Aik Wee - Music

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Note: This website is no longer being updated.
Please visit the new website at 

- 15 Dec 2005 

Dear friends,

Thank you for visiting.  This is a simple site where you can find information about my musical projects and performances.

My music is now hosted at CNET MUSIC. The direct link is to my page is  I'm also very happy to be highlighted as the "Editor's Pick" (for the "New Age" genre, as at 7 June 2004) for my piece Peacock.  It's really great that my music is now available to a worldwide audience, thanks to CNET MUSIC.

A selection of links of open-source software have been added in the Links section.  These are very useful applications that are free, legal and contain no spyware.  Do check them out.

Meanwhile, you have a wonderful day!


Aik Wee
15 October 2005


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page updated 3 June 2005.
copyright ©2001 aik wee