I call myself Matsuki Yume.魔月夢
Literally translated, I am Diabolic Moon Dream.
Yet, what's in a name?
Maybe everything.

The solitary Moon revolve alone, and the distant stars look down,
murmuring among themselves.
A part of the heavenly lights, yet apart.
Illuminated by love from the Sun, this needy child.
Abandoned again and yet again, by this fickle guardian.
Ardor and abhorrence intertwined within the soul.
Then begun the dreams.

I am a sort of a goth living in Singapore, it's hard to find the likes of me here.
Music is the very core of my being, nourishing my endless hunger.
Melodies that resonate in my heart, voices that sing to my soul.
I love Malice Mizer's music, their lyrics, Gackt's voice, and Klaha's voice.

What you see is an illusion of your mind -- it guides you.
If you cut this thread ・the exit for the labyrinth will be there.
And as you let go of time ・that is when destiny's voice will lead you.
-- Malice Mizer [鏡の舞踏 幻惑の夜]

Books are the creators of my dreams, my true life.
Speak to me about the ironies of life, the contradictions of being human.
Tell me the tales of lovely beings; loved, deserted, wasted, tortured.
I love Anne Rice's vampire chronicles; Lestat, Louis, Armand, Marius・

We have souls, you and I. We want to know things;
we share the same earth, rich and verdant and fraught with perils.
We don't ・either of us ・know what it means to die,
no matter what we might say to the contrary.・
-- Anne Rice [Lestat, Memnoch the Devil]

Thriving on these, I circle this Earth in darkness, searching for illumination.
Cloaked in silence, I persevere.
Envisaging the distant radiance.