I don't know. AGENT PAULSON: What about you Mrs. Bauer?...........Mrs. Bauer? It's very important that we get through these questions. KIM BAUER: Agent Paulson I think we need to take a break. My mom is very tired. AGENT PAULSON: Yeah okay. [Paulson walks to the kitchen and pours himself a cup of coffee as he notices that Agent Daniel's is not cutting the grass.] AGENT PAULSON: Ron? [Paulson sees two dead agents outside as he pulls out his gun and grabs Teri and Kim] AGENT PAULSON: Come with me. Shhhhh come on. Let’s go. KIM BAUER: Mom. [They work their way around the house to an empty room] AGENT PAULSON: In here. Lock the door. [Paulson slowly walking down the hallway with his gun out hears two bullet shells hit the ground.] AGENT PAULSON: Come out with your hands where I can see them. JOVAN: Don't shoot I'm coming out. AGENT PAULSON: NOW!!! JOVAN: I'M COMING OUT. AGENT PAULSON: DROP THE GUN. [Jovan throws the gun on the floor] AGENT PAULSON: Get down. DOWN!!! [Jovan gets on the ground with his hands behind his head as Misko Suba; the second backup shooter walks behind Paulson and stabs him in the back.] [Teri and Kim make a run for it to the garage and climb in a car.] TERI BAUER: Hurry get in. [Jovan hears the garage door opening. The car starts as they drive out into the streets. Jovan fires at the car.] TERI BAUER: Get down. [The back window shatters] [Jovan starts running down the street. Misko Suba runs out of the door but Agent Paulson, not dead, fires at least six shots into Misko killing him as Jovan fires two shots into Paulson killing him..........Jovan climbs into his car and drives after them.] ***FADE OUT*** INT. CTU MAIN FLOOR JACK BAUER: We're ready to go gentlemen. I'll fill you in with the rest of the team when we get to the hotel. Don't be nervous. I'll be with you every step of the way. MILO: Jack I got to talk to you. JACK BAUER: Excuse me. [To Milo] What? MILO: They just found Ellis's body in a men's room in the French Quarter. JACK BAUER: Do we have any leads yet? MILO: No not yet. [Nina Myers enters the building] JACK BAUER: Keep me posted. [To Nina] What are you doing here? NINA MYERS: There was no reason to stay. Teri and Kim are doing fine. JACK BAUER: I specifically asked you to stay to make them feel safe. NINA MYERS: They are safe Jack, I settled them in. Paulson and Breheer are taking care of them and the extra security team is in place. ***FADE OUT*** [The car chase continues] TERI BAUER: Hang on Kim. [They lose Jovan for a second as Teri and Kim drive down a side street. Jovan drives right past it. She stops the car] TERI BAUER: You okay honey? KIM BAUER: Yeah. TERI BAUER: I think we lost them. I just want to check stay in the car. [Teri gets out of the car and walks up on a hill not seeing Jovan's car anywhere.] [THE CAR FALLS DOWN A HILL WITH KIM INSIDE AS SHE SCREAMS. TERI RUNS BACK AS THE CAR EXPLODES. TERI STARES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL AND THEN SHE DROPS FACE FIRST ON THE GROUND PASSING OUT.] 3:47:22......3:47:23......3:47:24...... COMMERCIAL BREAK 3:52:11......3:52:12......3:52:13...... EXT. GRIFITH PARK OBSERVATORY KEITH PALMER: He's dead isn't he? Faragamo's dead? CARL: I have no idea. KEITH PALMER: Don't try to blow me off Carl. CARL: The authorities are looking into it. Let them do their jobs. KEITH PALMER: We both know they won't find anything. CARL: I have gone through this your father. KEITH PALMER: My father is his own man and so am I so now you go through it with me. CARL: Okay, okay. What do you need? KEITH PALMER: Faragamo was there for me when nobody else was. I might not be alive today if it wasn't for him. CARL: He also betrayed your confidence Keith. He's the one who went to Maureen Kingsley. KEITH PALMER: That still doesn't justify murder. CARL: What exactly are you trying to do? Bring him back to life? KEITH PALMER: No I want justice. CARL: Justice? Well justice is a tricky thing Keith. Take Lyle Gibson foe example. You want justice for that? KEITH PALMER: Gibson's death was an accident. CARL: Maybe so, but let's be objective. He rapes your sister, you pay him a visit. He ends up dead. Accident could be a tough sell. KEITH PALMER: So If I go public with the truth about Faragamo, You go public with a lie about Lyle Gibson? Is that what you’re saying? CARL: Oh Brother. [He walks away] KEITH PALMER: There's one catch Carl. There are two cover ups and you’re involved in both of them so however it plays out is bad for you. CARL: I can take care of myself. KEITH PALMER: No no, the moneymen behind my father’s campaign take care of you. If things get ugly your the one who takes the fall. Or maybe they'll do to you what you did to Faragamo. CARL: You are in way over your head. KEITH PALMER: And you’re getting nervous. I can smell it. [Carl grabs Keith] CARL: Okay you listen to me. Whatever you think you can do to me or anyone else it'll be a hundred times worse for you. KEITH PALMER: I'm not so sure. CARL: Well I am. Because if you push things too far they will do whatever they have to do. KEITH PALMER: Killing David Palmer's son might get a little messy. CARL: I think they will be a little more subtle than that. KEITH PALMER: I'm not following you. CARL: There is some physical evidence in George Faragamo's office that leads directly to you. Subtle enough so the fire marshals didn't find it the first time around but with a little help. They'll find it. KEITH PALMER: So I'll be framed with Faragamo's murder. CARL: Like I said whatever it takes. That's why your father backed off and that's why you'll back off. [Carl walks away] {Keith pulls out a recorder and presses play] RECORDER: So I'll be framed for Faragamo's murder..........Like I said whatever it takes. That's why your father backed off and that's why you'll back off. [Presses stop] ***FADE OUT*** EXT. SIDE STREET [Teri wakes up] [A car stops next to Teri] TANYA: Hey, You okay?..........What happened?.......What's your name? TERI BAUER: I don't remember. TANYA: You don't even know your name? Well you can't stand in the middle of the road. Come on get in I'll give you a ride. [She gets in the car] TERI BAUER: Thank you. ***CUT TO*** [Kim on the ground] [Kim wakes up. She was not hurt in the blast and starts walking up the hill] KIM BAUER: MOM!...........................MOM! 3:59:57......3:59:58......3:59:59...... 4:00 p.m. To Be Continued Transcript by Daniel Smith. ds825@yahoo.com