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Procedural Programming


Class Examples


CSCI114 introduces the procedural approach to program design and implementation. Covers basic language constructs for defining variables of built-in types, flow control constructs and simple I/O. Explores functional decomposition as a design technique, and the implementation of functions. Introduces simple user-defined data types and aggregates.


On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

Subject Organisation

Lectures notes for the following topics
   1	Introduction to computing concepts.
   2	Introduction to computer programming languages.
   3	Writing, editing, compiling and linking programs
   4	Internal representation of data.
   5	Numbering systems
Lectures notes for the following topics
   6  	Introduction to programming in C++
   7	Programming style
Lectures notes for the following topics
   8	Introduction to algorithms
Lectures notes for the following topics
   9	C++ Data Types, operators and expressions
  10	Simple input/output
Lectures notes for the following topics
  11	Control Structures: Selection
Lectures notes for the following topics
  12	Control Structures: Repetition
Lectures notes for the following topics
  13	Modular programming with functions (Passing by Value>
Lectures notes for the following topics
  14  Modular programming with functions (Passing by references
  15  Variable Storage Classes
  16  Recursion, random numbers, and bitwise manipulation
Lectures notes for the following topics
  17	Arrays 
  18	C-strings
Lectures notes for the following topics
  19	User defined data types: enumeration & structures
Lectures notes for the following topics
  20	Input/output formatting and files

Weekly Programs

	        Lectures	       Lab problems
   Week 1 	Topics 1 to 10	Ubuntu Linux and Sequential program with simple I / O
   Week 2 	Topics 11          Selection structures
   Week 3 	Topics 12	       Repetition structures
   Week 4 	Topics 13 to 15	Modular programming I (Function I)
   Week 5 	Topics 13 to 15	Modular programming I (Functions II)
   Week 6 	Topics 16	      Array applications (1D and 2D arrays)
   Week 7 	Topics 17 	      C-strings / recursion / random nos
   Week 8 	Topics 18 to 19	File I/O and structures
   Week 9 	Revision week	

Lab Exercises/Test Development Environment

UOW Lab Manual

Assessment Task And Value

Students should note that failure to perform satisfactorily in all components of assessment may result in a fail grade. Failure to submit a component of assessment is equivalent to receiving 0 marks.

Assessment Items

Assignment 1	5%	6 April 2009 (See **)
Assignment 2	5%	20 April 2009 (See **)
Assignment 3	5%	06 May 2009 (See **)
Term Test	15%	13 May 2009 (In class, closed Book)
Lab Test	10%	18 May 2009 (In class, open book)
Lab works	10%	8 to 10 lab exercises
Examination	50%	To be advised, closed book
**Topics and format for assements:
Assignment 1: Basic concepts in computing (5%)
Assignment 2: Control structures ? selection (5%)
Assignment 3: Control structures ? repetition and Function I (5%)
Term test:  	 Topic 1 to topic 15 (15%)
Lab Test:  	 From topic 1 to topic 17 (10%)

Administration Procedures

No extension of time to complete an assessment task will be granted after submission due date OR model solutions have been published and/or solutions discussed in class. In extreme circumstances an alternative task may be set. Any requests for an extension/alternative task must be accompanied by documentary evidence of the student's ability to complete the task in the alloted time. The granting of such requests is not automatic.

Plagiarism Statement

The University's policy on copying does not allow you to copy software as well as your assessment solutions from another person. Copying of another person's work is unacceptable. It is the responsibility of all students that their assessment solutions are their own work. You must also ensure that others do not obtain access to your solutions for the purpose of copying a part of them. Where such plagiarism is detected, both of the assessments involved will receive no marks.

Learning Resources

The SIM Library has copies of appropriate texts and standards Distributed Learning System Some resources will be made available on the SIM student web portal.

Reference and Text Book

Malik D.S., C++ programming ? Program design including data  structures,  
4th edition, Thomson learning 2008