Picture Courtesy: Age Of Aquarium

Picture : Unknown

Common NameBlack Widow Tetra
Species/genusGymnocorymbus ternetzi
KeepingColourful, hardy and peaceful fish. This is a good beginner's fish. These are schooling fish and better kept in groups of 6 or more. They can adopt to varying water conditions, but prefer neutral to soft waters. They are best kept in planted tanks with plenty of swimming space. They are egg scatterers and moderately easy to breed. Pairing takes place if kept in groups. The female Black Widow's anal fin is narrower and runs parallel with its second vertical line. Males have a more narrow and sharper dorsal fin than females. They take all dried foods but diet should be supplemented with live food for best results. Adults can some times nip the fins of others. They are also called by other names such as Black Skirts, Petticoat and Black tetras. The adults loose their colouration and fade out as they grow older.
BreedingThey are moderately easy to breed. You need a 10G long tank. Condition the male and female by introducing them into the breeding tank with a glass partition. Water has to be kept soft. Breeding tank should have plants. Feed them well with live foods for three or four days. Then one morning before dawn remove the partition, spawning takes place with in a day. Female scatters the eggs among the plants. Spawning may last a few hours, after which remove the male and female from the breeding tank.

The fry hatch after a couple of days and tiny fry need Infusoria or liquid fry food. After two weeks they can take freshly hatched brine shrimps. Filtration is not required during the first two weeks, but water must be changed partly using the small air tube as hose with a nylon mesh net at the end.

Origin TempWaterTemper SizeTankFoodBreeding
Amazon73-86 °FSoft to Neutral Semi Aggressive, Community1-2 inch20 Gallon All, WormsModerately Easy, Egg scatterer

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Aquarists Experience

David & MichelleWe've got 3 skirts and some 4 other small fish and it looks like the female skirt is getting bigger and has eggs to lay. After seeing this site it has been very informative and we will try to see if she will lay. Thank you so much.
Scott FryerThese fish are relatively easy to breed if they are given the right conditions. Feed with live foods for a few days then they should start making babies. The difference between male and female is that the male has a more pointed dorsal and anal fins. Also the male's caudal fin may have white spots.