Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants O.E.M. equipment supply
The company also specializes in marketing equipment for water purification/treatment wastewater treatment and liquid-solid separation that includes standard equipment for primary and secondary clarification, sludge thickening, ultraviolet disinfecting, Micro-filter and R.O. membrane filtration, mechanical surface aerators, submersible mixers / aerators etc. The company offers cost-effective rebuilds, retrofits and upgrades for any existing biological treatment systems, sell parts and components of the original equipment manufacturers that includes:

Slow Speed Surface Aerators ranging from 1.2 meter up to 4.0 meter diameter.
Submerged Mixers / Aerators for deep tank aeration and mixing more than 4.0 meter depth.
Cascading Aerators for oxygenation and oxidation.
Induced / Forced Draft high speed Aerators mounted on floating pontoon for pond aeration.

Liquid Solid Separation:
Primary and Secondary Clarifier for wastewater treatment
Solids Contact / Reactor Clarifier for water treatment
Screenings and Grit collector equipment
Sludge scraping and dewatering equipment
Rectangular Chain and Flight Clarifier
Flocculation Clarifier
Sludge Thickener

Replacement Drives for:
Peripheral Rim Drive for Clarifier
Central pier mounted Drive for Clarifier
Bridge supported Drive for Clarifier and Thickener
Extreme Duty Mechanical Sludge Mixers

Grit Removal Equipment:
Grit washer Separator
Grit Classifiers
Central Drive Rake Detritor

Mechanical Clean Screen:
Static Screen
Mechanically raked (coarse and fine) bar screens
Rotating Wedge Screen
Step Screen

Step Screen
The simple grits screen / cleaning equipment without any aids (self-cleaning effect according to the counter current principle), easy servicing, its ability to handle very large screenings volumes and its operating reliability.

Sludge Dewatering Equipment:
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
Sludge decanters

Surface Aerator
For aeration and mixing activated sludge, incorporates an open non-clogging impeller. The unique design eliminates rag build up that can result unbalanced operation. To assure a long life of trouble-free operation each aerator is fabricated on a special jig fixture and is dynamically balanced prior to shipment. The aerator can be mounted on a bridge, platform or floats. As it rotates, liquid is drawn up along the blades and then flung outwards in a low trajectory with a minimum loss of energy. Air is drawn in behind the blades and mixes with the liquid in the region of greatest turbulence. The blades disperse the liquid over a large surface area, thus entraining more air. The action coupled with the displacement of the liquid creates a powerful vortex-like motion that causes more liquid to rise from the bottom of the tank, thus creating a continual aeration cycle involving the entire tank volume. It is a reliable machine providing aeration and mixing in numerous applications:
  • Activated sludge tanks and sludge stabilization lagoons.
  • Water ponds, Lagoons and Lakes.
  • Flow equalization basins and buffer tanks.
  • Floating Aerators in variable water level applications.
  • Aeration, mixing and propulsion in oxidation ditches.

Oxidation Ditch Biological Treatment System
The company is capable of turnkey design, construct, install and commissions of oxidation ditch activated sludge treatment system operated in extended aeration mode; is a single stage nitrification biological treatment system. Oxygen is transferred from the atmosphere to the mixed liquor using vertically mounted slow speed aerators to achieve oxidation, nitrification and phosphorous uptake. The aerator is positioned at the turn of the racetrack and is aligned with the center wall between the channels, operating at a speed to assure adequate channel velocities are maintained within the ditch. The slow speed vertical aerator is capable of oxygen transfer efficiency at 2.1 kg O2 input / kWh.

The turnkey project from concept to complete construction and commissioning of the Treatment Plants; includes the operation, renovation and maintenance of the main pumping stations.

The Company employ professional project managers, engineers, superintendents, foremen and key personnel. This ensures that every project is staffed with experienced competent people and is meticulous in allocating experienced and qualified personnel to each of its Contracts.

Submersible Mixer / Aerator
These are self-aspirating submersible mixers / aerators, with motors from 1.1 to 18.5 kW and a specially designed venturi system. It is very a simple and effective system for mixing and aeration of wastewater and other liquids in deep tanks. Application possibilities are mixing / aeration of wastewater, drinking water, fish ponds. Air injection and mixing of chemicals in equalisation tanks.

