Messages Via Louise Tomkiel
2003 Year

May: 1, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15-1st, 15-2nd 16, 17, 20, 21,  23, 27


April: 1, 7, 8, 9-1st , 9-2nd , 11, 13, 14, 15-1st , 15-2nd , 16-1st , 16-2nd , 18-1st , 18-2nd , 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 29

March: 1-1st , 1-2nd , 2, 4, 5-1st , 5-2nd , 6, 8, 9-1st , 9-2nd , 12, 15, 16, 17, 18-1st , 18-2nd , 20-1st , 20-2nd , 21, 24, 25, 27-1st , 27-2nd , 31-1st , 31-2nd 

February: 1, 4, 7-1st , 7-2nd , 7-3rd , 9, 10, 12-1st , 12-2nd , 14, 19, 22, 22-P, 23, 25, 26

January: 04, 08, 11, 17, 20, 21-1st , 21-2nd , 22-1st , 22-2nd , 30-1st , 30-2nd
The messages on this site may or may not be approved by the Catholic Church. We only post these messages for the interest of others and for the continued growth in our faith. As always, use discernment thru the Holy Spirit when reading any messages.


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 27, 2003- (9:30 a.m.)

    Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

    Then Jesus said, " 'As the Father has sent Me, so now I send you.'  Everyone must follow Me.  Every one must suffer.  The Cross  is your Redemption, your Salvation.

    Carry your cross behind Me as a true loving Christian.  Offer all your pain, with Mine, to Our Father for the Salvation of non-believers, lukewarm souls and for the doubting, fearful souls.

    The Father's desire and Mine is for all mankind to return to Heaven.  However, far too many of our children are being lost every second.  Either they openly reject Me and follow Satan or they choose no god and follow an atheistic  path of void.  Both lead to eternal doom.

    Hell is filling at a very rapid rate!  Those returning to Me are few.  Carry your cross gently, as if it were a costly piece of rare porcelain for it is much more precious than costly diamonds or gold.  It is your ticket to Heaven and when offered to Our Father for His intention: the Salvation of all mankind; will assist poor, weak souls to return to Us and remain with Us forever.

    'Come, follow Me!  Take up YOUR cross each day and follow Me!  My sheep hear My Voice and follow closely----their Shepherd, their Lord and Master, Jesus.'

    I love you!  I give you much strength, My Love and Mercy and Graces to sustain you, on your earthly journey.  Blessings on you, My loving remnant, from the Father, Me---your Jesus, the Son and Our Holy Spirit."

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 23, 2003- (6:00 a.m.)

    Louise began to receive a message from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

    *Note: (Louise Starr Tomkiel) I see clearly, the outline of a country.

    Then Our Lord speaks....."France, Oh, My children of France, you have been blessed with more visits from Heaven than any other country on earth. (so many sites not number of visits) Yet, you have turned from Me and no longer believe. Your shrine at Lourdes claims more miracles than any other site on earth. Heaven has received many Saints from your country.

    Today you wallow in the stench of sin. You have left your God and My mother. Your sins are scarlet, your hearts; like stone.

    In a very short time, if you do not change your ways, I will flatten your hills mountains and lay barren your cities. Your borders I will close and your land will be worthless.

    Your shrine will be safe shelters for My remnant, faithful people. There, Our presence will be felt. Mercy and Love or annihilation? Choose quickly My children, choose quickly!"

End of message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J

May 21, 2003 -- 4:00 AM

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then God said, "Do you see the dark and vicious clouds that appear across the sky? Look at the snow that falls out of season. See rain that falls not just vertically but horizontally. Witness the strength of the winds that uproot trees and toss about buildings and large vehicles as if they were toys. See lightening in patterns and streaks never witnessed before. Watch as the power of Mother Nature destroys. See too, the pull of the planets, sun and moon, as the mighty oceans toss and turn defying gravity as they roar inland.

Now too, you see wars and constantly hear rumors of wars. Today there are no true seasons. Constantly, you hear of killings, abortions, murders.

Torment and torture is all around you. People and animals suffer and die of so many diseases and strains of the same diseases. There is hunger in a world that destroys their abundant food supplies. Homelessness and nakedness abounds.

There are false prophets and men, who claim to be Me living on earth today; cults and their teachers who preach lies about Me who worship false gods; occults who worship Satan and blaspheme Me; the New World Order founded on falsehoods and lies leading so many astray.

Signs in the sky. Signs on the earth. Signs I speak of in Scripture. Signs to alert you of the times in which you live. You ignore these signs, the warnings. You ignore Me and My Word. You refuse to accept all I am telling you, all I am showing you.

Indeed the day is upon you when all eyes will be opened and fear of the Lord will consume all hearts, all people, all creation. The Great Day of Wrath and Judgment will come as I have described through St. John in Revelations. It all has begun and will hourly worsen until all is fulfilled.

There will be many suicides during this time. The sins of man are worse today than at any time since creation. 'Thou shalt not put false gods before Me' yet, false gods consume the hearts of the greater majority of mankind, be it self pride, love of money, material things, position, desire to rule, your ego. Your minds, your hearts are dwelling places for Satan and sin.

There is little true faith anywhere and little humility. Obedience to Me is nearly obsolete. There is no justice and there is very little love.

Gentleness and compassion are things of the past. Purity and virginity are gone. Chastity is obsolete. You live in a Godless culture where all laws are mocked. Man clones animals and he desires to clone man. Man uses body parts as if they were building blocks. Man respects no life not even his own. He does not believe in sin, eternity, Heaven, Hell or God.

The world, as you know it, will be destroyed by man's self destruction and by My Justice. Nothing of sin will remain. No memory of evil will remain, I will create a New Heaven and a New Earth where all will be pure and magnificent and My remnant will enjoy a life in God while living for God and one another through an Era of Peace.

Then I will return and establish My Kingdom that will be forever.

Peace, joy, happiness and eternal love, with no illness, no suffering, no tears, in Paradise prepared for those souls who hold out to the last and whose souls are made clean by the Blood of The Lamb.

God, your God, has spoken."

End of message



Message to Louise Tomkiel- May 20, 2003 1:25 p.m

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J

May 20, 2003 -- 1:25 PM

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Change comes through need or through desire. One word, one action, one statement can have a great impact on the entire world. One life, Mine (Jesus) changed the entire world forever.

To change is a decision put into action. It can cause good or bad results. You can change the world. Your words, your actions have great impact. I use My messengers to assist Me in changing hearts. My desire is to bring all souls back to Me.

The impact of evil is powerful and those who continue to follow him (Satan) till death, will be lost forever. You, My children, My followers, My remnant, are to show love, do good, reflect Me. Actions speak louder than words. By your love they will know you as the Christians of these end times for you will be consumed with My love for all mankind.

As I desire, so you will desire. You will work ceaselessly to bring lost souls back to My vineyard. Your efforts will be greatly rewarded. You will be known for the fruits that you reap.

Harvest time is nearing. I will separate the chaff from the wheat.

Help Me as this time approaches, so that I might have an abundant harvest."

End of message




Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 17, 2003 -- 10:40 AM
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,
"Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Dear ones, My priest sons, shepherds and sheep of My
flock, you know the first and second commandments yet you have no love and
you show no love, you teach no love and without love, IN PRACTICE, you are
noisy gongs. (1st Cor. 13)
       You speak of love but you do not reach out to your needy flock.  You
allow people to leave the church and you do NOT search for My lost sheep.
They have the TRUE Bread of Life in My Church but their hearts are empty,
cold and fearful and aloneness consumes them.  There are so many needy among
you but you neglect them, ignore them causing more pain and hurt.  You have
NO compassion for My poor, needy sheep.
       Many of My pastors are filled with false pride and call the church
they pastor; theirs.  The building IS NOT MY CHURCH- - THE PEOPLE ARE MY CHURCH.  It is how you minister to souls that will save you NOT how you tend a structure!
       When I was among you, I mixed with and taught and healed men, women
and children of EVERY race, nationality and creed.  Why do you, My priest
sons, not follow your Master, your Great Shepherd?  Why do you judge and show favoritism?  You are overly materialistic.  You have big cars, you vacation
and travel, you go into the world dressed in ordinary clothes, even shorts
and sport shirts.  You do NOT follow in My footsteps.  Far too many of you DO
NOT reflect Me.
       My dear little sheep wonder about helplessly, searching for true love
in a world dark and empty and very cold.  No one responds to the needs of
your World-Wide or next door neighbor brothers and sisters.  Your hearts are
cold and totally unconcerned.  You are self-centered and judgmental.  Your
pride and arrogance will be your downfall.  Priests, yes My sons, priests too
go to Hell.
       My sheep search and find a helping hand and a loving heart outside of
My Church; a church founded by Love for love.  Teach the Sacraments!  Do your chosen duty as My priest to My people.  Teach love, not as a word, as a duty to serve God and one
another.  Practice charity for charity IS love.  Assist
the cripple, the poor, the sick, the lame, the brokenhearted, the widow (er),
the elderly for in so doing, you are feeding Me, clothing Me, visiting Me,
comforting Me, assisting Me.  In aiding one another, you are doing all FOR ME
and TO ME!
       Come, follow Me!  Answer My call!  Obey My every word!  By doing so,
you will find great peace, joy, happiness but above all, you are saving souls
and preparing a glorious place in Heaven for your eternal life.
       Dear ones, trust in Me.  Take and live the vows of true poverty,
chastity, celibacy and obedience to the Word of God.  Lead My people.  Feed
their minds and hearts daily.  Teach as I taught.  Comfort your flock.  Visit
them and talk with them.  Assist them.
       Your churches are no longer brimming with people.  They ( people)  feel empty.
Many find comfort in other houses of prayer and worship for they find comfort
and love among these other Christians.  But, they do NOT have the True Bread
of Life.  My children need My Food AND earthly brotherly love, compassion,
assistance that comes from another human being.
       Change your lives today- -NOW!  Live your faith!  Live God's
Commandments!  Search for My lost sheep!  Pray that your lives will turn
around!  Pray that you will live the Christian faith and reflect My Light in
a world torn, wallowing in sin!  Be a leader without fear for fear is NOT of
Me!  Be strong warriors leading My Army to Truth, Love, Mercy- -to the Light
of Christ which is Me, your Jesus.  Keep My children in that Light (Jesus) by
example not empty words.
       You (priest) have freely taken vows.  LIVE THEM!  PROTECT THEM!  You are My voice in the world today.  If you do not live your freewill vows made
to Me, if you lead My children astray, you will be condemned forever.  Think
of it dear sons- -forever without your God.
       I speak to you in this manner to awaken you to your great
responsibility, your daily duty and to remind you of your limited time on
earth compared to eternity in Heaven or Hell.  I speak in love to all My
sons, shepherds, and to all My sheep, everywhere.  I bless each of you in the
Name of the One Triune God."

*Note: Jesus' voice is very sad and concerned. He always refers to His Church as His Bride.

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 16, 2003 -- 10:20 AM
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,
"Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "You, chosen of My Heart, faithful, loving, obedient
remnant; you who gave to Me your fiat: from this day forward you will do only

My Will to assist all those in need.
       You are My eyes!  You see the needs of others and respond.  You see
the state of your country, your world and all life and you act.
       You are My ears!  You hear the cry of the poor and you pray. You hear
praise but you also, hear much hate and you respond with love, with prayer,
with patience.
       You are My hands!  You reach out to all in need--human, animal and
vegetation.  You lend a hand.  You respond.  You assist.  You lay on hands
and Mine (Jesus) touch and heal to bring peace and mercy and strength.
       You are My feet!  You walk bravely to assist.  You walk in My army as
a soldier of your Jesus, your God, to fight for Truth, for Love, for Justice.

 You walk to the enemy and face him with My strength.
       You are My Heart!  You love one and all.  You forgive and do not
judge.  You pray for love and peace to consume the hearts of all mankind.
You have become My reflection on earth.
       You no longer are N._____(your name) but God in you.  You can now
assist many souls through prayers, healing, miracles, words, touching,
loving, for IT IS I THROUGH YOU performing these acts.
       You are My humble remnant who have responded to My call.  You belong
entirely to Me and I live in you.  Each of you has a specific job to perform
which makes up My Body on earth.  Continue taking Me, My Body and Heart, to
every corner of the earth.  Spread My love, mercy, strength to all.
       Thank you, My special, chosen, loving, faithful children for
responding to My call.  You are greatly blessed, for as you follow Me, many
will follow you for they see Me in you.  The love I have for you will never
cease.  Continue in humble prayer and listen to and follow your Master's
End of message


2nd Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 15, 2003 -- 7:35 PM
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,
"Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Today, the middle of May, the middle of Spring, the air is
crisp, the days cool and damp, the nights; chilly.  The seasons are changing
all over the world.  No one knows the seasons.
       South of you, is unbearably hot while West of you has snow.  The sun
in your area and other areas, is obscured by a heavy canopy of clouds.
Winds, rain, tornadoes, snow, hail, drought, heat, cold, clouds, sun--from
city to city, town to town, street to street, change is apparent.
       All is changing.  All will continue to change.  The present will be
washed away--cleansed.  Nothing of the old will remain for it is contaminated
by sin and evil.
       Watch and be aware of the daily changes.  I will destroy. Man will
destroy.  Sin and evil will loose its luster, its hold  Evil men, evil
pleasures, evil practices will all be destroyed.  Impurity, indecency,
immodesty, immorality, all imperfections must be destroyed,  for you must be
perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect (and I am perfect.)
       You can become perfect only when you become humble and surrender your
entire will to the Father.  You must live daily...'Thy Will be done...'  All
hearts must change.  You must live in and for the Father only.  All men, all
the earth, will be cleansed, purged, purified.  It has begun.  It will
worsen.  Cling to Me and I will make you brave soldiers of the end times."
End of message


Urgent: Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 15, 2003 -- 3:30 PM
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,
"Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "My dearest children, you are now living the final hours of
My Divine Mercy.  Soon, I will expose to you, one and all, the exact state of

your immortal souls.  This is the hour, the minute, when YOU decide the
eternal fate of your soul.  The exact number of those who will choose to
remain with Me forever IS VERY SMALL.
       Now, after this warning takes place the full Wrath of God will be felt

everywhere.  The good and the bad will suffer as the 'Just Arm of God' falls.

Sin is out of all proportion.  Punishment must come to earth and all
mankind.  God's wrath is unfathomable.
       Man will not live love.  Man will not accept mercy.  Atheistic minds
and hearts control your world, My Church, all business and industry, every
phase of life.  So, My children, the punishment will fit the crime.
       During this time I will set a permanent sign, for ALL the world to
see, in the heavens.  Cameras will capture it.  No one will not see it.
People will be in awe of it.  To many, it will give great strength.  Many
will curse it for they will know it is from God and NO ONE- -NO ONE- -can
destroy it.  It is My gift to give you strength.  Remain always at the foot
of My Cross.
       From this day onward, you will see and hear of false prophets, and men

who will claim to be Me.  Signs will multiply, for all will be done as I have

told you even while I was among you.  This is not the end but a sign of the
times.  Watch as all My signs materialize.
       This is the hour for great preparations.  Very soon now, the Hour of
Mercy will give way to the Hour of Judgment.  The great war is building in
momentum.  Leaders tell you that all is fine.  It is only the quiet before
the storm.
       The hour of preparation is upon you and the minutes are quickly
ticking away.  Beware, for one day very, very soon the world will be at war
and many will suffer and die due to illnesses, plagues, starvation and at the

hands of evil men.  The earth will shake and fear will consume ALL life.
Chemicals, bombs, insects, diseases will cover the earth and cause vast and
complete destruction.
       Prepare your souls!  Prepare your homes!  The hour of purging is near.

All must take place before the Era of Peace can come to earth.  I warn you
out of love.  Accept My Love or forever wallow in fire and brimstone.  You
make your freewill choice and it will be granted to you."

End of message


URGENT: Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 13, 2003- (3:55 p.m.)
     Louise began to receive a message from Father God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

     * Note from Louise: A few minutes ago, I saw, as from an airplane, the USA and each state.  It looked like a map,  for each state was outlined.

     Then Father God said, "What you saw My child, is what men view on computer screens.  They know the exact location of cities, government buildings, chemical plants, manufacturing sites, refineries, testing areas, farms, churches, universities, T.V. and radio stations, etc. They know the mileage  to each site from their present location.  They watch your every action, even  the times of your entry and your leaving.  Nothing is secret or hidden from  these men, these people.  The electronic eyes of technology are everywhere.   All is public knowledge.

       One day very soon, men of evil, men of power, will aim around the  world from their seats, where great walls of data are readily available.   They have control and they desire to destroy.  These men have great power  from Satan, their god of hate.  THIS IS REALITY AND IT WILL HAPPEN--SOON!!!

       You must be totally prepared in each and every way I have instructed  you.  You must pray and pray and PRAY!  Those who follow Me, I will assist.   You who follow false gods will be cast into Hell.  The days, the hours, the  minutes are counted.  Very, very few are prepared.  The greater number of  souls WILL BE LOST--ETERNALLY!!! My remnant is quite small.

       The signs are all around you.  Look!  Open your eyes.  Listen!  So  many lies in the news; so much truth withheld.  Even My Church, refuses to  tell and teach My children of the great signs of the times.  To withhold the  truth is the same as a lie!  Teach!  Obey!  This is following Me!!!  Live  Love!

       Fear will encompass the hearts and minds of all those who are not of Me.  Even in the greatest tempest--I WILL GIVE PEACE FOR I AM PEACE!!!  I AM  STRENGTH!  I AM LOVE!!!  I live in the hearts of My remnant people.  I am  absent from the hearts of all evil men.

       The world is on the brink of a very great disaster.  Are you prepared?

       This sinful era is about to pass away.  Pray and be confident that I AM  GOD!!!  I will NEVER pass away!  Neither will Hell, for both are eternal!!!"

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 12, 2003- (10:40 p.m.)
     Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

     Then Jesus said, "Dear children, how often do you use prayer?  In what  circumstances do you turn to prayer?  Do you realize the power of prayer?  Do  you understand the need for prayer?

       To know Me you must pray!  Communication with Me is through prayer.   Prayer is your weapon against evil.  Prayer is your strength in times of  temptation, in illness, in fear.  You should pray in petition, thanksgiving,  praise and adoration.  You can pray in silence listening to Me; in meditation  on My life or the lives of My many saints.

       Prayer must come from the heart not just from the lips.  Prayer should  be sincere.  You must trust in Me--have faith.  This type of prayer will  bring you peace and strength to carry on.

       Our hearts are united through prayer.  Miracles are granted through  prayer.  Unbelievable wonders are witnessed through prayer.  Illness,  suffering, pain, hurts offered to Me become powerful prayers.  Patience is a  result of on-going prayer.  Never give up.

       I hear you!  I am with you!  Pray constantly.  Never cease praying.   Offer your day and all you do as a prayer.  Prayer will fill you with My  Mercy and Love.  Prayer unites us.  Become a prayerful person and live the  peace and joy as you become more like Me."

End of message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 7, 2003- (1:10 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Our God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then our God said, "My love for you is enormous and My patience is long-lasting. Since I came into the world, I've waited 2000 years for the return of My people everywhere. Because of your constant rejection, My patience has worn thin. I knew that this would be. And I knew that the day would come when the Great Arm of God would fall and His Great Chastisement or cleansing would begin.

Now that hour is upon you. The punishment of the human race has begun. Many are fearful but still they do not turn to Me. More is to come.

Relentless storms will destroy much. Nature will play havoc around the world. Earthquakes will increase in magnitude. Snow and freezing weather will come unexpectedly. Hail and sleet storms will also come to various
areas. You will not know the seasons.

During this time great heat waves will be in various parts of the countries. Droughts, so severe, will cause the earth to dry and crack until vegetation will die, people and animals will be forced to move elsewhere.

Floods and droughts, earthquakes and volcanoes, winds and snow, extreme heat and cold; weather as has never been witnessed before will befall all mankind. You will feel the mighty wrath of God yet few will understand or return to me. The earth will be cleansed and all sin will be washed away. All will be purified.

Some parts of the earth will be infested by various insects, some of which will destroy all crops while others will plague people causing various maladies.

The face of the earth will be greatly changed. Boundaries, as you know them, will be know more. Some rivers will dry while others will widen. Mountains will fall while volcanic eruptions will form new mountains and new islands. Many of today's lakes will become rivers. Cities will be flattened to become farm land. Industry will be no more for I desire all mankind to honor, respect and live off the land.

