WINGLENG Pearson Correlation 1 0,800686345 0,609077003 0,829625299 0,182000093 0,654558664 0,439055263 0,575580699 0,596476 0,390349159 0,512471632 0,400426025 0,26826145 0,651992228 0,742446293 0,719454229 0,508933148
  Sig. (2-tailed) , 2,76214E-21 1,89387E-10 5,40983E-24 0,086008494 2,61085E-12 1,49807E-05 2,94765E-09 5,52E-10 0,000142686 2,42317E-07 9,20584E-05 0,010575591 3,38989E-12 5,53543E-17 1,36907E-15 3,02414E-07
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 18024,2966 5054,54084 1789,809687 10275,01783 712,4255444 4471,469744 3489,272134 2720,955349 3901,146 2188,254818 2918,449764 1812,139813 1709,426771 4187,475716 4013,539219 3655,590951 3094,062253
  Covariance 202,520187 56,79259371 20,1102212 115,4496385 8,004781398 50,24123308 39,20530488 30,57253201 43,83311 24,58713278 32,79157039 20,3611215 19,20704237 47,05028894 45,09594628 41,07405563 34,76474442
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
WINGWIEG Pearson Correlation 0,80068635 1 0,557899131 0,731016738 0,177583686 0,540206165 0,434761583 0,560502133 0,578277 0,302239129 0,418713146 0,414739466 0,21185837 0,618716693 0,664301776 0,684667808 0,369210354
  Sig. (2-tailed) 2,7621E-21 , 1,11296E-08 2,84181E-16 0,094033409 3,90058E-08 1,85353E-05 9,19696E-09 2,39E-09 0,003788588 4,00634E-05 4,82E-05 0,045007256 8,0896E-11 9,46577E-13 1,00025E-13 0,000342181
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 5054,54084 2210,95676 574,18428 3170,94624 243,4624 1292,4752 1210,11816 928,01164 1324,635 593,41196 835,14128 657,36372 472,823248 1391,75464 1257,73412 1218,41516 786,14588
  Covariance 56,7925937 24,84221079 6,451508764 35,62860944 2,735532584 14,52219326 13,59683326 10,42709708 14,88354 6,667550112 9,383609888 7,386109213 5,312620764 15,63769258 14,13184404 13,69005798 8,833099775
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
WCUB Pearson Correlation 0,609077 0,557899131 1 0,513724489 0,106379667 0,387833492 0,243710261 0,326560811 0,399873 0,244590807 0,325125355 0,243651706 0,112958622 0,423359353 0,508814268 0,533686772 0,258140894
  Sig. (2-tailed) 1,8939E-10 1,11296E-08 , 2,239E-07 0,31831128 0,000158836 0,020627246 0,001681895 9,43E-05 0,020159555 0,001767767 0,020658674 0,289127719 3,21789E-05 3,0466E-07 6,08173E-08 0,014029993
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 1789,80969 574,18428 479,08324 1037,30672 67,88953333 431,9399333 315,7663133 251,6839867 426,3806 223,5430133 301,8627733 179,76916 117,3513107 443,2975867 448,4335267 442,0966133 255,85944
  Covariance 20,1102212 6,451508764 5,382957753 11,65513169 0,762803745 4,853257678 3,547936105 2,827909963 4,790794 2,511719251 3,391716554 2,019878202 1,318554052 4,98087176 5,038578951 4,967377678 2,874825169
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
HINDWING Pearson Correlation 0,8296253 0,731016738 0,513724489 1 0,155685712 0,631590317 0,413816028 0,521109823 0,571387 0,319184052 0,593269271 0,472234888 0,293402889 0,674581032 0,731028453 0,700262924 0,4080332
  Sig. (2-tailed) 5,4098E-24 2,84181E-16 2,239E-07 , 0,142847462 2,48021E-11 5,02995E-05 1,39594E-07 4,07E-09 0,0021669 7,19391E-10 2,61354E-06 0,005006636 3,11305E-13 2,83717E-16 1,5762E-14 6,55087E-05
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 10275,0178 3170,94624 1037,30672 8510,26076 418,7539333 2964,691133 2259,775173 1692,726227 2567,862 1229,498773 2321,541853 1468,48578 1284,691619 2977,051027 2715,432547 2444,881573 1704,53562
  Covariance 115,449639 35,62860944 11,65513169 95,62090742 4,705100375 33,31113633 25,39073228 19,01939581 28,85238 13,81459296 26,08473993 16,49984022 14,43473729 33,45001154 30,51047805 27,47057948 19,15208562
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
ANTEN Pearson Correlation 0,18200009 0,177583686 0,106379667 0,155685712 1 0,280519153 0,021951767 0,142763934 0,172082 0,214877091 0,277191979 0,195552867 0,022386883 0,272930991 0,237569474 0,060673233 0,074030667
