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I hope my Web Page does give you a little joy, fun and some valuable information you may need. On the other hand, if you have any suggestion or idea that you want to share with me. Please send it to me by clicking ==>

WED 27 May 2009

What's gone wrong with some of our leaders?

With a spate of mistakes, blunders or wrong moves made by some of our leaders, the question of "What are the qualities a good leader should possess?" becomes the talk of the town.

Personally, I think a good leader may not be just merely qualified by one's academic performance (the A4 size paper) or IQ. There are so many other aspects to be considered.

For a good leader, you must:
1. Be knowledgeable about the portfolio or mission you in charge. If you're a new appointee or do not have the expertise to handle the problem in hand, you must be opened to accept good suggestions/ideas and be humble to learn from others. As you're the leader, you're expected to judge and make decision, but please do it after careful investigation, consultation and thorough thinking process. Never jump the gun, throw tantrum, pull rank or act on impulse. You may win on the spot, but the aftermath could be dire.
2. Be impartial. Problem arises, hear from all parties. Put aside your personal liking, judgment or biases. Stay cool and analyze. Nothing can be absolutely right or wrong, so be more open to opinions or suggestions that may appear to be unfavorable by your gut feeling. Who knows, the supposedly right can go wrong and vice versa.
3. Be sympathetic and empathetic. Sometimes you may be right on your judgment or decision, do not be too harsh on your action. Everybody does make mistake (including you), provide some leeway for other to change - a second chance in life is always very important.
4. Be courageous to admit mistake and apologize. No one is perfect. If a mistake is done, it cannot be undone and the only useful alleviation is to clarify and then apologize. This would help to reduce damage to a lesser extent.
Of course there are more to it. I would leave it to readers to add on.

FRI 18 Jul 2008

I've moved my BLOG to Xiamen MSN Spaces Live

|Xiamen YAHOO Spaces Live| |Henry's Pertspot| |Lee Khuang Choo's Photos| |Ryan - son of Yeo Meng Chew| |Fascinating Dubai| |Damn Lucky| |Really Lucky| |When you drive, just drive and don't do others please!|

Interesting Video Clips from my BLOG friend - Si Fang Cai?#060;br>