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SAVE MONEY No Investment!! 

Join Us As We Become The Nation's 4th Largest Long Distance Company!
TEL3 Shares Its Profit With You Very Generously.

This Income Opportunity is:income opportunity, make money, work at home, home based business, MLM, save money, long distance, phone bills, calling cards, employment, jobs, income, part time jobs

    As easy as giving out free $10 calling cards to others!

    As flexible as working from home!

    As lucrative as working a few hours a week but receiving a full time income!

Best of All:
    No Inventory! No investment is required!income opportunity, make money, work at home, home based business, MLM, save money, long distance, phone bills, calling cards, employment, jobs, income, part time jobs

    TEL3 has the most competitive long distance price and other services! Our products sell themselves!

    You don't need to sell! TEL3 does all the selling! Recruiting doesn't get any easier!

    You get huge residual income!

    Easy to build your network because every household uses long distance and everyone wants to get better price.income opportunity, make money, work at home, home based business, MLM, save money, long distance, phone bills, calling cards, employment, jobs, income, part time jobs

income opportunity, make money, work at home, home based business, MLM, save money, long distance, phone bills, calling cards, employment, jobs, income, part time jobs

income opportunity, make money, work at home, home based business, MLM, save money, long distance, phone bills, calling cards, employment, jobs, income, part time jobs

income opportunity, make money, work at home, home based business, MLM, save money, long distance, phone bills, calling cards, employment, jobs, income, part time jobs