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
This has significant improvement over the conventional DAF systems. It has special air induction system that uses the multistage Centrifugal pump to pressurize and let the air dissolved into the liquid. It does not use air compressor, pressure dissolve tank, ejector and static mixer that makes the system small in size and competitive in price.

This system is up to 10 times more efficient in producing the right size micro-bubbles for flotation, and is simple to operate and maintain. Solids formed during the coagulation process are removed by the micro bubbles floating the solids to the surface, and are skimmed away by mechanical scrapper. It removes completely both suspended and precipitated matter in raw waste liquids, produces effluents that need no further clarification and the floated sludge need no further dewatering. The resulting clarified effluent is free of suspended solids.

Dissolved air flotation is an excellent treatment solution for water having high levels of algae and other low-density particles that cannot be removed efficiently and effectively with sedimentation. The DAF system is suitable for many applications, including low turbidity (<100 NTU), textile wastewater with high color and TOC, filters backwash applications and includes:

  • Algae Removal
    Ballast Water Treatment
    Chemical processing plants
    De-inking processing
    Food Processing
    Fiber recovery
    Meat Packing
    Oil Refining

  • Paint Manufacturing
    Poultry Plants
    Pulp and Paper
    Rendering plant
    Seafood processing
    Snack Foods
    Tank Truck Cleaning
    Leather Tanning
    Textiles Dyeing

Oil / Water Separator utilizes the DAF technology. May be constructed in either stainless or carbon steel, with or without a skimmer

Inclined Plate Clarifiers are used in settling applications where floor space utilization is critical. These systems are simple, reliable, versatile and custom designed for specific application.

Clarifiers are available in bridge or pier supported designs:

  • Bottom and side feed clarifiers
  • Rapid sludge removal clarifiers
  • Solid contact clarifiers
  • Circular mechanisms for square tank installations
  • Flocculating clarifiers
  • Sludge thickeners

Solid Contact Clarifier
A high-rate treatment plant in a single basin that employs the principle of internal slurry recirculation provides effective clarification in municipal or industrial water and wastewater applications.
  • Constructed in either a steel tank or a concrete basin.
  • A unique rotor-impeller combination has made it possible to control mixing and slurry recirculation to accommodate changes in water characteristics.
  • Sludge scrapers and bottom sumps accommodate unusually heavy amounts of sludge.
High-rate solids contact clarifier combines optimized flocculation, internal and external sludge recirculation, to achieve very high hydraulic loading and treatment efficiencies. It is effective for lime softening of ground or surface waters, tertiary treatment of wastewater, and precipitation of metal hydroxides from waste streams. It can accommodate a wide range of flow rates and solids variations.
  • The space requirement is usually 50% the size of a comparable clarifier.
  • The unit produces a very dense sludge that minimizes sludge handling.
  • Rapid sludge settling and thickening.
  • Minimum Operator attention.

Chemical Dosing Systems
In many wastewater applications, a critical part of the operation is proper chemical dosing. Chemicals must be properly mixed and added to optimize systems performance. Failure to do so could result in excessive chemical costs, as well as failure to attain process goals.

We also supply organic coagulants that are used to remove suspended materials and to condition sludge; polyacrylamides (flocculants) for the sedimentation, flotation and draining of sludge.

Skid Mounted Modular Wastewater Treatment Plants
A skid-mounted Custom Designed Treatment Plant and Modular Process Plants for water, wastewater and other environmental equipment tailored to client's specific needs. This include Food Processing and Fish Canning plants, Abattoir and Slaughter Houses, Rendering Plants, Vegetable Oils Processing, Leather Tanning, Metals polishing, Pulp and Paper, Rubber and Latex Industries, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Landfills, Commercial Laundries facilities etc.

In addition we supply diversifies Engineering materials like stainless steel Pipes, cast iron and uPVC Valves, Pumps, Construction and Electrical Equipment, Electric and Communication Cables, Motors, Transformers, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Power and Highway Lighting installation, etc.

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Company Catalogue

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