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@ wallaby.australia [1Nov04-22Nov04]
My first reservist and first overseas exercise at Wallaby, Australia. Me on my mighty BRONCO!


@ karaoke.time [23Oct04]
Met up with some good friends from my primary school. Woo Hoo!


@ welcome.danny [18Oct04]
Good friend from army back from New Zealand for holidays.


@ beautiful.world [15Oct04]
The world is so beautiful and there are such picturesque locations.


@ new.Tuscani.2005 [09Oct04]
the new aggressive and more stylish
Tuscani 2005 sports car. Cool!!


@ feel.the.SHARK.POWER [06Sep04]
Fantastic pictures of the Tuscani Sports car.
Feel the SHARK Power!


Happy Birthday, CINDY! Great time it was with sharing of those good old times. Cheers!


An unbelieveable gathering with my Primary School pals! Forever Friends!!


@ HI.SENTOSA [03Apr04]
Volleyball, soccer, frisbee and water sports at Palawan Beach, Sentosa!


@ N Y D C [26Mar04]
Dinner with sec sch pals. Had such an enjoyable time at Country Manna, then NYDC.


@ Aaron's Birthday [20Mar04]
Went out to Centro for Aaron's Birthday. Had a great time with my friends around!!


@ Clarke Quay [10Feb04]
This is the Singapore Bungee ... but
no .. I didn't take the ride ;p haha

  @ Breeks! [07Feb04]
Met up with best friend before he leaves for Melbourne RMIT.
  Hong Bao River @ Hong Bao River [20Jan04]
Gong Xi Fa Cai ... Hong Bao Na Lai (Red Packet pls)
  SISPEC @ SISPEC - Echo Section 4 [19Dec03]
Went to Orchard for food and karaoke
  Marina @ M A R I N A - RCSC Gathering [16Dec03]
Gathering of Specialists from Radio Comms Specialist Course at Marina
  Shoel Wedding @ S h o e l W e d d i n g [13Dec03]
Ex-classmate's Wedding at Chevrons after which meeting at Holland V Swensens.
  Leonard Airport @ Leonard Chia at Airport [a u g 0 3]
my "twin" goes to UK
  Danny  Airport @ Danny at Airport [ a u g 0 3 ]
sending off a good pal to New Zealand
  ord at Orchard @ O R D at Orchard [ a u g 0 3 ]
our first meet after ORD
yes! that day finally came!

  tcs @ T C S [ a u g 0 3 ]
not Medicorp, but Trunk Comms Sys
  ostc @ O S T C [ a u g 0 3 ]
photos taken with OSTC
  jurong point @ Jurong Point [ j u l 0 3]
small gathering with my old secondary school friends
  explanade @ Durian Explanade [ j u l 0 3 ]
best friend, Colin Low, and I goes
explore the explanade
... durians anyone?

  chevron @ C h e v r o n [ j u l 0 3 ]
sumptious buffet at Chevron
ooo....smell that steam fish?

  ord @ S e n t o s a [ j u l 0 3 ]
a game of Volleyball at Sentosa
notice the word "ORD" that we form