I will dust and sweep and scrub until all is pure; all is clean and I am satisfied. A New Heaven and a New Earth I will design--more beautiful than before. All sin and filth will be gone forever. Everything will be pure including the air. The Heavens will sparkle and the stars will glisten, the moon will light your path at night. The sun will shine and give its warmth to all below.

Love and life will abound. Joy, peace, happiness and health will be a daily way of life. All will flourish under My Great Mercy and My Great Love for all who will live during this New Era. Man and beast will work peacefully side by side and here again will be great respect.

You will want for nothing for I will provide all just as I did in the 'first' Garden--the Garden of Eden. Children, you cannot imagine the beauty that is to come. But to attain this beauty, the new state in life, the earth must be purged and all evil must be destroyed. Nothing evil can remain to taint My New Creation.

The plagues must continue until My Will is achieved. Only My faithful ones will live to see the New Era. Only those who live love for Me and others will I rescue from the clutches of evil. These are My sheep. They willingly seek and follow their True Shepherd; their God and Master. They accept and believe in blind faith. They pray and are consecrated to Me. They forgive and repent of their sins. They hunger and thirst for the Food of Eternal Life. They seek the spiritual while living among the material. They witness to others, the Goodness of God; the powerful and great love given through Calvary; the redemption of all men through Jesus' death and resurrection. They are My light in the dark world today. They are My voice crying out in the wilderness--'prepare the way of the Lord.'

A new life awaits all. For many, it will be separation from Me forever with great and eternal suffering. For My small remnant; it will be glory without end.

Watch and pray! Come, follow Me! The great days, spoken of in Scripture, are upon you. Be a soldier in the Army of your God and live!  I will tell you all this to alert you of all that will come to pass.

All must be as I have told you. Read Scripture. Seek discernment. Pray.

Accept My Mercy and Love. Repent of all your sins and forgive your enemies.

Prepare in body, mind and soul for all has begun. All will worsen. All will be accomplished according to God's great plan.  My love, My strength, I give abundantly to all who follow Me; follow Me to the end (death or into the New Era). Peace be with you My precious, faithful, loving, obedient remnant. I will never leave you. I will not loose one of My own. Remain in Me and I will live in you."

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 6, 2003- (1:30 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from your Triune God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then your Triune God said, "All has begun and the severity quickens each hour. The tempest is worsening and spreading rapidly.

My Heart is open to receive you. My arms are outstretched to embrace you. Yet, most of you ignore Me, pass Me by for all matters of earthly pursuits.

If you would follow the advice of My prophet, St. Paul, you would be in the world but not of the world. However, you chose the world and all its passing and often sinful pleasures to your God and My eternal bliss. You choose to do it your way. You mock Me, My Commandments, My Word, My prophets. As a result you will now feel My just wrath encircle you.

I want your undivided love, all your attention. The events you are witnessing in your country and around the world are just a prelude of what is to come for I will punish severely all who disobey Me, mock Me, blaspheme Me.

I am your God, Savior, Redeemer, Creator and Giver of all Life. I demand respect. I will destroy all your false gods and, unless you repent of ALL your sins, I will destroy and condemn you forever.

Heaven or Hell? It is your free will choice. It will be eternally.

My child come into My Heart. Let Me enfold you in My Fatherly Arms. Look at the Cross and believe!"

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 3, 2003- (4:30 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Many are among you today who claim to be Me. Many others claim to have seen Me. It is NOT your Jesus but an imposter! These false prophets will preach eloquently and perform miracles. Beware and DO NOT believe! DO NOT be led astray!

I will return to earth as I left it. I will come on the clouds. My time has not come yet. Many will come in My Name. These false gods come to lead you astray. Here great discernment is needed and you MUST test the spirits!

Cling to Me as the tempest worsens. Scripture will tell you all the signs to look for as the evil one's cunning ability tests your faith. I have told you all that will be, all that must come to pass before I return.

Do not fall for his trickery. Seek Wisdom! Follow Me. Obey Me.

These are dangerous times for the weak soul. Find strength in Me. Be soldiers in My army and lead all souls to Me by reflecting My Light in these dark hours and in the dark days to come.

Pray My children, pray and seek the Gifts of Our Holy Spirit to assist you in all your struggles against Our adversary and his evil army of the end times."

Matthew 7: 15, 22 & 23, Matthew 24:11-12, 24-28 &30, Rev. 1:7, Corinthian 2:14-16, Luke 12:56, 1 John 4:1-3, 2 Peter 2:1-2, 2 Peter 3:17-18

* Note (from m.k)... A dear friend called me this morning (4th) to tell me that she had seen a commercial at 1:00 A.M. this morning on CBS 46/Atlanta, Georgia.

Commercial: 'Would you know Christ? Would you recognize Him if He came back in physical form'. Then shows photo of homeless person and then flashes to blue screen and shows cut out picture of man in white turban and white frock with beard and mustache and says, "He is here, He has come back in physical form.

Christ has returned in physical body and call for information on what to do next. 405-???-????"

*We must always remember not to have any curiosity of the AC ( trying to research him)..or anyone that is connected to him because he will have hypnotic powers and be able to work miracles. Of course, they are not long lasting or the miracles that God works. Note.. the date of this message..

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
May 1, 2003- (11:00 a.m.)
Feast of St. Joseph!

Louise began to receive a message from St. Joseph and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then St. Joseph said, "Dear children, if you want joy, happiness and peace, turn to me. If you desire deeper faith, trust and love for my Jesus, follow me. If you'd like families to be families; our Jesus' Church to be united and universal; men to be gentle, loving, humble and kind, respecting each other and all life; follow my example.

I am the father of Jesus, spouse of Mary, child of God. I come to assist all who respect me and my Holy Family. I ask all to honor, adore, love and praise Beloved Jesus. HE IS YOUR GOD, SAVIOR, REDEEMER! He was
entrusted to me by God our Father.

I am just a humble carpenter and I was chosen from all men to guide, guard, protect and even teach Jesus. What a beautiful, wonderful, awesome task. I accepted Mary and together we gave our 'fiat.'

When Mary handed Baby Jesus to me just after His birth, my heart nearly burst with joy. I felt so small, so humble, yet, so proud of Mary and our Blessed Treasure. I named Him Jesus as the Heavenly Angel instructed.

We, Mary and I, held Heaven in our arms and in our hearts.  We desire all people to accept, love, obey, cherish Jesus as we do.

He IS God become Man for YOU!!! He alone gave His life for you, for every human from Adam until the last created human on the face of the earth.

Today you honor me, under the title of St. Joseph the Worker. I invite all priests, all mankind, to seek my fatherly assistance to better lead you in your daily work. Your main job is to bring Jesus to all people--everywhere. You are created by Love for love--the first two commands--NOT desires--commands of God our Father. YOU MUST OBEY your Father, your (Our) God under pain of death!!! If you love you will obey. On earth I was a Rabbi (minister,teacher), husband, father and protector. Let me lead you to my Divine Son. He is all Mercy, all Love.

Many of you have tried various means to achieve peace and happiness but to no avail. Now, try Jesus and all will be given to you. I know for I am Joseph, His earthly father and guardian and my heart is full of Love."

End of message


Urgent-Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 29, 2003- (8:20 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "The tribulation and its fury has begun to show its ugly face in many ways and in many countries. The mighty arm of God has fallen and the wrath of Satan is very strong and will be furious, less subtle. Everyone will see and feel the power of this battle for you are living the last chapter of the Book of Life.

All will be fulfilled as is said in Sacred Scripture. All must be fulfilled to pave the way for My return. For all this is to be accomplished; there is an element of time required. It will be many, many months that extend into a few years. However, I, AM WITH MY OWN! I will give abundant strength to Mine. I will lead you and direct you. Trust and obey My every word for this is imperative for your survival.

Those who HAVE listened, HAVE made ready according to My word, I will assist, multiply your essentials, bless and protect. Those who HAVE NOT made ready, are not prepared, will find that today's necessities are polluted and will not suffice plus prices or costs have risen so as to deter you from stocking up your shelves. Your water, your food, your basic needs are ALL filled with toxic materials--poison!!!

Many of you have closed your ears to My signs and warnings. Many others of you have chosen to ignore Me and My words. You do not believe that all has begun, all will worsen until all has been accomplished and all Our Father's plans are fulfilled.

Now there is NO turning back! It is a constant march forward watching your earth and its people, its creatures, being totally under the control of satanic leaders who hope to lead all humanity to perdition. Under Marital Law, the insert of his chip which represents his number--666--you will loose ALL freedom and live under his control under the penalty of death.

To worship Me, you will go underground. A true priest will be hard to find but I will provide for My faithful ones. The 'black mass' will take the place of My Holy Mass. Be on guard and be aware! Through your constant prayers I WILL lead you. Like in the days of early Christianity, I will send you My chosen, end-time apostles to assist you, comfort you, heal you. There will be living saints among you. By their eyes, their words, their actions, you will recognize them. Keep prayer on your tongue and in your heart for great discernment is required.

Do not fear or panic! Dear ones, put your love and complete trust in Me. Today, seal your commitment to Me through your total consecration. Now is the hour!!!"

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 27, 2003- (8:55 a.m.)
Mercy Sunday

Louise began to receive a message from the Blessed Virgin Mary and said,

"Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

Then the Blessed Virgin Mary said, "Children, long before time began, God saw each one of you, knew your strength, your personality, your disposition. Being Merciful and Kind--He chose a special cross for you to bear, to carry behind Our Jesus, to assist in the salvation of poor, lost souls. ( per St. Francis De Sales, "Your Cross")

If you carry your cross graciously you can save so many souls as you make this burden a prayer of love. If however, you carry it (cross) grudgingly you can do no good to self or for another soul. Being a happy person lightens your burden.

No two crosses are the same as no two people are the same. You must not judge another person or must you tell anyone else how to live his life for you are not perfect. To see someone as God sees them, you must pray and leave all to God. For only by walking in another's shoes could you feel their joy or pain.

Your cross is to help you grow: grow in trust and in love. Trust God who knows best and learn to love all people, especially those less fortunate than you.

Every soul in Heaven carried his cross graciously assisting in the redemption of souls. They have willingly and lovingly in silence walked their road to Calvary behind Jesus resigning their will to the Father--living daily God's Will in them.

Will you accept--graciously--your cross and help save poor souls, many of which are in your own families? Will you suffer in love for God's sons--the terrorists? Will you offer a prayer for Our son, John Paul II, who lives his cross for the conversion of all poor souls? Or will you complain, making your burden heavier and wasting such a beautiful, powerful prayer?

Follow Jesus, Joseph and your Heavenly mother in love, silence, gratitude, trust and faith in the Father's Will for you.

Blessings from Heaven to all Our children, your mother Mary, mother of Jesus your Savior."

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 26, 2003- (9:25 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Daddy God and said, "Jesus, please Cover me with your Precious Blood."

Then Daddy God said, "All the Father's plans are now being executed. The storms, the winds, the rain, will intensify and all natural disasters will multiply. Havoc has begun! There is not enough prayer, there is not enough

Evil forces are everywhere--no exception!!! Underground, in their countries, are stockpiles of germ, insect and chemical bombs, all various sizes, being used daily to destroy life--all forms of life--and to cause grave illnesses. Many are suffering and many have already died. Yet, I am about to shake the very foundations of these countries causing their storage areas to burst open allowing their man-made disastrous weapons to overcome them and their countries. The good or innocent must suffer with the bad.

I am also ready to begin a deadly series of earthquakes along the coastal areas which, in turn, will cause fires and tidal waves. Quakes will also occur inland to destroy evil man's plans and his weapons. Many will die. Much will be annihilated.

In communistic/atheistic countries, a one world government is about to unfold. Martial Law will be imposed. Freedom, done forever! All life will be controlled by evil men--ALL LIFE !!! All I have patiently explained to
you over the years is to be in place and enforced by Satanic forces on earth.

All will now feel the effects of the spiritual war. It must, it will worsen until all I have spoken about comes to pass.

Obey every word I have given to you. When you feel fear, place your trust in me. Pray. Oh, the power of prayer. Use it at every moment!!!

PRAY. My Mercy and Love is for all who follow Me. Those evil men cannot kill your soul, it is immortal. Keep the faith. Do not follow these evil men! Do not listen to their false words! Do not allow them to lead you to

The world will soon be war-torn. Trust in Me for all your needs especially spiritual. Travel will soon be limited and necessities restricted. Today you are monitored--tomorrow you will be marked and watched. Demonic forces are everywhere.

I will strike! I will destroy! I will conquer! All this in My time.

Wait with hope in your heart. Pray for abundant strength during these days and hours of tribulation. Seek comfort in My Loving, Merciful Heart. If you trust in Me you will not fear. I AM with you! I will NEVER leave My own!

The earth will be cleansed of all evil: sin and man. Purity will reign on My New Earth and in My New Heaven.

Rejoice dear ones for you know the outcome!!!"

End of Message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 22, 2003- (1:00 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from her sons ( Heaven ) and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

"Mom, there are many, many, many souls here in Heaven and we should be anticipating the return of so many more. But Heaven will never realize the return of the greater majority of mankind, for man is too engrossed in self and self-satisfaction. The majority of people have forgotten God and built an existence around their self-made false gods.

From Heaven's view, the earth is black, for the souls of most mankind are black and barren; like a big empty pit. There is little faith, true faith, to be found on earth today. The sadness, the tears fall freely from all in Heaven but especially, from Our Holy Family and from Our God, for He gave His life to all and nourishment for every soul's daily strength.

So very few people obey any laws--not God's or those of the land. Each individual makes and breaks laws to suit his own needs; his own desires.

Nothing is universal. Even God's Holy Church is split and split again and again. Without laws there can be no harmony, no peace.  For most people, love is just a word. True love does not exist. Love is used in place of many words. It is not felt with or in the heart of man. Often it is only a desire for or a passion or lust for someone or something.  It is used to control, to possess.

God taught real love. God gave true love. God alone IS Love.  Mom, hearts are empty. Hearts are cold. Hearts are dead to real life because hearts are dead to True Love--Our God and Savior. Man thinks religion or faith, the Commandments, are binding causing him (man) to loose his freedom. The very opposite is true. FAITH IN GOD AND A COMMITMENT TO HIM IS MAN'S ONLY MEANS OF TRUE FREEDOM! It is NOT binding but a road map to Heaven.

People are building road blocks that lead them away from true joy and happiness. They are falling further and further from Truth and Love and building a mighty wall keeping out God's great Mercy and Love. They are
paving a road that leads to their own damnation forever. They have no Light to lead their way, for that Light is totally rejected.

Man has chosen to live in total darkness. He has built a Godless culture. His soul is black. His heart is of stone. He exists in a pit of his own making and unless he converts, he is condemning himself forever to his god--Satan.

Tell everyone to pray Mom, for only prayer can save souls and change the course of events that are upon the earth and all mankind. God's justice and anger has begun and will NOT end until His every word IS fulfilled.

Love, your sons." {1st Corinthians 13-Matthew 5:18, 24:34-- Luke 18:8, 21:32}

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 20, 2003- (2:00 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, “At Easter and at Christmas you see many new faces at your Masses.These children of Mine feel that they must fill an obligation only twice a year.These are My lukewarm children who forget Me all year between holidays unless a great need arises in their lives.Oh, how they hurt Me!

Many of these children do not show Me any respect in My House – the Church.They dress immodestly, do not genuflect and talk a lot.To return these children to Me, you My faithful ones, must pray and offer every kind of sacrifice.Show love and example.Lead My sheep back to their Shepherd.

Next week My churches will be nearly empty.Dear ones, pray for there are many lost sheep who never enter into My House or My company.The longer they stay away, the harder it is to return.Satan plays tricks in their minds and finally they fear returning to Me.They reject true Love!

Dear ones, these souls are in most need of My Mercy and Love.I desire for them to return but it is their decision.I love all My children and I do not want any one to be separated from Me.

Pray, especially this week, the week before Divine Mercy Sunday.During this Novena, when millions are united in prayer around the world, I will answer many requests, especially for the return of My sick (in soul) children.

This is the hour of Mercy – the hour when Mercy and Love seek out all My children and desire to fill all hearts, convert all people, unite everyone in My vineyard under My Fatherly guidance.

Pray!Convert!Trust!Love! Discern!Follow Me!Lead one another into My pasture where your Great Shepherd presides.Feed on Sacred Bread – My Body and Sacred Wine – My Blood.Then, and only then, will you have life within you and the strength to go forward teaching and converting all men, especially the lukewarm.”

End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 19, 2003- (2:00 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "As My Apostles felt fearful and alone after My death, for they didn't understand that I would rise from the dead, so too you will feel fear and aloneness extremely soon. On the day I remove My Mercy
and Love many of you will be stumbling in the dark. Only those consecrated to Me, My true followers, will have the strength to walk on through the darkness.

The darkness of sin covers the entire earth. Evil forces are boldly proclaiming their next move. Listen closely and hear their underlying trickery. Do not follow them into the eternal pit of darkness!

Today My Holy Spirit IS WITH YOU - if you want and accept Him. He will lead Our children out of the darkness into the Light--Eternal Light.

Pray for guidance. Seek strength.

The darkness, the fear, the loneliness will worsen but it cannot overtake the souls that belong to Me. Darkness and light cannot co-exist!

The Light will disperse all darkness.

I am the Light of World! Follow My Light and let It illuminate your soul. I am the Way. Allow My Light to light your path, your way to eternal life. Separate yourself from all darkness and seek only the Light for evil will not act under Great Light but under the cover of darkness. Stay always in My Light."

End of Message


2nd - Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 18, 2003- (8:15 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "In those countries, cities and states where the occult is practiced; I will shake them to try to wake them from their deadly sins.

Where the people believe in the cult and practice it; I will shake them to try to awaken their hearts. Where every commandment is broken and every form of sin is committed; I will shake them to try to wake them up.

These people consist of the non-believers and the lukewarm. They are the ones who make Me suffer the most. They do not honor either My day of birth or the day I laid down My Life for them. Every rule, every law I ever
gave to man, they change or completely ignore. They have made false laws and false gods to honor and to obey and to adore.

Now they will feel My wrath, My justice and My punishment. If they persist in their evil ways, ignoring My Divine Mercy and Love, I will now withdraw all Mercy and all Love forever. They will condemn themselves
forever to Hell, to their evil god of darkness and sin.

Pray for the souls of these poor children of Mine. Pray and comfort Me in My Passion and as I die for all sinners. Give Me strength through your faith, love and consecration to Me your God-Man, Jesus.

All this has begun. All will worsen. All will continue until sin and Satan are conquered."

End of Message


1st- Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 18, 2003- (2:50 a.m. ending at 4:30 a.m.)
Good Friday

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, " The Hour of Divine Mercy is upon you. How much longer this hour remains is up to you as an individual. In a world blackened with sin people ignore and feel no need for Me, My Love or Mercy. The Devil is the prince of the world; honored, loved, adored and followed by the greater majority of individuals. Could today be your last opportunity to accept My Mercy and Love and to repent-return to Me?

Take advantage of this Holy Hour before it passes forever. I gave My Life, My Blood for you not out of obedience, but out of love for you.  Will you come to Me? Will you return to Me? Or will you continue to crucify Me, reject My everlasting love and My torn, pierced, forgiving Heart?

Children, soon the world will tobble and a great darkness will cover all. The sun, moon, stars will shed no light. Just as at My Death; the Heavens will be torn apart and great storms will follow.

Come and pray before your Crucified King. Soon dear ones it will be too late to return. Night will fall. Your bridegroom will return. The doors will be closed once My faithful have entered with Me. Return to Me now before the Hour of Divine Mercy ends forever."

End of Message


Urgent - 2nd Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 16, 2003- (2:00 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "You will see much damage come to earth and you will hear of tall buildings downed, trees uprooted, heavy things flying through the air, rain that is horizontal.

Devastating lightening will strike and many fires will result. You will hear of complete areas wiped out and many deaths.

Pray and be prepared. All is happening IN YOUR TIME--NOW!

Know too that a new and deadly form of TB has been spread around your country and the world along with many crippling, very painful illnesses."

End of Message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 16, 2003- (10:30 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, " This is the last full day I will spend with you before My suffering, death and resurrection. When you see Me again, I will have a glorified body which no man can touch and many will not see.

The lack of true repentance makes the eyes of your soul blind so that you cannot see the spiritual. Living in a constant state of sin separates you from Me and draws you ever closer to evil. This same separation closes your ears to Me and you hear only the call of the world, the flesh, the devil.