  Sig. (2-tailed) 0,08600849 0,094033409 0,31831128 0,142847462 , 0,007405519 0,837285856 0,179488186 0,104842 0,04196864 0,008170091 0,064729534 0,83410626 0,009250098 0,024154629 0,5699843 0,488026139
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 712,425544 243,4624 67,88953333 418,7539333 850,1144889 416,1728889 37,88738889 146,5693778 244,4243 261,6039556 342,8250889 192,1954667 30,98099778 380,6907111 278,9090778 66,95162222 97,74386667
  Covariance 8,0047814 2,735532584 0,762803745 4,705100375 9,55184819 4,676099875 0,425700999 1,646846941 2,746341 2,939370287 3,851967291 2,159499625 0,348101099 4,27742372 3,133809863 0,752265418 1,098245693
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
ANTEN2 Pearson Correlation 0,65455866 0,540206165 0,387833492 0,631590317 0,280519153 1 0,250285359 0,385877242 0,489819 0,192409644 0,561041337 0,358431 0,231437945 0,528232576 0,576760808 0,566231683 0,505524251
  Sig. (2-tailed) 2,6108E-12 3,90058E-08 0,000158836 2,48021E-11 0,007405519 , 0,017349071 0,000172545 9,59E-07 0,069238669 8,83886E-09 0,000522683 0,028177009 8,75607E-08 2,68993E-09 6,00875E-09 3,73487E-07
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 4471,46974 1292,4752 431,9399333 2964,691133 416,1728889 2589,077889 753,8665889 691,3655778 1214,166 408,8037556 1210,934489 614,7780667 558,9464378 1285,814911 1181,684678 1090,415422 1164,806267
  Covariance 50,2412331 14,52219326 4,853257678 33,31113633 4,676099875 29,0907628 8,470411111 7,768152559 13,64232 4,593300624 13,60600549 6,907618727 6,280297054 14,44735855 13,27735593 12,25185868 13,08771086
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
FLEG1 Pearson Correlation 0,43905526 0,434761583 0,243710261 0,413816028 0,021951767 0,250285359 1 0,402968164 0,442553 0,229830232 0,298662701 0,197949848 0,189413541 0,31625443 0,355243298 0,337112302 0,097980527
  Sig. (2-tailed) 1,4981E-05 1,85353E-05 0,020627246 5,02995E-05 0,837285856 0,017349071 , 8,22394E-05 1,26E-05 0,029321027 0,004245445 0,061453463 0,073769549 0,002392159 0,000590779 0,00115777 0,358229106
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 3489,27213 1210,11816 315,7663133 2259,775173 37,88738889 753,8665889 3504,071699 839,9303178 1276,207 568,0795156 749,9299689 394,9861867 532,1824958 895,5788511 846,7314478 755,2423822 262,6427467
  Covariance 39,2053049 13,59683326 3,547936105 25,39073228 0,425700999 8,470411111 39,37159212 9,437419301 14,33941 6,382915905 8,426179426 4,438047041 5,979578604 10,06268372 9,513836492 8,485869463 2,951042097
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
FLEG2 Pearson Correlation 0,5755807 0,560502133 0,326560811 0,521109823 0,142763934 0,385877242 0,402968164 1 0,253054 0,252031384 0,385124756 0,252555929 0,361717802 0,386594704 0,448305792 0,527547875 0,267277776
  Sig. (2-tailed) 2,9476E-09 9,19696E-09 0,001681895 1,39594E-07 0,179488186 0,000172545 8,22394E-05 , 0,016109 0,016557994 0,000178104 0,016326503 0,000460064 0,000167395 9,37598E-06 9,16185E-08 0,01087509
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 2720,95535 928,01164 251,6839867 1692,726227 146,5693778 691,3655778 839,9303178 1239,858316 434,0786 370,5579511 575,2288978 299,7670133 604,5315676 651,2123822 635,6143356 703,0288844 426,1750533
  Covariance 30,572532 10,42709708 2,827909963 19,01939581 1,646846941 7,768152559 9,437419301 13,93099231 4,877288 4,163572484 6,463246042 3,368168689 6,792489523 7,316993059 7,141734107 7,899200949 4,788483745
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
FLEG3 Pearson Correlation 0,59647632 0,578277471 0,39987303 0,571386904 0,172082168 0,489819059 0,442552538 0,253053585 1 0,42682996 0,360834377 0,34403944 0,18633847 0,448673289 0,558915887 0,438893349 0,353423887
  Sig. (2-tailed) 5,5197E-10 2,39024E-09 9,43337E-05 4,06837E-09 0,104842377 9,59437E-07 1,25686E-05 0,016109468 , 2,72621E-05 0,000476181 0,000899565 0,07866455 9,20044E-06 1,03325E-08 1,51023E-05 0,000633192
