Full Name :
ISSA HENTONA š •Σ“y–Όˆκ’ƒ š
Birthday :
Blood type :
Zodiac :
Height :
Hobbies :
When different kinds of hobbies increase it is a hobby.
Recent Favourite Artist :
The thing you want most :
Recent favourite food :
I want to eat wonderful sushi!
The recent happiest thing you have done :
Bought a TV and eat with mom
recent saddest thing :
Watch Pinnochio and fell asleep
Current "Boom" :
Things about motorbikes and various others
Things he recently done on his day off :
Sleeping and generally drinking
A word to the fans who is reading this homepage :
I want to do live!
Full Name :
KEN OKUMOTO š ‰œ–{ Œ’ š
Birthday :
Blood type :
Zodiac :
Height :
Hobbies :
Movies...taking photos? (only when feels like it)
Recent Favourite Artist :
DABO, FIREBALL, YOYO-C, ƒnƒ“ƒhƒŒƒbƒYƒo[ƒY
The thing you want most :
sky diving license, language ability
Recent favourite food :
Soya milk!! Tartar sauce,w—΄Œϋx‚Ζ‚’‚€t‰J
The recent happiest thing you have done :
When opinion is in harmony with everybody
recent saddest thing :
Not remember!!!
Current "Boom" :
Shinobu and sometimes tebichi (his pet dog)
Things he recently done on his day off :
A word to the fans who is reading this homepage :
How are you? ~when said this, you may want to know how DP is doing? but we are also going our way relaxingly relaxingly. For those who are reading this, at times do the best, also at times~ relax~ flying lightly~ how about trying to do so? somehow it sounds like a certain coffee CM. So til now BYE
Full Name :
Birthday :
Blood type :
Zodiac :
Height :
Hobbies :
Watching Dragon Ball on sky perfect & on Disney channel
Recent Favourite Artist :
The thing you want most :
Family computer!
Recent favourite food :
Lunch box of Convenience store
The recent happiest thing you have done :
Adding the Sky Perfect channel
recent saddest thing :
Car get intruded (10 yen punch)
Current "Boom" :
Game Boy advance SP "BOMBAMAN"
Things he recently done on his day off :
When awake fighting against the alarm clock!
A word to the fans who is reading this homepage :
How is everybody? It is the time of various freshness, but will you not pay attention to take care of your body? As summer approaches I think the time to meet you will increase, please look forward to it! by always ƒAƒJƒtƒŠƒ€ƒ“ Shinobu!
Full Name :
Yukinari Tamaki š ‹Κι K–η š
Birthday :
Blood type :
Zodiac :
Height :
Hobbies :
Tropical fish and games
Recent Favourite Artist :
The thing you want most :
The new Mac G5
Recent favourite food :
Okinawa soba
The recent happiest thing you have done :
The tropical fish becomes bigger!
recent saddest thing :
Lost the mobile phone
Current "Boom" :
Feeding the tropical fish
Things he recently done on his day off :
Recording (doing in my home)
A word to the fans who is reading this homepage :
Hello! this is yukiari! Thank you for always reading Funa san's page! Now Funa san and DP is in the middle of recording!

šDa Pump 1996-2001 "Da Best of Da Pump " Special Talkš


They met in Okinawa, and in September they formed Da Pump! The named 'Da Pump' was chosen because 'Da' sounds similar to 'the' and 'Pump' means very lively and active! Before they enter showbiz in November, they never had much rest, almost practice dancing more than 6 hours per day.
Ken: Maybe some others might think that we are too over/exaggerating, but we really practice (dancing) more than 6 hours a day… its true! And when we reach a totally different environment, there's nothing we can do. If we are going to spend out time just talking about what kind of music or dance we are going to do, we might as well make use of the time to improve our skills (in dancing).
Issa: I was very glad that I can come to Tokyo, but I was only 17 then, in such an environment whereby I can't even tell where's the north, south, east, west are, its really tough for me to get used to it. However, I glad I wasn't alone.
Yukinari: Yah! As long as all 4 of us are together, I'll be happy! And especially when we are able to ride the train (the Japanese public transport, MRT), which Okinawa doesn't have, I'm thrilled!
Ken: There are a lot of shops and fast food joints we can't find in Okinawa. I even tried different shops and gave comparisons in which are better. *Smile*
Issa: at that time, after 6hours of dance practice, we even went to the KTV, really got a lotsa energy! *Smile*

On 11th June, they released their 1st single [Feelin] Good -It's PARADISE-], 1st October, they released their 2nd single [Love Is The Final Liberty].

