Picture Courtesy: Frits Bruch (Belgium)

Picture : Junior Aquarium Helpdesk

Common NameCardinal Tetra
Species/genusParacheirodon innesi
KeepingVery colourful and peaceful fish. This is Not a good beginner's fish. These are schooling fish and better kept in groups of 6 or more. They are sensitive to water conditions, and prefer neutral to soft waters. They are best kept in planted tanks with plenty of swimming space. They are egg scatterers and difficult to breed. The female is slightly plumber but otherwise very difficult to tell the difference. They take all dried foods but diet should be supplemented with live food for best results. Cardinals are easily susceptible to ICH and neon disease. People have reported that once these fish are acclimatized to the tank water then they can be as hardy as any other fish. It is recommended that these fish be introduced slowly to the tank with equalization of water over a period of days by dripping the tank water to the original water in which the fish was first brought home from the fish store. These are more difficult to keep than neons.
BreedingThey are difficult to breed. Not much details are available. Fish farms have reported successful breeding of these fish.
Origin TempWaterTemper SizeTankFoodBreeding
Amazon73-86 °FSoft Peaceful, Community1-1.5 inch20 Gallon All, WormsEgg scatterer, Difficult

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