Neopets  Guild
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Petty Guide
Hi ! I love pets , and i make graphics ,I have photos for pets lovers ! Hey ! I have something to tell you , I have two rabbits ! You may go to to check out ! My username is lover_girl197 ! That's all 'bout me !My bez friend is Elaine and Annabel , so if you are one of them , I am glad i can makefriends with you !
I love running ,playing basketball ,Swimming and intrested in playing the internet... ! If you are really interested to be friends with me , e-mail me at either or !  
I have a elder brother ,Younger brother , Elder sister and myself ! I have a mom ,Dad and at home ! My bez friends are ANNABEL AND ELAINE ,PEGGY AND MORE.....! I hate two friends , they are WANG WEILIN AND SIM ZHENYU!!!! I Don't care posting their names on the web !!!!!!!!!Dum De Dum De Dum ! La Lih La Lih La Lih La !