Issa: We started to attend the 'J-POP NIGHT' held in velfarre monthly, and slowly we got to know our way of performing and our dance styles too.
Shinobu: At that time, we were having the feelings, thinking that we are only performing for people who attended this event, but when we attended an event organize by Tower Records, a lot of fans gathered to see us.
Ken: in the past, we used to see fans fainting in foreign artists' concert, but never did we expect the same thing to happen in our concerts. It was only that time, when I feel that I am a performer.
Yukinari: That was the 1st time when I feel that I really entered showbiz.
Ken: Hm! And, that year was the 1st time when we met Mr. Akio Tagashi, what we have today all begins with that. This is very important. And I think it' all because of Mr. Akio Tagashi, because we had work with him that keep us going, maintain our foundation.
Issa: At that time, no matter whether its [Feelin'~] or [Love is~], we had put in our heart and souls to sing, we didn't make use of any props or image, we only sing the most original, true version.
Shinobu: The beginning of the song [Love is~] was actually drum rolls, but during our concerts, it begins with 'DO I DO'. When we 1st released this single, we had wanted it to start with that too. Hence, this song let me realized that with different beats and style, the feel of a song can actually be so wide.
Ken: I only feel that the rhythm is so fast that it easily wins our confidence in our dancing, this can be consider our 1st time when we really hit the wall. ---(Should be met with some difficulties)
Yukinari: we attended a lot of big functions/events in summer, and at the same time, we also participated in TV shows. We even shoot a commercial using [Love is~], can be consider the most exciting and challenging year for trying out new things.

18th February, [Stay Together] was released/ 22nd April, [Gokigendaze! ~Nothing But Something~] was released/ 24th June [Rhapsody in Blue]/ 23rd July, they released their 1st album [EXPRESSION]/ 21st October [Around the World]/ then they held their 1st concert [EXPRESSION], including 12 places but 13 performances. They were awarded the 31st anniversary of Japan Music Award (not sure of name), and they were also invited to perform in NHK Red-White Contest.

Issa: This year, we released a lot of singles, and at the same time, we let more people know about our styles. We even held our 1st concert; really feel that we are getting close to what we wanted to do.
Ken: In the past, we did ask for BETCHIN' harmony, we did try using our own voices during concerts, in this period, we rediscover our own voices and this makes us more confident.
Shinobu: I didn't expect [Stay~] to be out last song for o\the concert, and never did I expect that we had to sing without music. Whenever we went for a TV show, we would always practice before recording, it was really nervous.
Issa: However, we managed to remix the funky feel for m.c.A.T's [Gokigendaze~]. It not just suits our ages, but also a good time to let people understand that Da Pump does exist.
Yukinari: [Gokigendaze~] is our opening song for expression and [Stay~] is our ending song for the concert, I was really surprise by the arrangement and this left me a very deep impression.
Ken: [Rhapsody~] is fantastic and is a very (straight-forward) lively song. At 1st, I was still worried that this song might not suit us, as it was far too straight and lively, hence, I wasn't having much confident.
Issa: We even keep playing the song at the beach. And after that, we released a completely different style of music, [Around~]. From here, the meaning of the lyrics are said to be manlier. It must be due to our thinking that we are able to express what we think and wished for, and at the same time, we treasured what we have.
Ken: Along the year, as we had tried many different styles of music, I came to know that by composing, the good or bad of a song can be manipulated. This allows every song to have a good turn.
Shinobu: When we were invited to perform in the Red-White Contest, it makes me feel that we finally had something to account to out parents.
Ken: I feel the same for Okinawa as well. There's this 'From Okinawa! We did it!' feeling.
Yukinari: Yes, Yes, Yes! That performance is a good end for that year, it's also a way to say thanks to all our staff.

10th March, [Joyful] was released/ 9th June [Crazy Beat Goes On!]/ 28th July, the 2nd album [Higher and Higher!] was released/ 20th October [We can't stop the music!]

Issa: from the 1st album, the song [Crazy Rain] is the 1st time we write the lyrics together with m.c.A.T, but after that the hope of putting my own thinking into every song got stronger. Hence, every song does have my own style, and also strengthen the thought of what I'm trying to express.
Ken: For [Cray Beat~], Mr. Akio Tagashi ask me what do I think of the rhythm, although I said 'Fantastic', but to me it was actually a piece of music without a dance rhythm. I was quite bothered by this for quite a long time, can say that I went through a hard time; hence I really had a deep impression of this song. *Smile*
Yukinari: From the trial singing to the improving state now, I was really touched to the extend that it was something that can't be imagined. This song also makes me feel that composing is really interesting!
Issa: The shooting of this music video took place in a futuristic scene; this allows us to challenge a new world.
: We added in POP ROCK dance steps for [We can't~], as it is not as fanciful as ROCK DANCE, it was tough throughout, but through this style of expressing, we created a smooth dance steps in pop music.
Shinobu: I was glad that everybody felt that raising our hands while singing was a manly act.
Issa: Taking part in the movie [DREAMMAKER] makes this whole year very busy. It was really tire when we 1st start acting. While recording, we still have to act, and at the same time, we have to find time to rehearse out concert, there was 1 time where we are worried that our health can't take it. But throughout the filming, we are able to study our role, and experienced what we never had in real life, we even speak certain lines, which we would never say in real life. To something similar and different to myself, I feel that this is a brand new way to observe myself, a very nice experience. Acting may be tough, but it's a totally different taste, so if I have the chance, I would like to give it a try again.
Ken: Besides this, we still have big events like releasing our album and our concert. And releasing so many singles, this is a very fruitful year. (This line I'm not very sure)