As Thursday night approaches and I suffer, carry a cross of sin, die for you and as the Father sees Me only as sin, I invite you to pray and open your heart to Me.

Comfort Me by making a good confession. Convert, change now to believe in Me, obey Me, follow Me. Return to the Sacraments and consecrate your all to Me. Live only My Will for you each day. Here you will find love, peace, joy and happiness.

Through My passion and death I give you freedom and a new life. Accept it. Live it. Rise with Me, rise in Me on Sunday into a new and glorious life free from all evil and his temptations. You are strong. I have given you new life. I have set you free.

Invite Me to live forever in your heart. Go forth carrying Me to all people, all nations. Be Me eyes, ears, mouth, arms, hands, legs, feet and above all, be My Heart to all mankind. Live My love. Love My mercy.

I am proud and forever grateful to all who are an intimate part of the Body of Christ. Together we will save souls. We will conquer sin and evil just as I conquered sin and eternal death for all who believe in Me.

Thursday I gave you My Body and Blood in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Friday I laid down My life for you.

Saturday God repaired My broken, torn Body and prepared for My Glorious Resurrection.

Sunday I arose--new life forever.

The Salvation story is complete.


End of message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 15, 2003- (1:15 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your Precious Blood."

Then God said, "The atheistic, communistic, God ignoring countries will one day soon know annihilation. Any country, state or body of people who continually reject Me, I will wipe from the face of the earth leaving
NO memory of you.

You evil centered people desire to destroy My Church, My followers, My faith given to My children, all My creation, all my creatures. As you sow so shall you reap!!! As you do unto others I will do unto you!!! My word
is truth! My word is law! Break My laws, ignore My laws and you will suffer.

Continue in your belligerency and you will die.  You put many false gods before Me. You do not love. You kill. You will fall just as your false god, spiritual leader, Lucifer did. You will share in all his eternal suffering due also to your pompous pride.

I alone am God. I must be loved, adored, honored and obeyed. I call to you--you reject Me, you curse Me, you blaspheme Me. You egotistical people will now fall by your own sword. I will show you no mercy.

Mercy and love are reserved for those who love, honor and obey Me.  You self-centered hypocrites will, be cast out of My sight forever!"

End of Message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 15, 2003- (11:20 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from the Blessed Triune God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then our Blessed Triune God spoke:

"Dearest children of My Divine, Loving, Merciful, Sacred Heart: I address you today concerning matters of the world, its people, its culture, its sinfulness.

Within hours, in My time, much disaster will begin. Blue skies will be hidden with heavy smoke clouds caused by war and natural happenings.  Evil's attacks will begin in earnest. My attacks through nature will also begin worldwide to counteract Satan's wily ways.

Sin has destroyed My world and the hearts, souls and minds of My children. So many still refuse to convert, to accept and to follow Me.

Therefore I, your Just God of all, will send a punishment suitable to your sins. In My Mercy and Love I will warn you, give you one last chance to return to Me through My Only Son, Jesus. Accept or perish! Let go of
your sinful culture; the culture that leads to eternal death!

Before much more time lapses you will feel both the evil power of Satan and My Divine power clashing around you. Torment, illness, fear and death will be your companion. The good and the bad will suffer, see and feel all. Only those obedient to My every Word, prepared as I have instructed in body, mind, soul and spirit will I protect from Satan and all his evil cohorts. His (Satan) army is all around you striking both in subtle ways and in his bold, brazen, controlling ways. He will FORCE all who reject him and continue to desire to follow Me, your God, your Savior, the Triune God, to accept his mark, his god, his laws under penalty of death.

To those who live love and are humble he (Satan) will hate passionately. You are of Me. You are my precious ones. Seek My shelter, My strength and I WILL LEAD YOU TO SAFETY!!! Fear not for fear is not of Me. Cling to Me!

The dreadful times are upon you; the entire earth. The Hand of God and His Justice is upon the world and all its people. Jesus DID NOT DIE IN VAIN!!!

All has begun! All is worsening rapidly. The world as you know it is about to be no more. A terrible chastisement is about to begin in all parts of the world. I will show justice. I will purge and I will purify. I will condemn Satan and ALL his followers forever!

Prepare My beloved remnant. Prepare as I have instructed you and remain in constant prayer. Seek only the Will of God for you. I am with you! I love you! I will protect My own Although the time is now, take refuge in My open, loving, Sacred Heart. Trust Me implicitly and I will lead Mine to safety protecting you from all evil. Some of you must live on to do My work on earth while others I will lead home (Heaven) to assist Me here. Allow My Will to
be done through you always. I send you abundant Love, Mercy and Grace to strengthen you today and until this battle ends and peace reigns in the New Earth and New Heaven.

Blessings to all My beloved remnant, obedient, faithful, prayerful, loving ones on earth. I hold you in My Sacred Heart forever."

End of Message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 14, 2003- (3:10 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "All of you who believe in Me, love and follow Me are targeted by all the evil spirits. Because of his being expelled from Heaven, he hates Me therefore hating any one of Me.

You who are My messengers, prophets of these times; those of you who act in My Name, healing and performing miracles; those of you who spread My word to the world; those of you who teach and reflect Me to all you meet;
those of you who love and are humble, My remnant children will feel the prodding of Satan in all you do or say. He wishes only to break you, seduce you and lead you to his dwelling--Hell.

Strength is given to all who ask the Father in My Name--Jesus. In some cases you will convert his follower to Me for this person (follower) often seeks truth, love and is hungry for peace of soul and peace of mind.

Therefore you, dear child, should remain in My love and be humble.  Many souls are brought to Me by those who imitate Me. These souls seek after freedom for they live under domination and in fear. Only I give freedom.

In these end times there will be many signs, miracles, healings and conversions. You, My chosen ones, are the apostles of these times.  Your God given services are sorely needed. Many will seek you out. Your time
will be occupied doing for Me. Continue in My Will. Pray always. Mercy, love and graces I shower on you.

You are servants of the Lord. Go forth in My Name reflecting Me. You are My human body on earth today. Bless you My dear ones, blessings on you all!"

End of Message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 13, 2003- (8:10 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "My daughter, My child, My Miyako, relax in Me. It is time and all will be as I will it to be for all has begun.  Many are asked to suffer for the conversion of poor sinners, My poor souls. I have asked you to aid Me in My ignominious passion. With your fiat, you are freely mine, my dear soul.

The sins of all your brothers and sisters ( World-Wide) are at a record breaking high. There is very little faith--true faith--left in the world. Souls are cold and filled with hate, pride, ego and their only desire is for
the false gods of their making: materialistic, short-lived gods. They have abandoned Me! They crucify Me hourly.

I ask all My faithful souls, My beloved remnant to pray, love and offer all your suffering, pain, rejection to Me. Join in My agony as co-redeemers of all mankind.

I am your strength! Walk with Me to Calvary. Die to self and live in Me. I implore all My remnant children to offer all to Me as your daily prayer. Let not one pain, one minute go to waste. Prayer is urgently needed
as time is so extremely short.

Love and pray all My humble servants. By your faithfulness, My Graces, Mercy and Love will be spared no man. Pray that many will accept with open repentant hearts.

Thank you for responding to My urgent call."

End of Message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 11, 2003- (9:45 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "Your pain is from Me and it is to progressively worsen for Holy Week. I am with you dear little fearful, yet willing soldier of Mine.

I fell many times adding more cuts and bruises to My already torn body. My shoulder was dislocated: the bones, nearly broken. I would twist My ankle when I fell for the weight of the cross pulled Me to one side. I could no
longer keep My balance. My eyes were filled with blood, sweat, tears.  I was very weak. Only God kept Me on My feet. Only His Divine Strength kept Me going forward for your redemption. My fate was to be crucified for the erroneous sins of mankind.

The cross crashed against My neck, My ear, My jaw and shoved the crown of thorns deeper into My head and eyes. I was nearly blinded. My back too, was nearly broken and I could not stand straight any more. Your Jesus was a man with no resemblance to any human and, in Abba's eyes I was the 'sin of all mankind' from Adam to the last living man on earth. I suffered from Thursday night till Friday noon when I gave up My Spirit for you. It
was finished! I'd lived and died the Will of the Father, the Gift of Redemption for all was accomplished through One, (man) your Messiah, your Savior, your Jesus."

End of Message


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 9, 2003- (1:05 p.m.)
     Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please coverme with your precious blood."

     Then Jesus said, "The great power struggle between nations has begun!  Each wants to gain complete control.  The powers of good and evil will strike out with much violence and World War III begins.  The attacks will come from land, sea and sky in many different forms.  No one, absolutely no one will be safe.  Freedom is gone!

       The evil one(s) is roaming around the earth, in every country, city and town.  He is a tyrant and to protect you, will impose Marital Law, demand implant of his control chip, monitor your every move and censor your every word.  This will all be mandatory very, very soon.

       I have warned you!  Those who listen to Me and obey Me and follow Me, I have promised you many graces, much strength, all My Love and Mercy.  I will never abandon My own.

       Those of you not of Me when this time of Grace and Mercy ends, face eternal damnation!  Now is the hour to make your final decision.  Time is now!  All has begun!  All will worsen as each minute ticks onward."

End of Message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 9, 2003- (9:40 a.m.)
     Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

     Then Jesus said, "My dear ones, My children all, I invite you to come to  Jerusalem as I enter.  Watch as all the people strew palms before Me, cheering
the Master.  What glorious but short-lived excitement.

       Now move on with Me to late Thursday night on into Friday.  Those same  people who greeted Me are now crying, 'Crucify Him.' They now jeer Me.  Love and admiration has turned to hate.  How quickly they have forgotten all their  Master did for them.

       These very same people watch as I am scourged, crowned with thorns,  carry the heavy cross and finally crucified on it.  Cheers to jeers!  Love to  hate!

       Today, over 2000 years later, you are treating your Master, your Savior, exactly the same.  Little has changed.  Hate, rage, murder, killing, jealousy, ego, pride still rule.  By your actions, your words, you crucify Me every moment.  You've turned against love: the love I taught you and the Love I gave for you.

       Humility makes the man!  Pride makes a possessive, greedy, angry person, one who is never satisfied!  Pride will bring your downfall.  Humility gives true life.  It is pride and conceit that urges men to lust for more: more power, more control, more money, more possessions.  He is now controlled by greed.  He is jealous of anyone who outsmarts or outwits him to achieve more fame, make more money or succeed in business.  His feelings turn to anger and anger turns to hate and hate is due to jealousy.  This scenario brings war, killings, fighting even on a one-on-one ratio.

       During this Lenten season, a great war is erupting and will consume all men, all hearts, all nations.  There remains very little humility on the face of the earth.  False pride rules and, dear children, pride comes before a great fall!  Man's greatest fall lies directly ahead.  He himself is preparing the way to his own demise, his own annihilation, his own eternal death.

       Follow Me for I am meek and humble of heart.  My mercy and love endure forever for those who follow Me.  Remain in My Heart.  Come to Me and let Me refresh you with the Living Waters.  Feed on My Bread of Life.  Look at My Cross, the sign of your redemption, your freedom given to you from True Love  in humility in accordance with My (Our) Father's Will.

       Be brave! Be humble!  Follow Me into Heaven and receive your crown,  your mansion that I, so lovingly, awarded you--won for you--at Calvary the  Friday that cheers turned to jeers and humility won the war against pride.

       Continue in prayer.  Live your daily consecration.  Live love.  Be  humble and joy filled.  Fear not My dear ones for no man can kill your soul.   It is eternal.  Rest in Me.  Trust in Me.  My Grace is enough for you.  My  mercy and love envelop you.  I give you much strength for these turbulent  days.  Rest assured, that no matter what happens, My love endures forever"

End of Message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 8, 2003- (12:05 a.m.)
      Louise began to receive a message from Blessed Virgin Mary and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Precious Blood."

      Then our Blessed Mother said, "Dear children I have begged you to pray and turn from sin or another and the most horrible war will encompass the earth.  Children you do not listen.

       Although, my dear son, John Paul II, has consecrated Russia and the world to my Immaculate Heart, Russia has already spread her errors to every part of the world.  Your humble prayers cannot stop what has begun but prayer can lessen the severity of God's punishment and its length of time.  Prayer will also keep you close to my Beloved Son Jesus.

       How quickly humanity has forgotten the miracle God sent to Fatima through me.  Already too, men have forgotten the terrorists attack on New York City in 2001.

       All the suffering and all the deaths from wars, are insignificant to what is now about to befall mankind because so few, heed their mother's words, signs and miracles.

       Because of your lax attitude and lack of prayer, God will not only send, but He will allow, so much destruction, illnesses, even to the point of complete annihilation.  He has begun, as you can see, by the out-of-season storms around USA and happenings around the world.

       Unlike World War I and II, today man has developed weapons far superior to those of years ago.  Man also, has access to new and deadly chemicals and he can recreate diseases and uses germs and insects to destroy life: human, animal and vegetable.  Man is in the act of self-destructing.

       But, dear children, before it is too late and all is destroyed, God will step in and show His Just Judgment, His vengeance, His power.  He will use nature and natural means to outsmart all men and their sinful acts.

       Oh, how men will suffer.  They refuse to accept and to live God's Divine Will and His ever-so-easy to follow Commandments especially, that of love.  The opposite of love is hate and hate leads to ego, pride, sin and war.  The dear innocents suffer from evil men's greed and desire to control.

       Much unrest and fear fills the hearts of all people.  The evil men tell you lies and the media place it before you as truth.  They speak with forked tongues to implant fear into your hearts.  Ignore them and pray.

       Truth comes only from God Our Father and My Son Jesus.  Believe Them!  Trust Them!  Love, mercy and strength come from God alone.  If man had obeyed my words years ago and to this present day, Russia's evils would not have spread and taken root around the world.  Peace would have been realized.  But as it is you are headed into the war of wars; destruction as never witnessed before and much annihilation.

       Pray, children pray.  Listen to me, your Heavenly mother, the mother of Jesus your God, and save your own souls.  Only by living the Will of God in your daily life, with lots of love and prayer, can you find peace in your heart.  World peace will not come until the New Era, which is after the annihilation of many and much (people, creatures, land). God must purify.  Man must rectify.

       Man has carried evil too far and it is embedded to deeply into his heart.  Instead of man living God's great love, he lives Satan's devious hate.  His (man's) sins today are at an all-time high.  His hate, pride, ego and desire to control all, is completely out of proportion to any other era.

       So, children, I your mother beg you to return to Dear Jesus and to pray for many conversions.  Pray for my son, John Paul II  and for my true priest-sons.  Pray for all my true, faithful religious and laity that they may lead my little lost sheep back to my Divine Son.

       This is the last hour, last minutes of His Divine Mercy: your true, your only life saver.  Soon the hour of reckoning will befall all mankind.  You will give an account of your entire life to your True God.

       If you accept your holy mother's warnings and do all I ask of you, you can be an instrument of God's love and mercy to all people.  Strength is a wonderful gift from God to His dearest remnant people.

       I cover and protect you my loving, obedient, faithful children with my mantle of motherly protection keeping you ever close to my heart and the Heart of my Son, your Savior, Jesus.

       Listen to all Heaven has told you.  The bad times have started.  All will worsen.  Be not fearful but find peace in love, truth, prayer and through your consecration to Jesus and your Heavenly parents, Joseph and I.

       There is a speck of Light in this darkness.  It is Jesus--The Light of the World.  Keep your eyes on the Light.  That Light alone will never dim or will it go out.  It is Divine Light to lead all Our faithful children through this war of wars into the New Heaven and the New Earth--Eden--Paradise fulfilled.

       Love and blessings, dear children from Jesus, Joseph and your mother Mary.  Go in peace, to love and serve your Lord forever." ( completed at 8:30 A.M.)

End of Message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 7, 2003- (3:05 p.m.)
    Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

    Then Jesus said, “Many of you who carry My Cross during this Lenten season find it heavier, causing you more pain, grief, agony and even sickness.  The Cross
affected Me in this way also.  I fell, and you will too out of your human weakness.  Call to Me for help and help you will receive.

    I am asking some of you, My dearest victim souls, to carry your crosses for Me even after My Resurrection Day for the world lies in dire need of salvation.  I
suffer greatly each hour and My wounds are open.

    With your help, your suffering, your love, many otherwise lost souls will be saved.  Offer all in love.  Let all your pain and suffering be a heartfelt prayer for all
mankind.  I will apply your pain filled prayers where they are most needed.

    You have already united your will to Mine so that you no longer live for self but for Me alone.  You are My brave soldiers of these dark times of tribulation.

    All of Heaven prays for your strength and peace.  My Angels surround you at every hour.  You are never alone.

    My beloved ones, I thank you for lovingly assisting Me in the salvation of all My children, your brothers and sisters worldwide.  Blessings, Mercy and Love to you

End of Message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 1, 2003- (12:55 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, " Close your eyes dear one, I have something to show you." I (Louise) obey. I see a red sickle being swept across the earth destroying everything in its path. "Now what do you see?"I see a red dragon and it has thousands of little ones ( baby red dragons). They are scattered into every nation and country of the world to bring tyranny. "And what do you see now?"

I see a tiny spot of blue and as it comes closer, I see white. It is mother Mary and behind her is Joseph with his hand upon her shoulder. He is protecting God's people as Mary is crushing all the dragons. "And now what
do you see?" I see a land bathed in purity. All is sparkling. I feel such peace.

Jesus continues: "This must be. Be assured that dear Joseph will protect Our children, our faithful followers. Mary will crush the head of the serpent. And, although My remnant is very, very small, you will be rewarded with a New Earth and a New Heaven. Through My Life, Death and Resurrection, Satan is conquered and chained. The victory has been won by the Blood of the Lamb. Rejoice!!!'

Jesus, why is the sickle red and why are the dragons red? "They stand for Satan and Communism and for the blood of the innocents that is being and will be shed. Communism is not dead but quietly hiding and preparing to
strike when the mother dragon--one world leader--gives his command. At that signal, all the baby dragons, hiding in every country and in business and in My precious Church, will begin the 'great battle.'

Keep focused on Me and pray!!!"

*Note: For confirmations see Revelations. (Louise)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 31, 2003- (12:50 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "The annihilation and demise of much of USA's people and land is NOT due to terrorists, isease, chemicals, germs or even bombs, as much as the purging by Me for it's removing Me--God, Jesus--from country,
churches, schools, business, currency, families, prayer and the killing of My infants, my children and euthanasia and testing on My people, My creatures, My nature, thus causing untold and undue suffering and death of much life.  USA has much to suffer and much to answer for to Me, the Creator and Giver of All Life! I commanded love not hate yet I receive hate not love. I will reduce much to useless barren land. Sin and those who follow it with no intention of converting ever, I will remove from My land and leave no memory of you on the earth.

I will justify. I will purify. You will reap the consequences of your lives. You hold your key to eternity. So be it!"

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 31, 2003- (10:30 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "Most of My chosen ones have been receiving messages from Heaven for less than ten years. A few I have spoken through for a much longer period of time. Yet no amount of pleading, no warning, no signs have opened the hardhearted, stone cold hearts of man.

Already you are tired of Heaven's prophetic word and signs and confirmations that take place around you. Your blinders are firmly in place. Your ears are tightly closed. You are in denial.

I ask you to listen to Our words. I tell you to obey. I say prepare. I've told you that discernment IS A MUST. You can discern ONLY through prayer and Our Holy Spirit. My words fall on barren soil; dead hearts.

Ignore the news media! Turn off the radio and television. LISTEN TO ME!!! Honor and obey your God!!! The news that you hear is well padded. The full truth is not told to you. Much is very frightening. Evil is in complete control. HEAR MY VOICE OR PERISH! Follow Me!!! Obey Me: for My WORD IS LIFE!!!

All has started! All has begun! All will quickly worsen! More than 75% of My people will be totally unprepared. Fear and death will be their fate. I am not residing in the hearts who refuse Me, ignore Me, know it all for they are completely against Me. They are proud, arrogant, egotistical people. They are not of Me.

My precious remnant ones, do not associate with these people but pray for their conversion for it is imperative that all souls return now as the deadly hour approaches.

Stay by My side! Pray continually! Live love. Pray for My Mercy and Love to lead the lives of all men~~everywhere. Seek much strength to follow on My straight and narrow road to eternal bliss.

All has begun!!! All will worsen!!! Evil IS powerful but he will lose the battle. However, he WILL conquer many, many souls. HE IS HATE!