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 3901,14641 1324,63516 426,3806467 2567,861507 244,4243444 1214,166144 1276,207254 434,0786289 2373,23 868,2409378 745,6431244 564,9608533 430,8593069 1045,636696 1096,351059 809,1967711 779,6594133
  Covariance 43,8331058 14,88354112 4,790793783 28,85237648 2,746340949 13,64231623 14,33940735 4,877287965 26,6655 9,755516155 8,378012634 6,347874757 4,841115808 11,74872692 12,31855122 9,092098552 8,760218127
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
MLEG1 Pearson Correlation 0,39034916 0,302239129 0,244590807 0,319184052 0,214877091 0,192409644 0,229830232 0,252031384 0,42683 1 0,38819991 0,285191275 0,146074737 0,461993532 0,341690718 0,307438526 0,23338786
  Sig. (2-tailed) 0,00014269 0,003788588 0,020159555 0,0021669 0,04196864 0,069238669 0,029321027 0,016557994 2,73E-05 , 0,000156383 0,006438517 0,169504769 4,56875E-06 0,000980552 0,003202618 0,026840429
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 2188,25482 593,41196 223,5430133 1229,498773 261,6039556 408,8037556 568,0795156 370,5579511 868,2409 1743,536182 687,5814356 401,4134867 289,5033991 922,8520844 574,4893311 485,8464489 441,2989467
  Covariance 24,5871328 6,667550112 2,511719251 13,81459296 2,939370287 4,593300624 6,382915905 4,163572484 9,755516 19,59029418 7,725634107 4,510263895 3,252847181 10,36912454 6,454936305 5,458948864 4,958415131
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
MLEG2 Pearson Correlation 0,51247163 0,418713146 0,325125355 0,593269271 0,277191979 0,561041337 0,298662701 0,385124756 0,360834 0,38819991 1 0,65736878 0,428691783 0,572516706 0,560632597 0,509017114 0,436538295
  Sig. (2-tailed) 2,4232E-07 4,00634E-05 0,001767767 7,19391E-10 0,008170091 8,83886E-09 0,004245445 0,000178104 0,000476 0,000156383 , 1,95593E-12 2,49232E-05 3,73175E-09 9,10906E-09 3,00837E-07 1,69781E-05
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 2918,44976 835,14128 301,8627733 2321,541853 342,8250889 1210,934489 749,9299689 575,2288978 745,6431 687,5814356 1799,311929 939,9452267 863,1006818 1161,775231 957,5575378 817,1671022 838,5225067
  Covariance 32,7915704 9,383609888 3,391716554 26,08473993 3,851967291 13,60600549 8,426179426 6,463246042 8,378013 7,725634107 20,21698797 10,56118232 9,697760469 13,05365428 10,75907346 9,181652834 9,421601199
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
MLEG3 Pearson Correlation 0,40042603 0,414739466 0,243651706 0,472234888 0,195552867 0,358431 0,197949848 0,252555929 0,344039 0,285191275 0,65736878 1 0,552262314 0,366278777 0,489133936 0,41810737 0,407786981
  Sig. (2-tailed) 9,2058E-05 4,82E-05 0,020658674 2,61354E-06 0,064729534 0,000522683 0,061453463 0,016326503 0,0009 0,006438517 1,95593E-12 , 1,67278E-08 0,000384529 9,98689E-07 4,12149E-05 6,62426E-05
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 1812,13981 657,36372 179,76916 1468,48578 192,1954667 614,7780667 394,9861867 299,7670133 564,9609 401,4134867 939,9452267 1136,26724 883,5857893 590,6534133 663,8979733 533,4003867 622,46186
  Covariance 20,3611215 7,386109213 2,019878202 16,49984022 2,159499625 6,907618727 4,438047041 3,368168689 6,347875 4,510263895 10,56118232 12,76704764 9,927930217 6,636555206 7,45952779 5,993262772 6,993953483
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
MLEG4 Pearson Correlation 0,26826145 0,21185837 0,112958622 0,293402889 0,022386883 0,231437945 0,189413541 0,361717802 0,186338 0,146074737 0,428691783 0,552262314 1 0,235637983 0,348372565 0,28174273 0,255849532
  Sig. (2-tailed) 0,01057559 0,045007256 0,289127719 0,005006636 0,83410626 0,028177009 0,073769549 0,000460064 0,078665 0,169504769 2,49232E-05 1,67278E-08 , 0,02536531 0,000765951 0,007140634 0,01493587
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 1709,42677 472,823248 117,3513107 1284,691619 30,98099778 558,9464378 532,1824958 604,5315676 430,8593 289,5033991 863,1006818 883,5857893 2252,81818 535,0434942 665,7946816 506,1054924 549,9039573
