Silent Air Air Pump

Air Whist Air Pump

The Pump

Rena Air Pump

Hagen Air Pump

Tetra Tec Air Pump

   It is always handy to have an air pump if you are keeping fish. An air pump of medium capacity is enough. The air pump serves as driver for corner box filter and also UGF- Under Gravel Filter. The air pump is normally connected to an air stone to produce a stream of air bubbles. This air is not necessary for the fishes to breath, but is more for decoration. But the air bubbles can create a water circulation from bottom to top which will increase the oxygen absorption from the atmosphere.

  The oxygen in water rather depends on the water circulation in the tank and also the surface area of the tank. Normally fancy wheels and other gadgets which make rotary or other movements are driven by the air pump. You can also connect a box filter with sponge to the air motor to serve small tanks used for raising fry. An air pump of medium capacity is very cheap and one should have this item. Try not to keep air pumps on top of the tank. For they vibrate a lot and may induce the tank to vibrate and may cause leaks and cracks. Air pumps should be supported on the stand or should be hung on the wall.

Air tubing

Air Check Valves

Air Line Valves

  Clear plastic tubing of 3/16 inch diameter are used to connect the air pump to the filters or air stones. A few meters of tubing and a couple of plastic connectors, branching tees and valves are needed always. These are very cheap items. Bigger pumps can provide multiple tank applications. Make sure you buy good quality valves to avoid leaks.

Some of the commercial air pumps and their capacity details:

Manufacturer Model Capacity "cc/min" Tank size "G"
Silent Air SA-X3   30
Silent Air SA-X4   55
Silent Air SA-X5   75
Silent Air SA-X6   125
Air Whist AW-100   10
Air Whist AW-300   15
Air Whist AW-600   10-29
Air Whist AW-700   10-55
Air Whist AW-1000   29-125
Tetra Tec Tec-30   10
Tetra Tec Tec-80   20
Tetra Tec Tec-100   30
Tetra Tec Tec-150   55
Tetra Tec Tec-200   75
The Pump * Model-10   8x10G
The Pump * Model-20   40x10G
The Pump * Model-40   90x10G or 40x50G
The Pump * Model-80   120x10G or 60x50G
The Pump * Model-100   140x10G or 70x50G
Rena Rena-100   20
Rena Rena-200   30
Rena Rena-300   75
Rena Rena-400   150
Hagen Elite-800 1500  
Hagen Elite-801 2000  
Hagen Elite-802 2500  
Note : * "The Pump" is a large capacity pump for multiple tank applications

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