I, your Jesus, am all Mercy and Love. Look at the Cross and see Me, your Merciful and Loving Jesus, crucified, dying FOR YOU! Return to Me before the mighty blow falls upon the earth and all its inhabitants.

Time is short! Minutes are counted! Pray and return!"

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 27, 2003- (12:05 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "Again, I alert you: eat no raw foods!!!!! Only foods that can be thoroughly cleaned or cooked should you eat. In this way you kill many germs and wash away many toxins. Even organic foods must use waterfor growth and it IS contaminated!

(I, Louise, became very sick after eating a lettuce salad that I sliced from a beautiful fresh head. It was so bitter.)

Everything you ingest is covered with millions of unseen particles of chemicals and germs. These can and do penetrate even the thickest skins of vegetables and fruits. Fish live in polluted waters and animals eat fromthe lands produce as well as drink its water.

Boil, bake, broil, scrub!!! Use My Blessed Salt, and/or Holy Water in all that you prepare. Listen to Me for your life: your nourishment depends on it! Sterilize all new cookware, dishes and utensils. Wash your hands often.

Before you consume your meal or snack--PRAY! Ask God's blessing on all and for your protection."

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 27, 2003- (3:00 a.m.)
Louise Starr Tomkiel: I awoke from my sleep at exactly 3 A.M. with a feeling of an evil presence in the house. I reached for my rosary begging our Lady to cover the house, property, pets and me with her mantle and I begged St. Joseph to cover the same with his cloak of protection. My heart is racing, and my body: tense.

Louise began to receive a message from Mary and tested the spirits by saying, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Mary speaks: "Daughter, at this hour, evil men are striking your country with deadly diseases, chemicals and a variety of insects to cripple a nation and its people. They are working under the cover of night as you sleep.

The menacing winds and rain will disturb these men and will keep their work grounded. Yet, dear one, when the sun appears the dampness will rise as a vapor into the clouds to be carried by the wind to all parts of the earth.

These men and their leaders mean to destroy all life--everything.

Satan works through his heartless, Godless followers.

Make a life preserver of God's Mercy and Love. Anchor your life in

His harbor of Graces. Call on me to crush the head of the serpent quickly and for dear Joseph's fatherly protection.

All has started! All has begun! It will increase in intensity daily.

Pray dear children, pray for strength and pray to keep the faith. Pray for the Heavenly protection of Our Angels. Pray for the Blood of My Beloved Son Jesus to cover you and all his creatures. Those who survive will be the remnant faithful who cling to their Savior and do His Will only, as God protected Jesus, Joseph and me.

Daily consecrate yourselves, and all that belongs to you, to My Son Jesus and to Joseph and me. We are your Holy Family. We will guide you through the dark waters into the safe harbor and calm waters of Christ's peace and eternal salvation.

Be at peace my dear child although you and many will suffer, no evil will come to you. Rest my daughter as Our Angels protect you. Jesus, Joseph and I send you Our blessings and our love. Heaven protects its own with a veil of Divine, penetrating, unseen armor."

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 25, 2003- (1:15 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus spoke, " 'You shall love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole soul and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself.' If you do not live these first two Commandments you are not of Me, for without love you are nothing.

Lust and sex are not love. They are feelings turned into actions and they are sinful. Love perpetuates peace whereas sin brings forth hate.

The breaking of My Commandments, each or any one of them, brings forth war, suffering, death. Most frequently these sins result in eternal death; a complete and forever separation from Me, your God.

Once you sin it becomes easier and easier until it becomes a habit.  Pride steps in and you refuse to humble yourself and confess your evil doing.

Follow this routine long enough and your fall into Satan's clutches.

In his (Satan) subtle ways, he will tell you that you are not sinning, you are doing what is normal, there is no sin, there is no God, there is no Hell and, since you have sold your soul to him and follow him, you believe.

You are brainwashed.

But, a little voice from deep inside warns you of your wrongs, your sins, your disgusting life and fear takes hold of your heart. Still pride says you cannot repent, you cannot change, no one will believe you and God will never forgive you.

Now you turn to drugs, alcohol, or join a gang for support. You are leaping down the ladder, further and further from Love, Truth, Mercy--God.

Now you have no self-control. You are controlled. You live for a 'fix'.  You break every Commandment of your God. Yet you have a choice: wallow in self hate, self pity and destroy your life OR return to Me and accept My
Mercy, My Love.

It is YOU that I chose to give My life for. I suffered and died for YOU. All I ask is for you to repent and from this day forward, follow Me.

Live in My Love. Learn to live love. Love God and neighbor. Become all you were meant to be. Find strength, peace, joy. Find yourself and live. I tell you--go in peace to love and serve your Lord. Heaven awaits the repentant sinner. All of Heaven rejoices at the return of one soul. Make that returned soul--YOU."

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 24, 2003- (11:20 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus spoke, "You are living in Apocalyptic times: the darkest yet the brightest times ever to be lived on earth. Darkest because sin and Satan have taken over the earth and the majority of its people. Brightest because soon I will come and destroy all sin to welcome in the Era of My Peace.

The darkest hour has arrived and must continue to build until all My words are fulfilled. The suffering, the killing and the annihilation of many, many countries and areas within countries, cities and states, as well as islands, must happen. What I have prophesied will be.

Proud and arrogant men (and women) refuse and reject Me. Many of My priest sons belong to Satan being members of Freemasonry. They have led My people astray to the point where there is little faith remaining, little respect and still less obedience to Me or love among families or brothers anywhere.

Division is everywhere. Nation against nation, brother against brother, mothers, daughters, fathers and sons--are divided. So, dear ones, the war will escalate until it touches every nation around the globe. No one will be spared. Blame it on the first sin: the sin of pride that rules today.

Sin causes death and division. Sin is of evil and evil is of Satan. Do not blame your God for war, death, hate, pride, division for all this is the result of your own free-will choice. (sin)

In choosing evil over good, Satan over God, you freely choose death--eternal death. Few of you have seen Hell but I tell you IT IS REAL!!!

IT IS FOREVER!!! A few of My children have seen it with Me or My mother Mary at their side OR they would have died from shock: the experience of souls in fire, brimstone, total darkness; screaming and in eternal pain. (I, Jesus, took and showed this messenger Hell) You live in denial NOT reality. You blind your eyes and close your ears. This does NOT stop Satan's attacks or does it stop your God from acting. I speak to you, I warn you, I'm preparing you. If you disregard Me you are on the fast moving lane to eternal separation from Me.

I am all Mercy and I am all Love but I will never force you. Just remember all My words to you as the war, tribulation, panic and fear seize your heart. These warnings are for ALL people. The day of Divine Judgment is nearer than you think; the day or hour when each and every person will give an account of his life to God, your Creator.

You will not listen. You will not obey. You will not prepare. No sin goes unnoticed. No soul enters Heaven with even a shadow of sin on it.

Yes, all has begun and you can see and hear of the worsening of daily events on television, radio, in newspapers, magazines and on your computers.

I will warn you until My time of Mercy, Love, Graces is to cease. Hearts consecrated to me at that time will enter the portals of God's everlasting Love: His Heart. Protection will be yours says Our God. No man who belongs to Me will I leave nor will he die. (eternal death)

Come, all you who are thirsty and I will refresh you. All who are hungry, come to Me and I will nourish you. Thus, as the events worsen Mine will be sustained by their Master, their Lord, God and Savior. You will have abundant strength and My peace, My Food of Life to see you through these darkest moments going ever forward toward Everlasting Light!"

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 21, 2003- (4:15 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,"Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "I do not hear enough voices raised in supplication to put an end to hate which ultimately leads to war. The skies of the Mideast are filled with fire and putrid smoke choking out life of innocent people. This, because evil, godless men demand control, power and money to satisfy their desires.

How much I need your prayers, sacrifices, mortifications joined with Mine to present to Father God. You cannot fight hate and greed with more hate. I've told you to love your enemies. At Calvary I forgave all those who put Me to death which included you and your sins. Why, why will you not follow Me? Why do you persist in doing all your way Your way has never proven good! Your way causes wars, death and suffering. It results in another war, more death and suffering.

You men, leaders of countries, government leaders, are all adults who act as immature children! I am disappointed in the bunch of you!

HUMBLY GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY! Ask God, 'What would You do?' Listen as He tells you what to do; how to handle this crisis. If you act on your own and do not do His Will, this war will spread like wildfire---out of control.

Already you've spread and discovered ways to inflict incurable diseases around the globe. You daily deposit chemicals, toxins, and insects where you decide to destroy life through pain and horrible suffering.

How long do you think I will allow this to continue? Do you think I do not notice your sins? As you sow; you will reap! I see all and My punishment is severe and eternal!

Through conversion your punishment will be lessened. Through love and prayer you can change the world. Remember, this war leads to your warning, chastisement, tribulation, annihilation and finally to the end of time as you know it.

The world sits precariously on the precipice of THE GREAT WAR. Man will decide the fate of all living creatures. This will lay heavily on YOUR shoulders and you will answer to Me for the lives you destroyed or the souls you saved.

Although My Mercy endures forever, My patience has its limits and My Arm will fall and My Just Judgment will soon begin for all. Reject My words, My Mercy, Love and Graces--reject your God and receive eternal condemnation "

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 20, 2003- (11:15 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,"Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "My dearest children, pray that this time be shortened or no man will remain alive. Keep your eyes on Me. Be alert and aware of all the signs I am sending. Read Scripture and associate all that happens to My Word spoken through St. John and others.

I will awaken your understanding and fill you with the much needed wisdom for all that will now daily, hourly unfold. My Word is alive.  Today I am explaining all to you to prepare you before these events begin. Listen and follow all I say.

Trust in Me. Pray for increased faith. Discern all for there are many false prophets in your midst. As the horror increases and My prophetic word unfolds, those who follow Me and make My Will their entire life will be at peace. You will have nothing to fear for daily I am preparing you in spirit, mind and body. Much strength I am giving you to enable you to face all the trials that lie ahead.

Beloved little remnant, I enfold you in My Love and I send many Angels to surround you and to protect you. You belong to Me and I will never leave you.

Now as these events unfold, realize that for years I have been preparing you. I am gently leading you, setting your feet firmly on your path to salvation. Follow My Light although the darkness will nearly obliterate (Light) will never be extinguished. My Light is eternal as is My love for you.

Be patient dear little remnant. This era will soon pass away but My word will NEVER pass away. Soon you will be rewarded for your faithfulness.

Obey. Do everything I ask of you. Live on in my love with faith in your heart.

The end of this sinful era is near. War, tribulation and justice must have its hour. Then, My dear ones, the long-awaited Era of Peace will come and I will reign as King in all hearts. My mother Mary will crush the head of the dragon. My daddy Joseph will receive honor, love and the respect due him as protector, father and the just, humble, blessed person he is. The Holy Family will be loved and honored by all and will be a role model to all people on earth. God in Three Persons will be adored. Peace will live eternal in all hearts.

Keep these promises in mind during these dark hours. They will help you keep hope in your heart and to always live in My love. Look to Heaven for I will send many signs and soon I will place a permanent sign (in Heaven) for all to see. Although many will curse it (sign) many will receive strength and hope from My gift to you. Bless you My beloved ones, My faithful remnant."

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 20, 2003- (10:10 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,"Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus spoke, "The barbaric terrorists leaders and soldiers have entered USA and many other countries. They are in plain clothes and uniform, in every business, your Catholic and Jewish (churches or synagogues) houses of worship. They control gas and oil AND the prices.

The rising costs of gas, oil, food, utilities, clothing, etc. (all needs) are due to the high costs of transportation. Air travel will nearly collapse especially for the vacation traveler. All modes of transportation will be cut drastically.

This then, is the entrance of Martial Law, their way to help control prices. These evil, conniving men will speak with a forked tongue until you believe them. Martial Law is NOT freedom but complete domination by evil.

Only I, your God, give freedom!

PEOPLE DO NOT LISTEN OR OBEY ME, YOUR GOD, YOUR ONLY GOD!!! Your greed has led to the fall of many countries, many souls. As you lust for control you remove yourself from God and Love; from peace and mercy. You have established a world government, world church, world bank, one world leader-all which are evil, lead by Satanic men.

The final war HAS begun! The forces of evil are among you and are in control. Soon your earth will be one huge battlefield shedding more blood, having more causalities, more suffering, leaving more dead than has been witnessed since the Great Flood destroyed the entire earth. Man will kill!

Man will destroy! Man will suffer! I WILL PURGE! I WILL PUNISH! I will send signs--I already am sending signs for those who will see and hear--that will put such a fear in men that they themselves will collapse in fear and shock. The mountains WILL fall. The oceans WILL be forceful with tidal waves like enormous claws dragging coastal areas into the sea--forever!

Internally I will send floods, fires, destruction of every sort as I have previously described to you. NOT ONE COUNTRY, NOT ONE AREA OF THE EARTH WILL BE SPARED!!!!!

There is NOT ENOUGH PRAYER. There is NOT ENOUGH SACRIFICE. There is NO TRUE LOVE FOR GOD and NEIGHBOR. (1st and 2nd Commandments) The earth is enraptured with sins of the flesh, lust, killing, mind and body controlling.

Man's evil Satanic god enforces the eternal death culture. They believe and teach NO life beyond the grave.

This Lenten season you are asked to focus on Me, your Jesus. Look at My sufferings. Today, in the twenty-first century, mankind is still crying 'Crucify Him.' Man has rejected Me always. Man today rejects those I send to speak for Me, in My Name. Man is full of, consumed with, false pride.

Man's love for and attachment to the materialistic IS HIS DOWNFALL, HIS PERDITION.

Man does not need Me. Man does not believe in Me. Man has a new god, a god that gives him free-choice to evil, death, control and to fill hearts with fear. His god is self! A god formed by mind control by Satanic forces that he, so willingly, so stupidly has accepted. Fools all!

One day they WILL come face to face with THEIR Master, THEIR God.  Oh, what shock, what fear will then consume their souls. They will hear 'out of my sight!' Forever they will wail and be eternally submerged in fire and brimstone with their evil god in Hell.

My precious remnant, My suffering souls, My innocents cry out for vengeance and I HEAR THEIR CRIES. I WILL ANSWER!

Now all has begun! Men would not answer My requests. They must lead.

They must show their power, their authority. Soon they will cower before their own comrades. They will suffer and die by their own laws. No bunker, nothing they have designed or made will save them from My wrath, Mypunishment!

I alone am God! All will return to Me to give an account of their lives. Woe to him who has rejected Me, refused My Mercy, Love and Graces!!!!!

There is NOT enough prayer. There never will be enough prayer for My loving remnant is quite small. Yet you, dear ones, be at peace. Rest assured I love you and I will assist My own. Keep up your prayer! Love and be ever obedient for one day we WILL be reunited forever! Live not in fear but trust in your God. I am your strength. WE ARE VICTORIOUS!!!"

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 18, 2003- (3:25 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,"Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "Now the day will come when many will be in dire need.  For many, many years I have told you how and what to prepare. Few have obeyed, One day soon you will realize the need to obey your God. When all begins--very, very shortly--supplies will run out leaving many without even your basic needs.

I have spoken to you through many of My messengers throughout the world.  You laugh at My words ignoring all necessary preparations. What a sorry lot you will be.

You shun My every word but when this becomes reality you will run to My chosen messengers seeking direction. It will be too late. Even those who pray frequently but do not obey will be left without.

Today you must be in complete readiness. When you hear the trumpets announcing war all who are not prepared will become frantic.

The day of justice has come. Prayer without obedience is useless.

Obey or do without. Obey your God and survive or ignore My words and suffer the consequences.

I have spoken."

End of message.

Extremely Urgent - Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 18, 2003- (11:00 a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Abba Father and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."








(end of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 17, 2003- (9:40 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, “Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood.”

Very Urgent!!!

Then Jesus said, " Children, hear Me--PRAY!!!  The world is on the precipice of a great disaster.  Your time now IS limited.  Raise your voices in sincere prayer.

       I beg you for your own good from this moment until the feast day of My beloved daddy, Joseph, March 19th to pray without ceasing.  Say no less than one holy rosary for peace, NOT war!  Pray for ALL leaders!  Pray for many conversions!  PRAY!  PRAY! PRAY!

       You have NO TIME REMAINING!!!  The time is NOW!!!  Listen to Me!  Obey Me!  I have said all!  My children hear the word of your Lord, God and Savior--PRAY!!!

End of Message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 16, 2003- (12:00 noon)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "The days of a new holocaust are upon you when Christians and Jews alike will be targeted by evil, Satanic men. Listen and obey Me and I will protect My own.

ALL PREPARATIONS MUST BE COMPLETE!!! The day has come and My Mighty Arm will fall. Evil men are already, and have been, sending chemicals and diseases around the entire earth. All air, water, the earth is full of toxic, deadly chemicals. Nothing is clean; nothing is pure.

Souls, like the earth, air, water are black with the toxicity of deadly sin. I will purify the earth by means of a Great Tribulation using signs from Heaven; fire, floods, quakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, tidal waves, mudslides, droughts and finally I will shake the earth. The sun, moon and stars will give no light and dust as a heavy cloud will cover all. My words will be accomplished. All will happen as Scripture states.

Man, I will show you your soul and the sinful state it is in. I will reach out to you in My Mercy and Love offering many Graces. If you accept My Gifts to you by converting and consecrating yourselves to Me, you can save your immortal soul.

The hour of My Divine Mercy is growing short. The hour of the Great Chastisement is very, very close at hand. As always, it is your decision due to your God given free will.

The battle between My Holy Michael and Lucifer has begun. You must now finalize your choice; the one you wish to follow. It will be THE most deadly battle or war, ever to befall mankind. Evil will seduce you through very convincing lies and trickery. My dear Michael will lead you by My Light to Love and Mercy. Graces and much strength will be given to all who choose to follow Me.

Today, NOW, you must decide. You MUST be ready in every way I have asked you and directed you. Obey! Listen! Act! Anyone who procrastinates will loose his way; he may forfeit his eternal life with Me in Heaven. Waste no time for all is about to happen yet, even I, your Jesus, know not the day or the hour. Only God knows.

Wake up My dear ones before this day comes upon you. Please, please come back to Me. Pray. Oh, dear children of the earth PRAY!!! My arms are outstretched to embrace you and My heart is open to receive you. Come!

The days are dark, souls are black and Satan is working frantically under cover to deceive as many souls as possible. Use discernment through prayer to receive wisdom. In these times even many of My wise souls will be deceived. Stay awake! Be alert! All preparations MUST be complete NOW! Read Scripture, pray, receive the Sacraments, assist one another, sacrifice, fast, love, forgive, repent, consecrate all to Me, trust, accept My Mercy, Love and Grace for the great hour of devastation, annihilation, God's justice is upon you.

Come to Me. Return to Me! Do all I ask of you and I will be your strength through this battle that WE WILL WIN. Heaven and all Its rewards await My faithful, loving, true remnant. I LOVE YOU and I bless you all in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of Our Holy Spirit. Live in My peace."

End of Message

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March15, 2003- (1:20 p.m)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with your precious blood."

Then Jesus said, "Today I'll speak to you of the Sacrament of Holy Orders and My priests. There are many good and holy priests in the world. There are also far too many bad priests, priests that are Freemasons. These are the ones that cause apostasy and schism in My Church. They are great in number and very powerful.

Many of My good priests are afraid to teach about sin and Hell. They reject the signs among you for fear of frightening the people and because they wish to remain ignorant of My Word, My signs concerning end-time prophecies as told in Scripture.

My priests are also afraid of the Freemasons among them for they are controlled by evil and threaten My dear sons. My Pope son, John Paul II, is surrounded with evil church leaders in the Vatican. My son, Pope Paul VI, told you years ago that there was 'smoke in the Vatican.' He was referring to priests who follow evil. Today there are many, many more evil priests scattered around the earth.

To My dear priest sons: Why are you afraid? Speak out. I am with you. My lost sheep need you. My weak, searching sheep need a shepherd to show example and to teach them. My children are hungry and thirsty for the word. Don't skirt issues-teach. Follow Me, your High Priest, your Savior, your Jesus.

Celebrate the Holy Mass with much reverence and love. Teach of the Sacraments, of sin and Hell. Take the Sacraments to My needy ones. Be a powerful example of good to all. Reflect My light in the world so blackened with sin. Love all. Make yourself readily available to all.  Have no favorites. Be My hands, My feet, My eyes, My ears, My sensitive, merciful, loving Heart to all people.