  Covariance 19,2070424 5,312620764 1,318554052 14,43473729 0,348101099 6,280297054 5,979578604 6,792489523 4,841116 3,252847181 9,697760469 9,927930217 25,31256382 6,011724654 7,480839119 5,686578567 6,17869615
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
HLEG1 Pearson Correlation 0,65199223 0,618716693 0,423359353 0,674581032 0,272930991 0,528232576 0,31625443 0,386594704 0,448673 0,461993532 0,572516706 0,366278777 0,235637983 1 0,732224968 0,616263062 0,363375506
  Sig. (2-tailed) 3,3899E-12 8,0896E-11 3,21789E-05 3,11305E-13 0,009250098 8,75607E-08 0,002392159 0,000167395 9,2E-06 4,56875E-06 3,73175E-09 0,000384529 0,02536531 , 2,4E-16 1,00728E-10 0,000431164
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 4187,47572 1391,75464 443,2975867 2977,051027 380,6907111 1285,814911 895,5788511 651,2123822 1045,637 922,8520844 1161,775231 590,6534133 535,0434942 2288,555449 1410,452802 1115,763418 787,1826533
  Covariance 47,0502889 15,63769258 4,98087176 33,45001154 4,27742372 14,44735855 10,06268372 7,316993059 11,74873 10,36912454 13,05365428 6,636555206 6,011724654 25,71410617 15,84778429 12,53666762 8,844748914
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
HLEG2 Pearson Correlation 0,74244629 0,664301776 0,508814268 0,731028453 0,237569474 0,576760808 0,355243298 0,448305792 0,558916 0,341690718 0,560632597 0,489133936 0,348372565 0,732224968 1 0,657598548 0,553458905
  Sig. (2-tailed) 5,5354E-17 9,46577E-13 3,0466E-07 2,83717E-16 0,024154629 2,68993E-09 0,000590779 9,37598E-06 1,03E-08 0,000980552 9,10906E-09 9,98689E-07 0,000765951 2,4E-16 , 1,91003E-12 1,53513E-08
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 4013,53922 1257,73412 448,4335267 2715,432547 278,9090778 1181,684678 846,7314478 635,6143356 1096,351 574,4893311 957,5575378 663,8979733 665,7946816 1410,452802 1621,312046 1002,119264 1009,154893
  Covariance 45,0959463 14,13184404 5,038578951 30,51047805 3,133809863 13,27735593 9,513836492 7,141734107 12,31855 6,454936305 10,75907346 7,45952779 7,480839119 15,84778429 18,21698928 11,25976702 11,33881903
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
HLEG3 Pearson Correlation 0,71945423 0,684667808 0,533686772 0,700262924 0,060673233 0,566231683 0,337112302 0,527547875 0,438893 0,307438526 0,509017114 0,41810737 0,28174273 0,616263062 0,657598548 1 0,471143021
  Sig. (2-tailed) 1,3691E-15 1,00025E-13 6,08173E-08 1,5762E-14 0,5699843 6,00875E-09 0,00115777 9,16185E-08 1,51E-05 0,003202618 3,00837E-07 4,12149E-05 0,007140634 1,00728E-10 1,91003E-12 , 2,77629E-06
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 3655,59095 1218,41516 442,0966133 2444,881573 66,95162222 1090,415422 755,2423822 703,0288844 809,1968 485,8464489 817,1671022 533,4003867 506,1054924 1115,763418 1002,119264 1432,354516 807,4528467
  Covariance 41,0740556 13,69005798 4,967377678 27,47057948 0,752265418 12,25185868 8,485869463 7,899200949 9,092099 5,458948864 9,181652834 5,993262772 5,686578567 12,53666762 11,25976702 16,09387096 9,072503895
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
HLEG4 Pearson Correlation 0,50893315 0,369210354 0,258140894 0,4080332 0,074030667 0,505524251 0,097980527 0,267277776 0,353424 0,23338786 0,436538295 0,407786981 0,255849532 0,363375506 0,553458905 0,471143021 1
  Sig. (2-tailed) 3,0241E-07 0,000342181 0,014029993 6,55087E-05 0,488026139 3,73487E-07 0,358229106 0,01087509 0,000633 0,026840429 1,69781E-05 6,62426E-05 0,01493587 0,000431164 1,53513E-08 2,77629E-06 ,
  Sum of Squares and Cross-products 3094,06225 786,14588 255,85944 1704,53562 97,74386667 1164,806267 262,6427467 426,1750533 779,6594 441,2989467 838,5225067 622,46186 549,9039573 787,1826533 1009,154893 807,4528467 2050,58744
  Covariance 34,7647444 8,833099775 2,874825169 19,15208562 1,098245693 13,08771086 2,951042097 4,788483745 8,760218 4,958415131 9,421601199 6,993953483 6,17869615 8,844748914 11,33881903 9,072503895 23,04030831
  N 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).                                  
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).