Rules and Regulations
1. No Advertising, Flooding, Repeating, Spamming, vulgarities,
or any of the combinations of the previous mentioned.
2. No Solicitation for any service/s, favour/s or action/s,
be it inclusive of monetary exchange/s, or not.
3. No Perverse Act/s and/or Action/s.
4. No Lame Act/s and/or Action/s.
5. No Suggestive Nicks.
6. No Offensive Language/s and/or Action/s.
7. No Excessive use of script text/s, and/or script action/s,
be it coloured, or not.
8. The above mentioned are strictly prohibited in #CCHS,
either through means of notice/s or message/s or action/s.
9. Offender/s may be kicked or barred from entering the channel,
depending on the gravity of the offence/s,
and the degree of judgment is largely dependent on that
of the channel operator's view solely.
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