Pray for each other. Assist one another. Pray for strength, My strength to aid you in your vocation. Ask Our Father, God, to increase your faith each day. Be humble and obedient to Me. Unite your will to My Divine Will. For each soul you save God Our Father adds a star to your crown.

Dear priest sons, trust in Me. I have given you much power and many gifts. You alone can Consecrate bread and wine so it becomes My Body and Blood. You can heal sick souls. It is you who carries Me to all people around the earth. (Eucharist)

Never cease praying. Teach others to pray. Bless all in My Name as I bless you 'In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of Our Holy Spirit': Go forth in My peace. Convert My children. If you are My true priest, My beloved priest-son, obey and follow Me."

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 12, 2003- (12:50 a.m)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, " The man and the country that begins this last war will answer to me eternally. You will be the cause of millions upon millions of people suffering and dying; the cause of the death of all creatures. It will weigh on your soul forever.

Your people will turn against you including allied leaders and heads of state (will turn against you)! You will suffer as you have made others suffer. They will strip you of all your possessions. You will look on as they torture your family and anyone who follows you.

The 'land of the free and the home of the brave' will be turned to rubble. You and your country will have NO food, NO water, NO shelter.

Punishment will be your companion (this does NOT include My faithful remnant). The air will be unbreathable. Clouds from chemicals will lay heavy overhead blocking out the sun. Therefore it will be cold and dark both day and night.

Devastation will also come by means of insects and many varied and incurable, very painful diseases. The earth will rumble and quake. Flood waters will carry diseases and filth. Streets will become virtual rivers of blood as brothers will kill brothers out of pure hate.

I warn you. I continue to warn you. You close your ears to Me. You are very aware that all this will happen for it is written in Scripture.  You are also aware of My Divine Justice. All I have said is true. All will happen and very, very soon!

You are living the last hours of My Mercy and Love. My Graces too await all who will convert and live love. I am pleading with you to live in My love. DO NOT MAKE WAR!!! This war will end ONLY after all My prophecies are fulfilled. You will never again know freedom or peace as you know it now, This war will purge the earth and all men of sin. When it is over, only purity and love will live. My anger will bring upon all a chastisement that no man can ever visualize. You cannot imagine such horror, such fear, such destruction.

I ask you to convert! I beg you to pray! I plead with you to obey!

I DEMAND LOVE! You turn a deaf ear to Me. The day is nearly upon you when I will turn a deaf ear to your cries. The souls of the just cry out for vengeance and vengeance will be theirs!

Return to Me! Listen to Me! Follow Me! He who rejects My call I will condemn! You are all My children but as your God and Savior I WILL NOT BE DENIED OR BLASPHEMED any longer!!! Live or die."

(end of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 9, 2003- (5:10 p.m)
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus spoke, "There is much suffering among you. Diseases, fevers, pain--either physical, emotional, mental and spiritual are tormenting humanity indeed, all creation around the earth. Pain and suffering are real.  Very few people care to accept it.

You call on My priests and My chosen children for prayers--healing prayers. You expect an instant miracle. When My Mercy seems to evade you, your become hurt and often, angry.

I ask you instead to pray as I did..'Father, Thy Will be done...not mine!' Pray for strength to carry your cross each day, along with me.  Offer all to Our Father for His Divine Will to be accomplished through your suffering. Suffering will escape no one. As evil men continue to contaminate the earth, water and air, suffering will be widespread. There will be no assistance for many (to help your pain or to heal).

Pain and suffering on earth is limited to a time. Eternal suffering has no end. Suffer humbly and in silence. Ask Me for My Grace and for My gift of strength to sustain you. Above all, offer it in prayer --as a prayer.

For your offering in love to God you will receive your eternal reward.  You will see all the good you have done. You will be blessed abundantly--forever.

Ask not what Our Father can do for you. Ask what you can do for God!!! Pray. Your suffering, your pain is a beautiful, fragrant bouquet presented to God for His Will to be done. It is presented from your humble heart freely. God--We--The Triune God with all the Saints and Angels will never leave you, never abandon you. You are loved. You belong to Us.

With thanksgiving to all suffering souls who follow 'The Way, The Truth, The Life,' Your suffering Savior Jesus, asks 'Can you find any suffering that compares to Mine?' Be a Simon helping one another carry his cross."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 9, 2003- (11:35 a.m)
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus spoke: "Anchor yourself to Me Make the chain of prayer.  From now until the end, it is only those who love, honor and obey My every word that will have the strength, the courage to keep going forward.

Remain in My harbor of light To keep you from despair.  I am the 'Light of the Darkness'. I am the 'Light of the World.' As the darkness gathers around the you, you must keep your eyes on the Light. I alone can lead you home.

The evil that awaits you Is the worse that's ever been.  Satan has millions upon millions of followers. They are in every city, church, nation and work in every attainable job and industry on the earth. No one can avoid his subtle temptation.

The earth is smothered by a cloud Made of every conceivable sin.  Sin is more rampant today than at the time when sins destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah plus the destruction by the Great Flood. There is absolutely no place on earth that is not livid with sin.

Therefore the hour has come When the Hand of God must fall, I will give mankind time to repent.

Once all begins, the gates will be closed forever to the unrepentant, the unbeliever. I will allow this great hour of Divine Mercy and Love to continue for a short time yet. Accept it or you will be separated from Me forever.


(End of message)

* Note: LST~This is the first time that I have ever received a message that had a poem within in it.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 8, 2003- (3:05 p.m)
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "A very small minority of men rule every nation, every country of the world. It will take only one man to set nation against nation, leader against leader. Each one wants, demands, his way but not one will follow My way.

As I give My love to you so I ask you to love one another. As I accept you, with all your faults, so must you accept each other. Not one of you is perfect!!! If you follow Perfection, or God, you will act as adults in humility with love for your brother and all people. To demand is to think yourself the superior.

There is far too much killing taking place daily--hourly--in My world already. Men have absolutely NO concern for another human soul from conception to NATURAL death. Now you plan the demise of all life.  Already your chemicals are killing millions and your germ warfare is crippling others. STOP YOUR WAR GAMES NOW!!!! Make peace or you too will die from your own sword or trickery. DEAD IS FINAL!!!

I no longer ask you to convert; I tell you to convert and follow Me!!! Millions upon millions of people will suffer and die at your hands; because of one man's foolish decision. You will see family, friends, your children and yourselves die. You will see rivers of blood flow at your feet.

When you are asked by God to give an account of your life He will condemn you for murder, the killing of HIS--NOT YOUR--people and all creation. Stop and think---suffering without end---ever!

If you return to me; if you obey Me; If you'll live love I WILL GIVE YOU MY MERCY and LOVE ----ETERNALLY!!! You leaders must choose. It is your decision for eternal life or eternal death. You have very little time to decide. You cannot be lukewarm. You are either with Me or against Me. I, your ONLY one true God, have spoken."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 6, 2003- (10:50 p.m)
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "How many of you, My dearest children, appreciate your numerous blessings, especially those of you who live in USA and Canada?  You live in countries free of war. There is food for everyone. Most people have a roof over their heads. You have schools and universities. The greater majority have cars. You do not want for clothing. You also have the freedom to worship your God openly.  Exceedingly few countries on earth enjoy so much. I hear very few words of thanks. Instead I see selfishness, pride and greed. You want more and you are never satisfied.

My churches, the One I founded, are relatively empty except for special days or holidays. Where are you on the Sabbath? I commanded you to 'Keep holy the Sabbath Day'!  You expect blessings. You want peace. You crave freedom and all the most modern conveniences.  The people in USA are the laziest on earth. You over eat but few of you make the meal. It is an obese nation! You sin, for it is 'gluttony'!  Even your children are much overweight.
You avoid Me and you, every minute, break My Commandments. You want everything your way. For your daily neglect, I will rain down on you My Just Punishment. Peace will evade you. You will know hunger. You will know

You will see death all around you. You will lose your big showy homes and cars. Your money market will fail and you will be destitute.  Again I tell you that pride comes before a great fall! You have put Me aside and worship idols. Yes, idols are your god! Most all businesses are open on My Sabbath and even on high holidays and on the day I gave My life for you through My Crucifixion--Good Friday. Your only concern is self!

I will break you! I will bring you to your knees. I will punish you severely for your lack of gratitude to your One and only God. All your idols I will destroy.

My punishment has begun. The worse is yet to come. You will lament the day you ignored your Lord, God and Savior. You will see your sins and all the time wasted to gather useless treasures.

I must be your greatest treasure and those who gather spiritual treasures will attain their reward with me eternally. My Mercy, Love and Graces are for those who seek me, follow Me and obey My every word. YOU are My beloved remnant!!!"

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 5, 2003- (7:40 p.m)
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said,"Yes daughter, the earth will be shaken off its axis.  Fear will consume all souls even those who are close to Me. You have the advantage of knowing ahead of time: time to prepare through prayer and to receive My much needed strength. It will not come upon My beloved faithful ones like a thief in the night.

This event is not in the too far future. When it happens there will be many earthquakes. Volcanoes will erupt. There will be avalanches, huge tidal waves and fires will be everywhere. Mountains will fall and the earth will open to swallow anything in the path of destruction.

A dense dust will then arise and fill the air making breathing all but impossible. Those who survive will wish to be dead. Little, very little will remain (on earth).

Only much prayer can postpone and lessen this catastrophe. If all people would turn to Me and pray, I WILL HEAR YOU. I implore all people to return to Me their God. I will show My Mercy and Love IF YOU TURN FROM SIN!

To My children I say: trust in Me and I will be with you to strengthen you and to lead you. The earth will be purged, cleansed of all evil. I will reign as your King in a new paradise on earth. All will be beautiful. Pray that you do not succumb (to Satan) during this time."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 5, 2003- (1:25 p.m)
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Today you will begin to hear of many fatalities happening around the world. Some I will send to try to wake My people up. Many will be caused by evil terrorists in their quest to kill. Each day the news will worsen.

My time has come! So far, what you have witnessed this winter is nothing compared to what is to come. The signs from the sky and the signs I send to earth will frighten many people even unto death.

The evil men of the world are using many diverse means to destroy the earth and to annihilate all forms of life--including their own!

I, your God, will send such a powerful jolt to earth, so as to change its very form, its structure. All will change! So much will I destroy! I am angered to My core with the sins of men! My just punishment IS NOW FALLING!!! There will be desolation as never witnessed before. Suffering will intensify.

The reason: men refuse to listen, hear and obey Me. They are playing God and taking all matters of life and death in to their own hands. Men have continually crucified Me for two thousand years. Now, men will suffer and I will send no help. They will search everywhere but find no means to lessen their sufferings.

Scripture WILL BE FULFILLED! Yet, I have promised My faithful, loving remnant that I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU! I tell you to fear not. Your suffering, your crosses are a stepping stone to Heaven.

Justice will prevail! Trust in Me! My mercy and love are the mortar that holds or binds My loved ones together. Here is My strength!

Live in Me! Live for Me! Live in constant prayer!&nb sp; Obey Me and be prepared! As I've told you before; ALL MUST BE IN READINESS--NOW!!! You are living one minute at a time. You have absolutely NO TIME TO WASTE!!!

The signs surround you yet so many choose to ignore all. Only a true fool would allow himself to take this precious time, the final hour of My Divine Mercy, to remain ignorant or to be repulsed by My warnings.

It is your choice. Yet, again I ask you to wake-up and repent and to consecrate yourself to Me. All is ready! All has begun! I will be only with those children who have chosen Me and remain with Me till the end!"

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 4, 2003- (2:50 a.m)
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Each of you, but especially Our messengers, will grow in ways of the heart. Because of the way you have used your 'gifts', multiplying them many times, you are now ready to be trusted with new 'gifts' also. The hour has come when you, through Me, must reach out to the world--each and every person--in My Name.

Signs are increasing daily. Surely you are aware of this! My words, My messages, My love, My mercy and My light MUST NOW REACH ALL HUMANITY.  Many healings and many miracles will you perform through Me. You will speak with authority and many will be converted. You will cast out evil spirits. Eyes will open. Ears will hear. Amazement will fill the hearts of unbelievers. Conversions among those who hate you, will be many.

The time is now for the ministries of My faithful ones to grow. I have planted the seeds in your hearts and carefully nurtured them. Now is the hour for you to transplant your seedlings into the hearts of all mankind. Go forth in spiritual boldness making My words known. Have no fear for I am with you. Teach people about their God, their Savior and the Kingdom of Heaven, as My Apostles did. Be humble yet proud to carry Me to every corner of the earth. You will be rewarded for a job well done.

You, dear ones, are the Body of Christ emerging into a world of darkness to light a candle of hope!!! My Light was brought into the world in Bethlehem when the world was also in severe darkness. My Light has never gone out!!! I, your Jesus, am 'The Light of The World.' I live forever.  I AM!!!

March forward, in hope, My beloved soldiers. You are brave! You have proven your steadfastness over the years of trials and heavy crosses.  You will still continue to carry crosses but, as prayer offered to Me, you will--you are--helping many poor souls to leave Satan thus gaining eternal life in Heaven.

I commend you again for your love and faithfulness. Accept your new gifts and go forth in My Name converting poor souls and doing all in My Name.

I give you My love, My strength, My peace. I bless you, each one. Tell the world of My great mercy and boundless love. Show mercy. Give love.  Be patient. Reflect me, Your Jesus, in all that you are called upon to do."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 2, 2003- (9:40 a.m)
Louise began to receive a message from St. Joseph and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then St. Joseph said, "My child, my dear one, you have been faithful to me must all your life. So many people, even many of my Son's priests, place me in the background. Artists depict me as a very old man. I am not old! How could I have protected Mary and our Jesus if I were so old? How could I have walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem, to Egypt, to Jerusalem, to Nazareth and to visit Mary's cousin Elizabeth?

I am your protector! I protected my beloved spouse Mary and her Divine Son, our Jesus. He (Jesus) is your God (my God). Mary is mother of all therefore I am your father and protector. Please, respect me, listen to me for I, like Mary, wish to lead you closer to Jesus. Remember, Mary asked Jesus in the Temple, why he worried His father and mother. He, to us and our thinking was lost.

You, our children, get lost daily. Mary and I look and search for  you. We wish for all our children to return to us and allow us to direct you to our Beloved Son. As your parents, we ask you to honor and respect us and to obey us just as Jesus did. God chose us from all man and all women.  How humble we feel. You too are chosen, for each of you is a child of God.

We held Jesus in our hearts and in our arms. You too can embrace Jesus. Open your heart! Commit your life to Him as we did! Trust completely! Have no fear! He awaits your invitation to enter into your heart. Give your 'Yes' as Mary and I did. You too will receive countless blessings.

We will protect you from our (and your) adversary. We will shelter you, nourish you and lead you. We will correct you and enlighten you. We will teach you.

I, like our Father God, wish that every one of you would return to GOD, to Jesus. Jesus, Mary and I, through your free-will commitment with the Saints and the Angels, especially your Guardian Angels, weep at the loss of one soul.

Today, thousands of souls are going to Hell's abyss--forever. Won't YOU place your soul in the hands of Jesus' parents--your parents--and trust us to lead you, to teach you through our parental love?

I am also the protector of Jesus' Church! This statement is not known to most people. Our priests do not tell you. My feast day is nearly upon you. I am very often not remembered at Mass, or by you, on my special day.

Would you like your family to forget your special day--your birthday? As Jesus is remembered each Friday and Mary is honored each Saturday, my day is Wednesday. How many of you are aware of this?

Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long. Honor you Heavenly parents and you will have no end to your days. Through your love for Jesus and honoring us--Mary and me--you give much happiness and joy to our Son. We will lead you to Him, to Heaven eternally.

In childlike humility come to us. Give us your hurts, your fears, your intentions, your children, all you needs. We will intercede for you.

Pray for families. Pray for your family. Pray to God's Family. We await your call, your prayer. Our job is to assist all God's children (our children) to save their souls. Call to us. We will protect you and cover you with our cloak of parental love. We invite you to know us more intimately, to be at home with us. We want you to know Jesus and feel and accept His Mercy and Love.

I bless you now in the Name of Jesus. Remain in Him. Live in peace.  Live love. I, Joseph, extend to you my love."

(end of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March 1, 2003- (4:30 p.m)
Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Call all My people to repent. The just anger of God is about to spread to every part of the earth. He, God, will allow a war whereso many people will suffer pain, agony, separation, death. The sky will be ablaze with fire. So much land will be flooded, rivers and seas spreading and washing away houses, land, people, animals--the evil and the good will suffer.

Justice will rule with an iron hand. God will destroy and clean all that man has utterly ruined by sin, greed and pride. The tears of My mother, Joseph and all of Heaven united with My Tears and Blood, will rain down to earth a horrible, unbelievable chastisement. Only those united to Me through consecration and prayer will find the strength to survive.

So many souls are falling into Hell and so many more will follow.  Very few people wish or choose to believe My words spoken through My little, chosen, humble and ignorant, present day prophets.

Scripture is alive! It is happening in your day--your lifetime. Why do you suppress the small voice within you? Why do you follow the ways of sinful, ignorant crowds that reject Me, do not believe in Me? Only the weak follow that crowd led by evil men who teach lies to impress you.

The road to Heaven is the road less traveled. Those who choose to follow Me are humble, loving, trusting. To follow Me is to leave the world and its possessions behind you. If necessary, it means to leave your family and friends. To follow Me must be the only desire of your heart. I am your only love, only treasure.

Here is your peace. No soul that lives for the world will ever be satisfied. They will want for more. They will worry in fear of losing their possessions. They have no fear however, of losing their greatest possession which is eternal life with God--the loss of their own soul.

I tell you again to prepare. If you are obedient to My word, you need not fear. Follow Me as best as you are capable of doing. Live in love and harmony with one another. Do not worry about tomorrow. Live for today.

Begin today. Change yourself. Pray for all people. Seek strength and deeper faith.

This is the hour of Mercy. Accept it. All has begun. All will progress rapidly. Although you are in the world, do not be a part of it.

Remember, you entered the world with nothing. You must and will leave with nothing of this earth. Bring to God a truly loving, forgiving, repentant heart that you have consecrated to Him each day of your life; a true and eternal gift."

(end of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
March1, 2003- (10:20 a.m)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Purgatory: a place where souls are cleansed of sin as gold is tested in fire. To come into My Father's House your soul must be as white as snow. There can be no stain remaining. The soul must be pure.

For thousands of years since the creation of man, only a handful have entered Heaven's portal immediately upon dying. My daddy Joseph was first and My mother Mary followed.

Dear children, suffering purges your soul of sin IF you suffer all for Me and unite your suffering with Mine to save your soul and the soul ofothers. Suffering is certainly not pleasant but given to God in love according to His Divine Plan is a means for salvation; yours and others.

Sin causes suffering and death! No one can escape either.  Confession is the Great Sacrament I gave you to assist you in cleansing your immortal soul thus shortening you time of purification. Only a 'good' confession can cleanse you. If you hold back, purposely, you commit yet another sin. Now your soul is blackened by willful sin or mortal sin.  You cannot return to My Graces until you FREELY LET GO OF ALL SIN!

I gave My TRUE PRIEST-SONS the power to forgive or retain. As they do, so I do. It is pride and fear that keeps you from confessing all yet, dear ones, ALL must be confessed and told to My true priest-son. This takes humility. You will be rewarded immediately with a peaceful heart and a joyful spirit.

YOU MUST NOT RECEIVE ME IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST IF YOU HAVE ANY MORTAL SIN ON YOUR SOUL!!! Prepare in prayer to make a holy confession; to cleanse your soul. I will help you recall your offences against God and man. I am your High Priest! All authority comes from Me and Me alone.

Children, seek out a good, faithful, loving priest. Go to him and ask for his blessings. I bless you through him. Return to Me. Time is short.  Soon you will be hard-pressed to find a true priest-son as they are in some countries today. THERE IS A TREMENDOUS SHORTAGE OF GOOD PRIESTS-- not a shortage of priests. Beware, dear ones, for many will lead you astray.

Pray and repent!!! From Purgatory you will return to Me. If you choose not to repent and convert then Hell awaits you. There is NO escape from Hell!!!

Come, imitate Me. Pray! Offer your suffering with me to Our Father for His Will to be done. Forgive and love. Forgive your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Shower My Love upon all as I shower you with My Love and Mercy. It is forgiveness that will set your heart free. Forgive as you want Me to forgive you. Hold no malice. Give all to the Father as I did. Live humbly in love as I have shown you. Live My words. Follow My actions.