9th February released [I Wonder…]/ 17th May {Com On! Be My Girl!]/ 19th July 3rd album [BEAT BALL]/ 27the September [If…]

Issa: Straight away after New Year, we continued our [Higher and Higher] concert, and also our 1st Okinawa concert performance, and 2 weeks later, we still had to prepare for [DA PUMP LIVE 2000]!
Ken: From the beginning of this concept, all of us participated in it whole-heartedly; it feels as though from the design of to the arrangement of the songs all came from ourselves.
Issa: Because in [Higher and Higher] concert, we already felt tired about it halfway through, hence, even much thinking doesn't help at all.
Yukinari: Because the contents of the concert will become our habit, that's why in [LIVE 2000], there was quite a long time I almost made mistakes.
Issa: When the concert ended, [I Wonder] was released, I felt very relaxed when I sang this song! I had wanted to express a gentle atmosphere. And because of this song, I had Yukinari to sing with me; hence I felt I had a totally new move to our music.
Ken: This song had quite a westernized feel; we felt a bit surprise when we 1st sing it. However, the final product of this song does come out solid enough. On the other hand, [Com'om~'] feels lively and active.
Shinobu: The most happy thing about this song is that, by just listening to the rhythm and beat, you would already had the energy to sing it.
Ken: Looking at a different angle, it feels that we are back at the beginning. This is just like, "I can't forget the feel of the past", and it keeps us dancing non-stop. *Smile*
Yukinari: Ever since [I Wonder…], there's a total change of 180-degree turn. We added in the upper feel of New Jack Swing, which makes me feel very comfortable.
Ken: We purposely used pure HIP-POP dance steps, which nobody had used before, and after that, we even released a completely westernized style, [If…], that was really a very exciting year.
Issa: Yeah! The success of [BEAT BALL] concert and the hope of our future add more confidence in us. Really hope that more people get to see that concert, and also hope that we are able to hold the concert in different places.
Ken: At night, we would go to the club or live house near our concert performing area to interact and practice with the dancers and band. As we always wish that we were able to put up the rehearsing onto stage, hence we came up with and idea and to what we expected, it was perfect! Really hope to held that concert for a few more times, because when it ended, we were disappointed.
Issa: What we meant wasn't just adding more shows but really hoped that more people are able to see the beat and quality of that concert.

Conclusion of the 5 years

Shinobu: This [Da Best~] album had expressed our style, allows others to see our growth in music, and also the combination of our concert and other factors. It feels that after releasing 3 albums, it's quite a lot, but on the other hand, it feels that it isn't enough. Coming up, we hope to add in our own music, music that we composed, and there are still a lot of things we would like to take up and try.
Ken: The happiest things are that as more and more concerts are coming up, the things that we control and can be done are expanding. At the same time, we the bond between us and the band and dancers who had accompany us throughout are getting stronger. Things are working out between every one of us easily. I hope to bring this bond up onto the stage. From now on, I hope to bring up the harmony band and Da Pump's dance steps.
Yukinari: Thinking back, the most shocking thing to me is Mr. Akio Tagashi imagination. I think its because he don't wanna lose out to his expectations of us, that's why he kept working so hard. Now on, we hope to work with our own determination and the support of our company and working crew.
Issa: this 5 years… frankly speaking, I was living under. (Don't understand that) Every time, all I did is something I felt interesting. But looking back, I came to realize that I really had done quite a lot of new things. At 1st, it only looks as though we are only 4 friends grouping together, but from working while dancing to now, 5 years just passed. Hopefully after much hard work, it'll be 10 years, and we do try more new things, and do what we are satisfied with. Even when it doesn't look so perfect in other people's eyes, as long as we find it interesting, we hope to do it forever, creating the world with our own hands. I think this is what performing is!

[Some information not so accurate, coz Da Gwen doesn't understand the taiwanese chinese, n some she can't find the english word to replace]
-[But thanks for taking the time to translate my good friend!!]-