Follow your Teacher for I am one with God!!!"

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 26, 2003- (9:00 a.m)
Louise began to receive a vision and words from God our Father, and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

*LST: First I see fire and flame coming from the Capital in DC. A large white mushroom cloud is above. Then I see a very tall building in Chicago collapsing. The top of this building is covered with clouds. Next I see the West Coast and its industrial cities where much is imported from abroad.  It is all on fire. Finally, I see our South Central (area of US). The oil industry is aflame. Our borders are closed. The heartland is in much distress due to chemicals, diseases, insect infestation which has been dropped or planted.

All military bases are targeted.

Then God our Father speaks, "I have given you a glimpse of what evil terrorists are planning. In a very short time this will become a reality.

Television, magazines, newspapers will try to alert you but they will be 'cut off.'  These terrorists live among you. You brush shoulders with them daily.  They receive their commands from their leaders in foreign countries. All is in readiness awaiting the final call.  It is not just USA but each and every country that does not agree and
follow their Satanic ways. USA and the world is ready to be blown up.  Yet even with all this knowledge and all the available signs men still refuse to see the daily, steady progress of evil over the land. You irrational, blind

The world stands by an open door, disregarding all signs, all warnings (many given by Me, your God), looking evil in the eye, totally unprepared, as annihilation stares back at you. You are so worldly, materialistic, so greedy, so distant from God and My words, that you casually stand by, as in Noah's day, never expecting your world to collapse.

But, it will!!! It has all begun!!! It is just a matter of time.  And YOU ARE NOT IN READINESS!!! Only a part of My remnant is prepared.  So very few act upon My words as they should.  Well dear ones, TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!! Like Noah, you MUST be prepared spiritually and physically. If you are not; you WILL suffer the
consequences. I have spoken to all for many years. I've given you much time to obey, to prepare.

Today, tomorrow, all these things will occur (His time NOT ours). The hour will surprise you but not the incidents. Evil men are using cunning tactics so as to keep you confused.
Beware! Stay alert!

Anchor yourself to Me in prayer. Only prayer will sustain you. Only prayer will give you courage now and until the end. Only your faith and love can save you. It is your blind faith in Me and My Divine Son, Jesus, that makes you whole. Faith heals. Faith and love with prayer and sacrifice is your WEAPON AGAINST ALL EVIL.

Much, much suffering will be induced by men. Remember, My children, that I will punish and rid the world of all evil, all sin. I will scourge and purify. I will rain down fire from Heaven. I will use nature to destroy evil.

I will shake the earth from its very foundation. I will put deep fear into the hearts of all men but especially evil, devil worshipers. I will purify what Is Mine--made at My command. Sinful men will die of fright when they see
all that awaits them.

They are fighting against My army. My holy armor will protect My loving, faithful remnant leaving evil men bewildered. They (evil men) will fall by the thousands at your side. They will die by the sword. As they lived, so will they die. The pain they inflict on others, they will also suffer.  NO EVIL CAN STAND AGAINST GOD!!!

Pray My little remnant followers!!! Pray and be strong. Fear not for I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS!!! I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ORPHANED!!! I HAVE CARVED YOU IN THE PALM OF MY HAND!!! You are soldiers in My army. You are brave warriors! Stay with Me until the end and I will make your garments
(souls) white as snow. I will reward you with eternal bliss. Your mansion awaits you. My Mercy, and Love are yours forever.

Pray! Pray! Pray! All this must happen to fulfill Scripture as I have told you. When you see these signs know that My word is being fulfilled.  My strength I give you. My graces will sustain you. Your prayers, love and total obedience fill My Godly Heart to overflowing. I love you My precious remnant and await the return of all My faithful children."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February25, 2003- (8:40 p.m)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Nature is acting in discord with herself. This I told you would happen. People doubted this message. Now all is being brought to fruition. Slowly, very slowly, eyes are being opened. People are questioning nature's strange weather. They have no explanation. Mother nature obeys Me and through her I will make people aware of an Unseen Force that is causing havoc around the world.

These signs are just the beginning and they are mild compared to what is to come. Are you prepared? You MUST obey My every word. Do all that is required of you. Do not hesitate! Before much more time lapses, many severe storms will cripple various parts of the earth. So many people and animals will die from cold, floods, winds, fires, quakes, and volcanoes will begin to smoke and gurgle from deep within.

The Heavens and the earth respond to the Divine Will of our Father. Because men do NOT obey God's Holy Will, many will be punished as the Father uses nature to control and destroy evil AND evil men. If your eyes could see the destruction caused by the sins of men, you would shrink in fear.  Death by sin! Over three quarters of the earth must be purged. Two-thirds to Three-fourths of human life will be annihilated. The wages of sin is

God's All-powerful Arm is descending rapidly. His compassion, His Mercy and His everlasting Love envelope His beloved remnant. His just anger and vengeance will come to all evil people everywhere. They will know the
wrath of God.

You, My brothers and sisters, God's faithful remnant, pray. Pray to be strong and to follow Me, Jesus, until the end. Obey every word that comes from the mouth of God. Commit yourself to Us through daily consecration.

Today you witness many false prophets. They perform miracles, speak in My Name. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! DO NOT FOLLOW THEM! Many will come saying they are of Me. Turn and run from them! Many too will have the power to control you. Do NOT stay in there midst. You must pray and remain strong in Me lest you succumb.

Oh, the power of evil and his lies and trickery! Do not be fooled, dear ones. Already so many of My children are being blinded by his sweet deception. Pray children, pray lest you become ensnared in his evil trap.

Keep your eyes on Me. Hear only My word. Follow My Light. Avoid the darkness. Do not be deceived by the hideous snares of Satan.   Pray and accept My Mercy, Love strength and graces given to My children to assist you in your earthly journey. Do not be ready to follow (everyone) lest you fall into evil hands. Follow Me. Hear My words. Lead souls by reflecting My Light. I am the Way. Only by following Me, carrying your cross each day with a loving, humble spirit will you remain on the path that leads to My Father's House.

If you do all I ask, even though times will rapidly worsen, you will grow in strength and love. My Peace, not a peace as this world gives, will fill your heart, mind and soul. You will not be fearful but strong soldiers of these turbulent times. My blessings to each of you, My precious ones."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 23, 2003- (10:00 a.m)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! Dear Children, you do not realize the power of prayer and suffering. For people to come to Me, to remain in Me, much prayer and sacrifice is needed. Only prayer can save souls. Prayer releases souls from Purgatory. Prayer will lesson the time and severity of punishment. Prayer brings miracles and healings.  PRAY!

       Prayer is communion with Me. Take time to listen as I speak to your heart. Thank Me. Praise Me. Offer your petitions. Now sit back and LISTEN as I speak to you. My Words are warning, teaching, loving and merciful. For you to comprehend all that is now taking place on earth, you must hear My Voice and understand My words/messages.

       Seek the Gifts of The Holy Spirit plus discernment which is Understanding. Live the Fruits of The Holy Spirit thus following Me. There can be no pride, lust, anger, envy, coveting, gluttony or sloth in your life. NONE! These are sins that place you far from Me. Instead, live love in humility. Be forgiving and kind. See Me in everyone and in all creatures, all creation. Be a witness to all, that I live in you and in all life everywhere. Live charity for charity is love.   Now I ask you especially to pray for My priest-sons worldwide.  Many are hurrying through the Mass. It is disrespectful. Many too are changing words from Sacred Scripture in the readings, the Gospel and at Consecration. That is sinful! Priests, so many, do not believe in Transubstantiation. Yes, dear sons, IT is I--JESUS! Believe and teach your sheep. They believe and react to your words and actions.  You (priests) must pray for your own conversions. Seek a deeper faith. Don't just feed bodies but feed souls. So many of My children hunger and thirst for the Bread of Life, the Living Waters, the Cup of Salvation. Nourish My children!

       Now is the day of prayer. It is sorely needed. It is the hour of decision. Your eternal life rests on your free will choice. Beloved,times are so extremely short. I wish to impress on your minds that all has begun. Live your life for Me.. Reflect Me in all that you do or say. Be My Light unto the world. Curse the darkness (sin). Bind it in My Holy Name. Sin--evil--must be destroyed and wiped from the face of the earth. Prayer is your tool. It is the way to God's Heart. Pray!!! Listen!!! Act!!!"

(End of message.)

Poem given to Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 22, 2003
      The Time is Now

       Now is the time to place My Words
       Where all the world will see
       The faithfulness of My little ones
       Who humbly follow Me.

       They're ready to serve both morn and night,
       It makes no difference the hour,
       They follow the lead of Their Master;
       From responsibility, they never cower.

       There's a job to be done; the word must go out
       For the Day of the Lord is neigh.
       And only through preparedness
       Will you understand the signs.

       The day is already upon you
       When God's Great Arm will fall
       Removing all evil; all sin from earth
       Where Jesus, your God will rule.

       Peace alone will dwell on earth
       All hate, all wars will come to an end.
       A New Heaven, New Earth--God's Paradise
       The reward for loving, faithful men.

*All the poems given to Louise will ( hopefully) be in a book
called "Inspirations of the Holy Spirit

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 22, 2003- (11:00 p.m)
Louise began to receive a message from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then God said, "All is in readiness. The time is now.  All has begun. The battle will intensify.   Are you prepared?  Is all in readiness?  Good and evil will battle until the end.  Evil will fight as never  before to gain as many  souls as possible.  Will you join his ranks?

       This will be the bloodiest war ever fought on earth.  Before this war begins in earnest, you will be given one last chance to follow Me as I will allow each individual to see his own soul as I see it.  Repent, convert or join Satan and lose your soul.  I will give you the graces you need to return to Me for I am all Mercy and Love.

       The battle will rage for what seems to be an eternity.  Those who have come to Me, who repent and convert; I will never leave you!  I will never lose you!  Stay close to Me through prayer and obedience with much love..

       Close your eyes, your ears, your hearts and all your senses to evil and his temptations.  His time is short.  My strength will sustain you.

 Help one another, dear remnant, during this time.  It is crucial that you band together in mind and in spirit and, where possible, physically join together under one roof to remain strong, for there is strength in numbers. Assist one another in all matters.  Pray around the clock by taking turns so that no one has too much responsibility and too little rest.  I will show you the way.  I am the Way!  Follow Me!

       When the battle terminates, you will realize My reign as Eucharistic King and one thousand years of peace before the final battle that will be of short term.(Rev. 20) This is not the end of the world but the end of a sinful era and of Satan's rule.

       But the earth will change. Boundaries will change.  What is left will be pure, clean, sin free.  You will live off the earth.  Love will abound.  Peace will be lived in all hearts.

       Be prepared and pray while waiting in happy anticipation for 'peace on earth, good will to men' to be a daily way of life with God as your Leader as you praise your One Triune God openly, together until the end of time."

(End of message)

Urgent: Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 19, 2003- (9:30 a.m)
   Louise began to receive a message from God our Father and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then God our Father and Creator spoke, "America the beautiful, My most glorious creation, the pride and joy of My Heart.  United States of America  was in want of nothing.  You have mighty seas on both coasts and many rivers of sparkling, clear water and many tributaries.  Oil, coal and natural gas is underground.  Iron, gold, copper all wait to be mined.  Fresh water waits for wells to be dug.  Many precious stones vein their way across the land.  Cotton and flax grown in many areas.  Food in abundance is grown in each and every state.  Animals of many kinds and various birds fill your earth and sky.  Fish fill you streams, lakes, oceans.  Woods of different trees await your needs.  Forests are plentiful.  Flowers of every hue, perfumed to enliven your senses grow everywhere.  Your soil is rich.  Clay is also available to make pots, dishes, bakeware.  Wool can be spun into warm clothing, blankets--all free to you by shearing sheep and other animals.  Fruits flourish throughout your land.  Herbs too, I've planted for your use.

    Man has been given many talents to use all I have given to you to make a good life.  Instead, man has become corrupt.  Man wants more!  Man is lazy! Man has virtually killed My beautiful creation, My glorious land.

    The upper crust of the earth is nearly barren.  What lies under the earth lays dormant.  Many of My people are in dire want.  They are living on streets.  They are hungry.

    Sports players, importers, politicians, chemical manufacturers, doctors, lawyers and company presidents, to mention but a few, are all screaming for more money.  They live high and want for no earthly thing.  These money hungry worshipers have wiped out all middle class persons so that all that remains is ultra wealthy or dirt poor.  They rule.  They over charge.  They over tax.  Worse yet, they have ruined My country by importing all needs from outside (USA).  Every commodity, every need is manufactured, grown or made elsewhere.  It is cheaper.  But these men raise the price thousands of times to make their much adored money.

    America, My glorious, beautiful America, is full of evil men.  These men have made themselves lords over all.  They are wealthy and care not about anyone else or anything.  Their god is the almighty dollar.

    Soon your wealth will be taken from you.  Your investments will fail.  Your stock market will fall.  Fire, water, droughts, disease, plagues, storms, winds, mudslides, avalanches, chemicals, insects and martial law will now bring you lower than the dust on the earth.  I, your God, will punish you for your greed, your pride, your lust, your gluttony, your sloth.

    My dear son, Mr. President, and all members of the government of My USA, I ask you to recreate jobs using your resources.  Do not import what you do not need.  Make jobs for all people.  Clean up your deadly chemical plants that will, in turn, clean you air, your water, your land.  Teach your people to work the land and to respect all life, yes dear ones, ALL LIFE.

    Stop today from deciding who should live or who should die.  Stop playing God!  Bring life, industry, joy, peace and happiness back to the hearts of all people.  Use all I have given to you.  Use it wisely.  Work together in brotherly love.  Re-consecrate USA to your God.  Use the words of your forefathers 'One nation under God'. LIve 'IN GOD WE trust'.  And ' let freedom ring' across USA.

    When you reflect Me and live for Me and reflect My light, My love, My mercy, other nations, other leaders will see you in a different dimension.  Be the first to spread love NOT to induce war.

    Pray, each one of you!  Pray for peace.  Pray for love to consume every soul.  Pray for all people to return to Me;  to find their true God.  Prayer, dear children, not bombs, guns, tanks, toxins, germs, chemicals, etc.--PRAYER

   IS YOUR STRONGEST WEAPON!  PRAYER IS YOUR ONLY WEAP0N!  Pray for the immediate conversion of all atheists, all the lukewarm, all weak souls.  To
save your country, to save the world, to save all souls,  to save all life from virtual annihilation  PRAY and listen to the Words of your God.  Obey My Commandments and live them.

    USA and the entire world is on the precipice of a great war where terror, suffering and death will all but wipe out all living things.  If this war begins blood will flow like surging rivers.  There will be 'no turning back.'  You will be on the road to finality.

    If you change I will protect you and assist you. If you do all that I ask, you--USA--and all you remnant believers, CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. Begin today to honor and respect all life and all creation.


   (End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 14, 2003- (12:15 p.m)
    Louise began to receive a message from Mother Mary and said, "Jesus, please cover with Your Most Precious Blood."

    Then Mother Mary said, "Dear children, we come to you today to ask a very personal question. Do YOU want world peace or world war? Heaven's intention is for peace: a deep heartfelt peace in the hearts of all people; a love that includes each person and connects them with all God's creation. Love brings peace! Peace is love!

    Now dear children, I ask you to place all your hurts, sufferings, pain, losses, fear, anxiety, loneliness--all your desires in Joseph's and my heart. Then spend up to 15 minutes, although one minute from the heart will do, in prayer to us. Do this often. Do this everyday. We will take your pleas into our hearts, for your parents love you and wish to assist you. We will carry your prayers, your intentions to God, Our Father through Our Son Jesus.

    Who is closer to a child than his parents? Who is closer to the parents then their child? Joseph and I are united to Our Son and through Him we are united to you too. Our intentions are the same. We desire that ALL people unite under God in peace through love.

    You can change yourself and YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. Prayer is your powerful weapon. Let go! Let God! Place your burdens at the feet of your and His parents. Then concentrate on the intentions of Heaven. Pray for our---Joseph's and my--intentions.

    Peace is a reality but only when all people are united under God and His banner of love. Pray, for the conversion of evil men, with Joseph and me. Make our intentions your priority.
Sin must die. Love must live. Live love, dear children. Jesus said, 'Live in My love.' Obey Him.

    As the world converts, peace and love will replace pride, greed, ego and peace not war can and will reign among all men, all nations, around the earth.

    Open your heart to Joseph and to me. Free your minds, hearts, your lives by letting go of all your troubles, all that keeps you bound by letting us carry all for you. Become open to the requests of your daddy and mother through love and prayer. Love and honor your Heavenly parents. There is no end to the possibilities that can be wrought through prayer especially when praying in unity with us, Mary and Joseph."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 12, 2003- (2:15 p.m)
    Louise began to receive a vision and message and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

    Description by LST: Holy Michael the Archangel is dressed in a suit of armor.
    The suit is not metal but the Blood of Jesus.  He and Lucifer are of the same stature.  Holy Michael is the greatest general in God's Army.  Lucifer has no protection.  He is THE fallen angel.

    Both are wise.  Both see the entire earth.  Both head great armies.  Both see the velocity of the battle.  Both see the destruction and loss.

    One's mission is to save.  The other's is to destroy.  The battle intensifies daily, even hourly.

    God's Holy Angels surround His little faithful ones.  All of Heaven hears the prayers, sees the sacrifices and suffering being offered to God.  God is pleased.  He weaves a crown from the gifts of His little ones.  It is a crown of pure gold for all those who suffer and pray, offering all to the Father through their consecration and self-willed love.

    Michael's keen eye is focused on all God's remnant and on those who will convert.  He covers all these children with the prayers of God's Saints and asks many more good and holy Angels to assist in his work during these dark days.

    Michael and Lucifer can see through the dark clouds that cover the entire earth.  Very few areas, which are as dots, emit any light.  What light he sees is from the small remnant of God.  This veil of darkness is growing denser and larger.  Very few dots of light exist.  This number changes frequently with souls who fall from God and those who seek Him. (convert)

    Holy Michael the Archangel speaks:  "I am the great General of God's mighty army.  I fight against the fallen angel of darkness.  It is a bloody battle and a lengthy war.

    So many men have turned evil---turned against their God.  Just as their leader, Lucifer, they too are headed for total destruction and Hell.  Their sin is pride with lust for power.  They have absolutely NO protection.  Those who follow Satan's lead have NO God but they have strength and they, like me, know your weaknesses and your strengths.  Stay ever closer to God.  Hear and obey Him and Him alone.

    It has been billions and billions of years since Lucifer's mighty fall and my victory.  Brothers and sisters, look at this time, compare it to eternity.  There is NO comparison.  Be in awe of your God.  Have a healthy 'fear of the Lord'.  Live His Commandments.  Live love.  Communicate with Him--listen and speak.  Live a life of prayer and sacrifice.  Give yourself to God and His Divine Will for you.  Join His army.  GOD WANTS YOU!"

    Notation: Concerning earlier 9:20 am message today from Jesus.  Jesus is speaking of the parable of the wise virgins ( keep in mind that they did not share their lamp oil with the foolish virgins) and then tells us not to give away or share what we have accumlated..Jesus is referring to right now at this moment..When the time comes for people that are brought to us we will gladly share what we have...He speaks of not giving and sharing right now with those who have wasted their time and not prepared and not been obedient to His warnings ( maybe a stranger that would come asking for what you have prepared )..He has said "prayer without obedience is useless".If you have a marian friend who has tried to faithfully prepare but because of illness and finances etc... needs help go ahead and share if you want.

URGENT: Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 12, 2003- (9:20 a.m)
    Louise began receiving message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

    Then Jesus said, "My children, does the news surprise you?  It should not! I've been telling you all that is about to take place (in the world).I have been telling you, through My messengers, all to prepare and to be in complete readiness.  The shortages will begin.  People frantically running around to purchase needed materials.  More is to come!

     You who have listened, obeyed and prepared to the best your finances and space allow. I will assist you.  Fear Not!  As in the parable of the wise virgins, you are wise.  DO NOT give away!  Do not share!  It is then that you will be short (of necessities).  Continue to obey, My precious ones.  I AM with you!  I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU!  It has begun!!!

     Today, the germs, illnesses, chemicals, toxins, insects, and much more, are being dropped and planted in strategic areas around the world and USA is NO exception!

     Sin has caused all that is happening or is yet to happen in your world.  NO MAN is God!  He places himself on a throne made by pride and calls himself God.  He is an egotistical fool!!!  If you follow him you are a BIGGER fool.

     War trumpets are sounding!!!  The world and EVERY  human being, EVERY creature, all that lives IS AT RISK FOR ANNIHILATION!  REREAD MY MESSAGES! WAKE FROM YOUR SLUMBER!  TIME is NOW!  If you are not prepared you may never be prepared.  Your news media announces the plans of evil men.  The government will also, very, very soon, be forced to ration ALL your necessities, even those for daily use and daily life.

     Do not blame Me, your Merciful and Ever-loving God.  It is you who choose NOT to hear My Words through My little messengers.  It is you who said they are of evil.  Now, oh, how you will wish you had listened, obeyed and prepared.

     With what little time remains, pray and convert and obey your Lord, your God, your Jesus.  Do also as your government asks of you.  They, in some ways, are also trying to protect you from night raids. (cover windows)

     My remnant children, I am with you always.  My Mercy, Love and Graces are enough to sustain you.  Heaven awaits the joyful return of My humble, obedient, loving remnant.  I give you  much strength to resist evil.  Cling to Me!  Love and PRAY!  The time IS NOW!

     The door is now wide open for Martial Law.  A special Smart Card or universal card will be issued.  Without it you will NOT buy OR sell.  It will replace all other cards and money will be worthless.

     This is also the opening for the arrival of the "one world leader'.  The world will be in turmoil and you will wish that the Heavens would fall.  Churches will be forced underground.  GOOD HOLY PRIESTS WILL BE SCARCE!

     Cling to the faith!  You, My messengers, MUST be strong, trusting in Me.  It is you that I send to assist the weaker souls among you.  As I've told you My dear ones, you ARE My hands, My feet, My legs and arms, My eyes and ears, My mouth that will pronounce love, mercy--the Word of God.  It is you that will heal and convert many--- and all IN MY NAME!  Your gifts are within you and I will release them in My time.  Continue in prayer and service, dear ones."
(End of message.)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 10, 2003- (9:30a.m)
    Louise began to receive a message from Blessed Virgin Mary and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

    Then the Blessed Virgin Mary said, "My daughter, Jesus and I have told you (everyone) that annihilation will come to earth when fire comes from the sky.

     Through science and technology man has made 'bombs of fire.'  They (bombs) are also capable of leaving the air and earth toxic for very lengthy periods of time.  It destructs and burns all for miles and miles.

     Through sin man wants to destroy.  He wants war.  Innocent and evil will suffer and die.  Fire has come to earth many times and in all areas.  Now, no area will be exempt.  Planes can carry bombs around the globe.  Man can just touch a button and aim where he so chooses.  Science and technology is used for destruction of the earth and its people.  This is Satan's creation.

     My children do not pray.  My children do not repent.  My children are full of conceit and self pride.  They lust for power and control.  They judge others making themselves judge and jury.  Because of this the greatest and most horrible war ever is about to consume the earth and fire will fall from the sky.

     Soon my children time will run out and God's Angels will be alerted to give the signs for all to begin simultaneously.  When that hour comes, it will be too late to change.  Once God's Mighty Hand falls there is no turning back.

     Repent children and pray. God hears the cry of His poor, loving children.  Although many will be called to suffer; your faith, your steadfastness, your love and obedience will open the Divine Heart of Jesus to receive you in Heaven.

       Love dear ones, love.  Love your enemies and pray for them.  Do good to those who hate you.  Seize these and every opportunity to offer yourself and your sufferings to God as the most profound prayer.  You can save souls.

       Children, time is now.  All will worsen daily.  Already you witness the fire coming from the sky.  Bombs and planes doing Satan's evil work.  Repent and pray always.  If you cannot go to a priest then make a heartfelt act of contrition.  Make amends with God.  Cleanse your soul.  Be prepared for you know not the day or the hour.

     We (all of Heaven) love you.  Live in Our Love.  Repent!  Pray! Prepare!"
(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 9, 2003- (9:10a.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Mother Mary and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Mother Mary said, "Dear daughter, I ask you today to please speak to my priest-sons around the globe.  My children are falling by the wayside because they have no real shepherd--a priest.

       My priest-sons are responsible for their flock--the immortal souls of thousands of children.  They do not teach out of fear and because so very many are not true priests but goats (free-masons) in sheep (priest) clothing.  These false priests do not want the Word of God taught in churches OR in schools.

       My Son, Jesus, my beloved spouse, Joseph and I ask OUR priests to obey God's Word and to pass It on to all.  Teach the Commandments.  They never go out of style!  They are for all people, all generations from Moses until the end of time.  Adamantly teach right from wrong.  Killing IS a SIN.  Stealing IS a SIN.  To covet IS a SIN.  Adultery IS a SIN.  Not to honor and respect ones parents IS a SIN.  Not to keep holy the Sabbath Day IS a SIN.  Not to love God alone above all and your neighbor, who is every living soul on earth, IS a SIN.

          So many of my priest-sons babble on about things not relevant to God's Sacred Word. Because of your not feeding the souls of Our  sheep, many are seekingempty or false food in other churches--NOT MY SON'S TRUE CHURCH!  Here they DO NOT receive the Body and Blood of my Jesus.  They are starving!!!  They hunger!!! They thirst!!!  SPEAK OUT my sons as the Apostles did!  Of what are you afraid?

       Do you not believe that God is with you?  Do you not believe that our Son (Joseph's and mine) is truly present in the Eucharist?  Do you not believe that the Holy Mass IS a reenactment of Calvary where Jesus gave His All for you and your flock?

       We, in Heaven, ask you to teach true devotion, modesty and respect in the lives of Our children.  Most especially, teach it to be alive in my Son's House--Church.  Genuflect and bless yourself with Holy Water when entering the House of God, where He is present.  Be silent.  Speak AND listen to your Savior, Jesus, present in theTabernacle that should be, that MUST BE, front and center in all churches.  Teach and demand modesty.  Tell them that their bodies ARE TEMPLES of the HOLY SPIRIT!  They must NOT distract another from prayer because of talk or dress.  This then, is respect for God and for one another.  This reflects true love.

       All this was present in the Church a few years ago.  Because you, my priest-sons, are more lax in your teachings, my Son's Church is not what it was meant to be and sin is much more widespread.  Our little ones are not taught.  They receive little love and less correction.  You must teach balance.  You must teach NOT preach!

       Our Son and our Father demand the respect due them.  Give it, children!  Give my Son, to your flock, in the Eucharist AT THE ALTAR RAIL.  Kneel before your King and receive Him reverently and lovingly.  NO HANDS.  Make Confession a high priority, especially in these times.  Teach the necessity of the Sacraments that Jesus left for you to help you in your daily struggle.

       Priest-sons, teach the graveness of sin.  Teach the Capital Sins.  So many of you and all our children are proud.  Lucifer fell due to his pride.  You will too.  Tell your flock that through lust a mortal sin is committed even before any act takes place.  My Son Jesus taught that.  Tell them too, that anger--today--leads to killing, shooting, knifing, crippling and physical, emotional, mental AND spiritual illnesses.

       Oh, my dear sons--TEACH!  Teach our hungry, ignorant children all about their Father and their Savior.  Tell them how Jesus lived and died for them.
Explain in detail, the agony of my Son's Crucifixion.  He did all this for you--for them--for everyone!  He did this out of love.

       Our Son is LOVE! God is LOVE! You, dear sons, MUST teach Scripture, the ONLY and TRUE  Word of God.  Oh, dear priest-sons, begin today to bring God, The
Trinity, to life from your words, your teachings, your actions, your obedience to and love for God.

       Change and wake up dear ones!  Lead all our children home!  It is your responsibility, through your vows, to be as Jesus, your High Priest!  It is your duty to live the gifts given you by the Holy Spirit when you were ordained! Dear priest-sons, listen to and stand behind my pope, John Paul II.  He is representing my Son, Jesus, on earth.  Make Jesus' Church, once again, catholic, holy and universal.  Be one in Jesus.  Be one in teaching.  Be one in faith.  Be one in love.  Unite!  Spread the word that 'Jesus is Lord!'  He IS Emmanuel!  He IS God!  He IS Savior!  He IS with you in all hearts who accept Him!  He IS present in all His Holy Tabernacles IN HIS CHURCH around the world!

    Follow Jesus!

       Do not be afraid for He is with you until the end of time!  Do these things that I your mother requests and your reward will be great in Heaven.  Ignore all I ask, all God's/Jesus' teaches and be condemned to the eternal fires of Hell.

       I, your Heavenly mother, with Joseph and our Son Jesus, bless you and all our children in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Go in His peace, strength and love to serve all people, using your gifts to the fullest.  You are loved.  You are greatly loved."  Mother with Joseph.
(End of message)

3rdMessage via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 7, 2003- (1:55p.m.)
    Louise began to receive a message from our Loving God and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

    Then our Loving God said, "Yet again, I come to you to place My Words before all humanity.  Listen children. Listen to your God.  I wish to assist My little ones.

       1. All major government buildings must be evacuated, both state and city, especially the country seat.
       2.  Electric will be cut off.
       3.  Water supplies will be contaminated.
       4.  Schools and churches should shut their doors sending people home. (My Church is a target)
       5.  Malls must close.
       6.  Seminaries are in great danger.
       7.  Wall Street must shut down.
       8.  All news media will be cut off.
       9.  Chemical plants are in danger.
      10. High rise buildings must be evacuated.
      11.  Industrial plants and cities must be on alert.
      12.  Television and radio stations are also a target.
      13.  Great Basilicas are in danger.
      14.  John Paul II should be moved.
      15.  The Vatican is a target.
      16.  All nuclear plants are targets.

These words are for all countries, all people:
       1.  Watch for unmarked or falsely marked planes, trucks, trains, as well as cars that seem to follow no route, no pattern of normal driving but are in a
             hurry -- speeding.
       2.  Be aware of strange faces among you and watch eyes that are darting about or do not look directly ahead.
       3.  Keep alert of people who carry suitcases or other strong carry--alongs.
       4.  Guard all elevators and stair exits.

        This attack is meant to cripple people, creatures--a nation!  These men are of Satan and are filled with hate.  In the name of their false god they plan to
annihilate creatures great and small, even themselves.  They respect NO LIFE!

       All has begun!!!  You MUST pray around the clock.  You MUST be prepared in body, mind and spirit.  Your house MUST be ready--all in place.

       The Hour I've spoken of for so many years, is now at hand.  Satan is all around you and is prepared to strike NOW!!!

       Now you will believe Me as My Word comes to life before your very eyes.  It is not a time for panic but a time for prayer and complete trust in Me.  It is the time to live all I have been telling you.  It is the Hour of the Greatest War ever.  It is the battle between God and Lucifer.  It is Spiritual in its origin.  Evil will compound his efforts to destroy for he is fighting unseen forces from Heaven that will cause him great confusion.  His anger will grow.  His strength will weaken.

       All this must come to pass so that Scripture can be fulfilled.  You must spend much time with Me in prayer and through your consecration.  Be very brave.  Heaven will assist you.  You will never be alone.

       Pray children.  Grow ever closer to your God.  Let My Love and Mercy assist you and bring you peace.  Find strength through prayer.  Remain ever so close to your mother Mary and your daddy Joseph.  Seek protection from St. Michael who leads this Army of God to final victory.

       All has begun!  It must worsen and reach its climax before the New Era of Peace can come to earth. Do not spend your time in fear or worry but rejoice and be glad that the day of the Lord is near." ( Read Luke 21: 29-36)
(End of message)

2ndMessage via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 7, 2003- (11:50a.m.)
    Louise began to receive a message from our Loving God and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

    Then our Loving God said, "Dear Daughter, I ask you to write again in My Name, once again warning all people of the extreme shortness of time.  My children live in denial and refuse to believe My messengers: those little ones whom I have chosen to spread My Words.

     A great warning and an even greater tribulation is as near as your door!  You do not see it yet in all areas of the world but very, very, extremely soon--you will.  It is then that you will believe.  It is then that so many of you will cry out Lord, Lord and I will not know you.

       By rejecting My children, the humble, ignorant messengers that I have chosen, you are, in reality, refusing Me--the One who is warning you through them.  They are My Voice in the Wilderness of your world today.  They are My hands, My feet, My eyes, My ears, My heart that lives among you to bring My hope, My love, My strength to you.  It is they to whom I have given many gifts to heal, console, assist and lead you.  It is not them! IT IS ME IN THEM!!!  IT IS ME ACTING THROUGH THEM!!!  IT IS ME SPEAKING THROUGH THEM!!!  By accepting them you accept Me.

       Test the spirits!  You will know them by their fruits.  All I tell them will be confirmed.  You will find most confirmations in My Words in Scripture.

       Soon, you will be brutally awakened.  If you have not heard, you will be shaken physically, emotionally but mainly, spiritually.  If you refuse to listen, you will be as a blind and deaf person running around in circles--aimlessly.

       I am not speaking empty words!!!  The visions I show these children are very real also.  They will happen and very, very soon.  Fear will consume many even to death.

       I warn you to assist you and to show you My direction and to lead you. I do this out of complete love for each one of you.  It is My Mercy and My Love alone that chooses to lead all sinners, each person on earth, back to Me.  Refuse My Words, refuse My Warnings and you refuse Me.  Refuse Me and you are choosing your path to great loss, great suffering and eventually your eternal reward.  Will you choose Heaven and Me OR Hell and the Devil.  Each is eternal!!!"


(End of message)1stMessage via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 7, 2003- (12:30a.m.)

     Louise began to receive a message from our Loving Father and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

    Then our Loving Father said, "The earth, the world as you've known it, will  soon be completely changed.  Mountains will fall.  Rivers and lakes, even oceans will widen and new ones will form.  Continents and countries will divide or become smaller.

       There is coming a new and beautiful era.  It will be an Era of Peace and Love.  Evil will be removed, gone.  Satan will be chained in Hell with all his followers.  The air, the water, the earth will be sparkling clean.  It will be the Era of My Most Holy Eucharist!

       I will reign as Supreme King, Lord of All.  My remnant people will be one fold under their Great Shepherd--God and Savior.  Our Holy Spirit will unite hearts in love bringing new life to all who remain alive for the thousand years of peace.

       All people and animals will finally live together in harmony as the ion rests beside the lamb.  War will cease.  Illness and pain will be no more.  During this time no one will die.  Life will be precious, respected and lived in love.  A true Eden will be enjoyed by My faithful servants.

       You will honor the earth as My gift to you.  You will plant and your harvest will be abundant.  You will be given all the necessities and the know-how to use and procreate all.  You will share all you reap.  No one will want.

       Each person will have a different talent and when used collectively, all your needs will be met.  You will work with a joyful heart and I will bless your labors.

       I tell you all this that you may have hope in your hearts.  The days that lie ahead are dark and bleak.  But after the storm, after the dark night of the soul, the sun will again shine brightly.  The New Heavens and the New Earth await My faithful, loving remnant children.  The reward I have for you is unimaginable.  No one can ever comprehend the reward I have reserved for My beloved children.

       Keep the faith.  Hope always.  Trust Me, your God and Savior.  Believe

     My Words to you.  Seek always My great Mercy, Love and many Graces.  With Me you can, you will, see and live and enjoy the new life reserved for My children since the creation of the world.  This is My promise to you, oh, good and faithful servant."

(End of message)


Urgent: Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 4, 2003- (1:55 p.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Jesus said, "Urgent, continuous, soaking prayer is needed for My Pope-son, John Paul II.  He is surrounded by many false cardinals and many of the priests around the world that are high-ranking members of the free masons.  He is being viciously attacked around the clock.  Pray!

    In the coming months, all My faithful, but especially, those who are members of My Church, will be persecuted.  My children who hold out till the
end will be eternally rewarded in Paradise.

    All has begun!  The signs are quickening and worsening with each day.  Surely, you see this My children.  Even, the news media is picking it up.  Still, people refuse to see, hear or comprehend.

    In My due time, which is extremely close at hand, you will see, hear and feel the vibrations resulting from mighty quakes, and volcanic eruptions, all of which, will set off a series of tidal waves, avalanches, broken dams, floods, severe changes in climate and weather.  Diseases will be widespread and deadly.  Food and water;  very, very scarce.  You will rely on the mercy of others.

    This is their sign to usher in martial law, the absolute necessity for the chip, the closing of many churches and strict rations for all necessities.  The day is at hand!  All freedom of religion will cease.

    An evil government will be put into office (not elected).  Antichrist will raise his head and take control.  My son, John Paul II, will be removed as head of My Church and soon after, a false pope will be elected into office (by the free masons).

    Do you understand what I am telling you?  Do you firmly believe that this is not or will not happen?  What poor fools, My children are!  So blinded by sin.  So deaf to My Word.

    It is happening!  It will worsen!  It has begun.  Wake up!!!

    Pray!  Pray!!  Pray!!!  Seek conversion of false religious, false priests, government leaders, business tycoons, your families, friends, neighbors, all people--everywhere--NOW!!!

    Accept this Hour of Grace, Mercy and Love given freely from Me, to help YOU save YOUR soul.  Time is beyond short.  It is now!  All has begun.  Hear Me!  Obey Me!  Listen to Me!

    Pray!  Much destruction is beginning.  Many lives WILL BE LOST!!!  Annihilation awaits many, many areas:  countries, states, cities and towns. Open YOUR heart to Me now and pray!  Accept Love!  I AM LOVE!!!"

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
February 1, 2003- (1:10 p.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then our Father said, "It is indeed, a sad day, when My children are killed because of the lustful pride of men who desire to be like God.  Man uses technology to find ways to explore space.  Man wastes billions and billions of hours and money to create ships to fly through the atmosphere - - WHERE THEY DO NOTBELONG!!!

    Just as with Adam and Eve, man craves the forbidden fruit.  My parents and I never did fly.  We walked, rode a donkey or took a boat.  Only the birds of the air
did I make to fly.

    Science and technology are mostly twentieth century discoveries.  All are of man.  I wanted and created you, to live off the earth, in unity with all creation and
in harmony with all creatures.  Space belongs to Me!

    Let Me take you into the Story of Creation in Genesis, the first Book of Holy Scripture.  I gave man dominion over the fish OF THE SEA; wild animals, cattle and creeping things ON THE EARTH; birds OF THE AIR.  I gave you green plants for food. (Gen.1:20-30).  I created the light (day) and dark (night).  I created the sun, moon and stars.  I created the Heavens but I DID NOT GIVEMAN DOMINION OVER THEM !!!

    I also, commanded you NOT TO KILL. (Exodus 20:13).  You mourn the loss of these children killed today in space, yet you kill My babies, My children, My
creatures, My creations and even make it a law to abort or use euthanasia. You law-makers, you Commandment breakers, will answer dearly to Me, your God.  If you do not repent, Hell will devour you and place you eternally in its bowels.

    Billions, upon billions, of dollars wasted on space, evil laws and so-called experiments, using and harming or killing My innocent creatures.  Oh, you evil, proud, life destroying people.  You disobey Me for your pleasure, your gain.  Within a blink of the eye YOUR life will end.  I WILL NOT KNOW YOU!!!  You MUST repent and come to Me.  Seek My Mercy and Love.  Obey your God.

    Has anyone on your news media said one word of prayer?  Have they asked for just one minute of silent prayer?  Has My Name been mentioned even once, for
the souls of the deceased or for their families or loved ones?  Where is prayer?

    These accidents will occur, (and more ) because you disobey and reject Me for self satisfaction and pride.

    I ask you now, as your Father, to live in harmony with all creation, all creatures, leaving to God what is God's."
(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 30, 2003- (8:55 p.m.)
     Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

    Then Jesus said, "Many of you, My children whom God has chosen before time began to be His prophets, healers and end-time soldiers will be healed, strengthened and given many new and wonderful gifts.  Your missions will begin very, very soon and take you to various places to complete your assignments to carry the Word of God everywhere.

    As you understood My Words to you a few years ago, so now, you again will understand and go forth in My Name.  Evil people will not recognize you, will not hear you and, in many instances, will not see you.  You will be under My protection.  A peace that you have never known before, will fill your heart.

    Yes, dear ones, the time has begun.  We will march boldly forward trusting in God's great Mercy and Love.  We will face the enemy head on as God is with us.

    Pray.  Pray.  Pray.  The battle will rage and it will seem as though We are losing.  Be strong!  Have faith!  Trust, for you know the outcome.

    Be alert.  Be in complete readiness.  Within an extremely short period you will begin to feel the repercussions.

    The world is black with sin and it must now be cleansed.  Souls must choose their fate.  All will progress rapidly.  Keep the faith dear ones. Heaven will assist you and protect you.

    Keep in touch through constant prayer.  You are all mine.  I love you. Be patient dear ones.  We are victorious.  In a short time you will have a New Heavens and a New Earth.  Rejoice for My Hour has come.  All evil, all sin, satan and all his followers will soon be destroyed and chained forever.

    Praise, bless, honor, love,  and serve your God now and forever."
(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 30, 2003- (3:55 p.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Jesus said, "Beloved children of My Sacred Heart, My remnant, the precursor of the antichrist is now in your midst.  Hold fast to the Words I've told you in Scripture.  Many will claim to be Me.  They will perform miracles, heal the sick, raise the dead and speak eloquently.  They will enrapture you with their words and actions.  Beware!  Do not believe them.  Do not be enthralled by their short-lived reign.

    It will not be Me, dear ones.  Now is the hour to seek My Gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Strength or Fortitude, as well as much needed Discernment.  All has been written.  All has been told to you.  Read My Word with hunger in your heart and soul and I will give you a new and deeper understanding of Revelations.

    The time is now upon you, when only true faith in Me will aid you in making the choices for your eternal life.  These false preachers, healers and miracle workers will lead you astray.  They are of Satan!  They are evil!  Put your trust in Me.

    It is a time of great confusion.  It will worsen.  These Satan followers want your souls.  Be wary dear ones.  Be wary.  Do not listen to them and do not watch them in person or on television.  Warn people that these are evil days and that they must not pay any attention to evil liars and false prophets.

    Any day now, his evil antics will become worldwide.  Evil spreads like wildfire.  Pray much during these dark hours of evil.  Follow only the Light (Me).  He (Satan) is very convincing, very cunning.  Do not be fooled by his sweet trickery.

    This is the hour for steadfast prayer.  You must not weaken.  Pray incessantly.  Stand by your God.  Do not falter.  Remember, dear ones, I am
with you always until the end of time.  Be brave My little soldiers.  Be brave.  The road to Heaven is rapturous for those who love God."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 22, 2003- (11:55 p.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Jesus said, "My daughter, I am speaking through you, so often these days, for all  details must be in place.  You, My faithful remnant should have no less than two of each necessity.  If your homes are not yet blessed, do so today.  Have many Sacramentals in and around your house, on yourself, your children and all members of your household, including your pets.  Bless all doors and windows, as well as your property, if you have not done so.  Have plenty of water for drinking and much water outside for various uses.

    Is your woodstove or fireplace ready?  Have wood nearby.  Be sure too, to have sweaters, blankets, heavy socks and underwear;  at least two of each.  Food, dried and/or canned must now be in place.

    Also, have extra prayer books, Bibles, blessed candles as well as a back-up source of light.  Have rosaries, holy water, blessed salt and blessed oil in a convenient area, easily accessible.

    All must now be ready.  You must be prepared now.  The necessities I've detailed for you over the years must now be in place.  All has begun.  All will progress rapidly.

    Keep your souls in the State of Grace.  Pray always.  Live in me.  Live for Me alone.  If you obey Me you have nothing to fear.  Live in My Love with peace in your heart.

    Resist evil! DO NOT take his mark!  DO NOT be lured by his false miracles!  DO NOT believe his lies or sweet talk!  Send him away IN MY NAME---JESUS!!!!!

    The hour has come!  All My Angels are prepared for this battle.  They are at their stations.  You, My faithful remnant, must pray thereby protecting yourself and thus assisting My Soldier Angels.

    PRAYER IS YOUR BREASTPLATE!  It is your armor and shield.  Pray!!! Dear ones never cease praying!

    I am with you.  I will mark you with MY Mark, proclaiming to all that you belong to me.  I will not loose one of My own.  My Mercy, My Love, My Graces will sustain you to the end of time."

(End of message)


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 22, 2003- (10:05 a.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover  me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Jesus said, " Various denominations around the world imitate the words My priest-sons MUST say at the Consecration of the Bread and Wine.  No man can duplicate this most sacred ritual.  I instituted the Holy Eucharist the night before I died, for you, thus remaining with you forever.

    This miracle was given to My Church.  No other Church, no other minister, no man has the power within him to turn ordinary bread and wine into My Sacred Body and Blood.  A true priest follows Me and is obedient to My pope-son John Paull II.  He is the direct successor of My apostle Peter, your first true pope; leader of My true Church.

    All other faiths were founded by mere men or women---NOT BY GOD! Their founders and followers change My laws, which are so easy to follow and live their laws to suit their desires, their wishes and far to many of you follow through weakness.

    Many, many of My children attend no church.  They are confused by the large variety of teachings.  My Church is universal!  No other denomination can claim that.  No matter where you go, every country on earth that has My Church in its various areas, the Holy Mass IS THE SAME!

    Why do you allow false teachers to impose false doctrine upon you?  You do not receive Me, not even a 'look alike.'  It resembles Me.  IT IS NOT ME!  To have life you must 'eat this Bread and drink this Wine.'  You receive true nourishment ONLY by receiving My true Body and Blood.  This alone gives and restores your life and makes you a true believer, a true child of God.

    I, your Jesus/God, AM the Bread of Life.  Without Me you have not life within you!!!

    Read My Words in Scripture.  There are many books that are called bibles but they leave out, add on and distort My True Words to you.  I am your Teacher.  I am the only Teacher of Truth, Love and Mercy.  I alone am the True Light of the World.  All others lead you astray.

    Pray and be open to My teachings.  Pray for understanding and wisdom.  Pray for true faith.  Pray for all My little confused children to see the Light and follow Truth.  Pray for conversions.  My only desire is to lead all My children home.  Everyone, everywhere IS MY CHILD!  I am the True Eucharist.  I gave My all to you---forever!  Come follow ME!!!! "

(End of message)


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 21, 2003- (4:30 p.m.)
Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "I am with you always!  I live in the hearts and souls who love Me, accept Me, obey My Commandments, live My Will, live love; are humble, caring and giving.

    I am with you always!  I've given you the Sacraments.  These join you to Me, they bond you to Me in a special way.  You become aware of Me through the Sacraments.  They give you strength, life, peace and love.  They heal bodies, hearts and minds.

    I am with you always!  You see and assist Me in the poor, suffering, hungry, prisoner, cripple, orphan, the young and old.  You see Me in the sun, moon, stars, wind, snow, rain.  I am everywhere.

    I am with you always!  I give Myself daily to you in the Eucharist  in My One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church through the consecration of the Bread and Wine.  I come into you--Body, Mind, Soul and Divinity.  I come as God, Savior, Redeemer of YOU!

    I am with you always!  I want you!  I do not need you!  I love you!  You, on the other hand, NEED Me but you DO NOT want Me.  You choose NOT TO LOVE ME.  Oh, if you only realized WHAT and WHO you choose to ignore.  You will have NO LIFE EXCEPT IN ME!!

    I am with you always!  You separate yourself from Me.  I am Life! I am Love!  I am Light!  You choose darkness! You choose death!

    I am with you always!  Only you can separate us.  Only you can reject My Mercy and Love.  Only you can choose suffering, Hell and eternal damnation.   Then I will NOT be with you--ever!  You have shoved Me aside.  Then I will not know you.  I implore you RETURN and be with Me ALWAYS!!!"

(End of message)


Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 21, 2003- (9:25 a.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Our Divine Master Creator and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then the Most Holy Trinity spoke, "Truly I say to you, be alert, be prepared for all has begun!

    Due to excessive cold and high winds many power lines will snap and water lines will break.  Without heat and water no one can live.  Many foods and
fruits will die on the vine.  Prices will soar.  Food and water will be scarce or unavailable.

    Heat too, will be hard to find.  Oil and gas prices will skyrocket.  Again I tell you, without heat you will also perish.

    All that you take for granted will be taken from you.  You never or very seldom give Me thanks for all you needs.  Yet I alone am the 'Giver of All.'

    With warmer than normal weather in otherwise cold and snowy areas, you will hear of floods from melting snow on the mountains and avalanches will bury near-by cities and towns.

    The changes in climates will cause much disease and much illness, loss of plant  life AND a slow-but-sure shifting of the earth.

    Roads will buckle and recede leaving pot-holes the size of small cars.  Much, very much destruction is now apparent.  More is to come.  Arctic and Antarctic icebergs are breaking loose.  These are enormous both above AND below the sea.

    Wild life will venture into cities seeking food, water, shelter.  So many will die of starvation OR from man's killing ways--guns, accidents, arrows.

    The warmth of My sun eludes you for man has poisoned My atmosphere.  In other areas of the earth the sun burns unmercifully causing great suffering even
unto death.

    The sky is full of pollutants, toxins and chemicals.  They are NOT OF ME!  This is mans doing.  Carried by the wind, they will encircle the earth and
rain down in each and every area.

    Only I can and will put an end to evil mans world-wide destructive ways.  Only your prayer and consecration can save you and many other poor souls.

    Pray for your brothers and sisters and all life.  Pray for these days of darkness to pass by you, to elude you and your entire household.  Pray for strength.  Pray for an  increase of faith.  Raise your voice in prayer and praise to your Almighty Lord, God, Savior and Giver of all life---The Most Holy Trinity."

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 20, 2003- (11:40 p.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Jesus God and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Jesus God said, "Nothing happens without My approval.  No evil can befall the earth or any part of My creation unless I allow it.  Every part of the world is suffering, each in a different way yet man refuses to believe. His blinders are firmly in place.

    Look to the heavens for My signs will come from above.  There will be many signs in the sky. The heavens are Mine and all of nature belongs to Me. Chemicals, bombs, the chip, the cards, the prison camps, torture, marital law, war, division, hate, toxins are all of man's creation;  they are results of sin. All are used for control.  You become prisoners and your free will is taken from you.  Still you remain blind.

    Man made newspapers, books, magazines, movies, theater, television, fashions and man uses these means to slowly take control of your mind.  You are brainwashed daily as you are exposed to more and more sin that evil men teach is perfectly fine.  They deny sin!  They deny God!  They ignore Scripture and any word that comes from Me.

    So many souls lost, all of which are My children.  Heaven, your God, loses souls to Hell every minute of every day.  Satan controls you through man-made devices.  He uses your eyes, your ears to impart his evil schemes.  You freely follow him in your weak state of mind.  He leads you.  He controls you.  He owns you.

    You lack strength for you do not have Me in your life.  Strength comes from Me.  You can accept or deny it.  You will continue to fall deeper into the abyss if you do not wake up, hear Me and change your lifestyle now.

    You have the power to convert if you return to Me.  I will extend to you My Mercy and Love and I will open your eyes, ears and hearts filling you with strength to avoid all evil.  You will only find true and lasting happiness and peace in Me.

    Refuse to read or listen to evil.  Turn off your TVs.  Spend more time with Me in meditation, prayer and listen to Me.  I will fill you and comfort you.  Choose all you do through prayer whether it is entertainment, fashions, companions.  Follow after Me while there is yet time.  I will speak to your heart.  Will you hear Me?  Will you follow My direction?

    Come My child and return to Me.  I alone am eternal peace, joy, happiness.  I alone am perfect Love.  I alone can fill your heart and make you whole. I am the Way;  the only Way.  I am the Light that will lead you safely home for I am Truth."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 17, 2003- (12:05 a.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Abba, Father and said,  "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Abba, Father said, "Scripture is alive in your time and will remain so until all is accomplished.  The geography of My earth is changing until it will no longer be recognized.  Sin and sinner (unrepentant) will be destroyed.

    I am sending powerful signs but signs much more destructive will appear daily until I shake your very soul into believing in your God, Creator and Father.

    I will get your attention.  I will open eyes and ears that are sealed shut by your sin and disbelief.  The signs I send will shake the earth from pole to pole and great fear will consume you UNLESS you are consecrated to Me, follow Me, obey Me and live love.

    Nothing and no one can hold back the Hand of God and My wrath any longer.  Sin today is despicable and hearts are cold and selfish.  All the earth cringes for nature is in tune with its God.  The earth and its creatures feel the reverberations coming from Heaven.  All will now progress more rapidly until My Will, My Word is accomplished.

    All the signs of the times are escalating.  Soon I will expose your souls to you.  You will see your life of sin in a very short time for, it will take only minutes for you to see your life, your sin and all that keeps you distant from Me.  This warning is to assist you.  I ask you to repent and to choose Me.  My Mercy and Love are readily available to any child who chooses to repent and cleanse his (her) soul.

    These days, My child, are close at hand. No one can escape what lies ahead.  I am warning you so that you have time to prepare.  Deadly fear will grip the hearts of unbelievers and all who have sold their souls to Satan.

    Come to Me in reverent, humble prayer.  Let Me fill you with My Peace, a peace not of this world.  I will strengthen you daily as events occur.  I will give you words to speak to help and assist others; words of truth, power and hope.

    Be aware.  Be alert.  Do not be afraid.  I am with you and I will never leave My own.  Our Holy Spirit will lead you and protect you.  My Angels surround you.  My Saints pray for you.  All Heaven surrounds you as we all await the end of this sinful era and the joy and ecstasy of the New Heavens and the New Earth.

    Pray that this time passes quickly for the sake of My elect.  Be alert.  Be prepared.  Be always in a prayerful state."

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 11, 2003- (3:25 p.m.)
      Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

      Then Jesus said, “My dear daughter, you must make my children aware of the truth, the fact that if there is not more prayer and love, more humility and much less greed and pride, the words so often spoken to you will become reality.  A great and most terrifying war is on the horizon.

       My mother and all of heaven have warned you for many, many years.  We’ve begged you.  You do not listen.  You do not pray or increase your prayer or quiet time.

       Evil men have stockpiled various lethal weapons and are ready to destroy.  Time is SO VERY SHORT!  None of you can ever imagine the horror that awaits all life, all My Children.  Prayer and sacrifice can change the world.  Prayer and sacrifice can change the hearts of men.

       Continue in your neglect (of My words) and very soon you will be in World War III!!!  Instead of making bombs to destroy you should be making time each day to be alone with Me.  This alone will turn the tide.

       The war drums are quickening in tempo.  The choice belongs to you, My children.  Suffering and death or peace on earth among all nations.  Will you finally turn to Me through prayer?  Will you choose – annihilation, death?

       Today you must choose.  I will answer your requests momentarily.  Do not be surprised at the eventual outcome.

       Your morals today are at an all-time low.  You destroy life by the thousands daily.  You have forgotten Me and My priests do not teach My Word or do they teach of sin.  For attention and for you to return, they tell jokes at Mass and this is a sacrilege!!!!  I ask My priest sons to step out in faith without fear and TEACH MY WORD!  They must teach truth.  Far too many priests are not true priests.  The evil smoke of satan has, long ago, entered into My Church.

       Pray, pray, pray or you will live to see war and annihilation in My world and every country; schism and apostasy in My church.  You will have Martial Law and be completely helpless unless you bow before evil men and accept the chip.  Soon after this you will witness suffering, torture and death by satan’s followers.  The numbers increase daily.

       Do not fall!  Do not weaken!  Pray and follow Me.  I alone am your TRUE GOD.  I alone am your HOPE.  I alone am the LIGHT that will lead you home.”

End of message.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 8, 2003- (10:15 a.m.)
   Louise began receiving a message from Daddy, God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Daddy, God said, "You, My children, who have given Me your fiat, are under My constant protection.  You have made My Will your will for the rest of your life.  I am very pleased.

     Because of your freewill decision and loving, trusting dedication Heaven's adversary is also yours.  He, Satan, will use all kinds of trickery to lure you away from Me.  His people on earth will single you out as they did Me, and My Heavenly Saints will keep you from all types of temptations, all harm.  His condemned souls from Hell will also try to possess your soul.

     These temptations will be constant and powerful.  He (Satan) is full of trickery, deceit and a mighty liar.  He knows you. He watches you.  He understands all your weaknesses.  He works on you in your weakest moments.  Stay awake and be aware of him.

     Be humble for humility is strength, for you are then open to God's will IN you.  You live on earth but are not a part of it.  Your heart and soul belong to God and I will not allow him (Satan) to ever lead you from me. I am your life.

     You have consecrated all you possession to Me: children, family, pets, animals, home, land, vehicle--all.  I will protect all that belongs to Me; all that is blessed in my Holy Name or that of dearest Mary and Joseph.

     Angels have been sent to assist you.  My Angels surround you and all that is Mine through your decision, your consecration.

     Renew your consecration often.  Pray always.  Obey My Word.  I will use Mine (dedicated children) in various ways and in many new ways as I see fit.  Remain open to Me and to My Will, My gifts to you to assist and direct others in this time.

     Remind all people that all that I've said, all that I say today, will and is happening.  Every Word from Me, your God WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED!!! All I say is true.

     Yes, I've repeated for thousands of years yet, so many souls  DO NOT BELIEVE, DO NOT LISTEN, DO NOT CARE.  You, My present day messengers, all carefully chosen by Me before time began (for you), must be My mouth, My hands, My feet, My heart, My eyes, My ears and spread My Light to ALL people.  I am YOUR strength.  I will never forget you!  I will never leave you!

     Pray and forever, remain faithful.  Your job is My Will and you have been entrusted by Me to carry My Word to all people.  A great responsibility for any mere human.  Only through Me can you succeed.

     The hour has come and I send you forth.  Be not afraid for I am with you always.  I go before you to prepare the way.  Go in peace and love,  Give My peace and love to all that you meet.  Tell them of My Divine Mercy. Ask them to return to their God, their Shepherd.

     I will continue to send great signs and wonders to earth so that all may see and believe.  You are to assist these weak souls using all the 'great' and 'wonderful' gifts I have bestowed upon you, dear little soldiers of My end-times army.

     You are aware that We win the battle but this spiritual and earthly war will progress and worsen daily until all I've said is accomplished.  Now there is NO TURNING BACK.  We march forward boldly against My (and your) adversary.  We win through your faith, trust, love, humility, consecration and constant prayer.  Evil will be swept from the earth forever.  The souls that remain (on earth, my remnant) will be white as snow.

     Go forth, My little soldiers.  Go forth and conquer IN MY NAME!!!  My everlasting Mercy and Love will protect you.  My Angels surround you.  My Saints pray for you and help sustain you.  Take My Spiritual Gifts and go forth in prayer to convert poor souls and destroy evil, Satan, forever!!!"

(End of message)

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
January 4, 2003- (10:55 p.m.)
   Louise began to receive a message from Father - God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Father-God said, " My sons, my daughters, how lax you are and so quick to make judgment.  I've told you many, many times to pray to The Holy Spirit and seek discernment BEFORE you read any message.  So few of you do this.  I taught you how to discern in Sacred Scripture.  You refuse to obey Me. (Look.. it up)

     You read My Words or you scan My messages.  Many of My children do not care to hear My Word any longer.  You are actually tired of all the warnings or My describing events that are to come.  You do not care to see all that is taking place around your earth.  ALL HAS begun!

     Most of you are extremely materialistic and are attached to your possessions.  This is your first love; this is your god!  You have made a fattened golden calf to adore:  a big showy house, a big and expensive car, lots of fancy clothes and jewelry, vacations to exotic places and plenty of money to readily flash about.

     In many countries YOUR brothers and sisters are at war, suffering and dying from various diseases, starving, naked and you don't care! You live in luxury or are at least comfortable.  Do you share?  NO!  Do you care? NO!  You do NOT love your neighbor and you do NOT love your God.  You cannot worship, love or honor two gods.  I will save you.  The false god will corrupt your soul thus leading you to Hell !

     Follow My Commandments to the letter!!!!!  Read My Word to you in Scripture.  Pray and discern as you read the messages I send you today through my little, ignorant, chosen, end-times prophets.  Hear Me
children!  Obey Me now!

     I've told you 'ALL HAS STARTED' .  I've said this through many of My children.  What I state in one language is identical in any other language for My Word IS Truth!  My Word NEVER changes!  My Word is always the same!

    Man changes My Word to suit himself.  Man WILL answer to Me.  Listen to My messages and OBEY MY WORD!  I come to teach you, to warn you, to assist you because I LOVE YOU!

     Let go of your false pride and become My humble little lambs.  Follow your Shepherd!  Hear My Voice!  I am with you IF you want Me and accept Me.  Open your heart to Me.  Prophecies will cease but My Mercy, My Love, are forever."

(End of message)


Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977.  She has a grown daughter and two grandchildren.  Louise also has two deceased sons.  She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local Spiritual Director.