In this section we will see how often the fish should be fed and with what kind of food. In general the fish should be fed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. It is often the habit of beginners to feed the fish many times a day, especially whenever they go near the tank. This is a bad habit and this can lead to disease and water fouling. The feeding should be at regular time as far as possible. Even if you miss the feeding once a day or for a day it does not matter. But if you feed too much it will lead to bacterial problems and water clouding. Fish also need to digest the food they have eaten. If feed them twice a day and feed only what they can consume in 5 minutes, then the fishes will be healthy and active. Just feed them what they can consume in 5 minutes. Feed in small quantities, especially when you are feeding with dry foods. Feed them until they eat for 5 minutes and their stomachs are 3/4 full. This you can see by experience. For beginners, feed in small pinches, add a pinch and wait until it is consumed, then feed the next pinch and so on until 5 minutes or until they stop eating whichever is earlier. Dry food can foul the water very quickly compared to live food, which can survive in water.

   Like humans it is good to fast the fish once a month. One day in a month do not feed the fish anything, this would make them more active and lively. This also would help clean up their stomachs. This does not mean they will really starve, the fish can always eat algae and other matter which are present in the plants. These would help further in cleaning their stomachs. Over feeding can cause stomach problems and intestinal problems. This can lead to the death of many fish. Vegetarian matter is always good for the fish and occasional vegetable matter in the form of green peas, lettuce, spinach, spirulina algae etc.. would help the fish be healthy. But all fish even if they are vegetarians need live food in the form of worms and larvae. Other meaty foods are also accepted well. Some fish need pure meaty food diet. Without live and meaty food they cannot be healthy and cannot attain the full growth. Their primary food should be dry aquarium food with weekly supplements of live and meaty foods.

   Fish in general need a full range of vitamins, proteins and minerals in their diet, very much like the human beings. In nature they get their requirements by means of variety of foods. This has to be taken care in an aquarium, by feeding varied food. In general dry prepared aquarium foods available in pet shops are prepared keeping this objective. They preparations often consists of variety of ingredients and vitamin supplements. Prepared dry foods are available in Flake form and Pellet forms. Flakes are the best as they can be easily swallowed by the fish, big and small. They float in the surface initially so that it is easy for fish to consume. Pellets are suitable for larger fish such as Koi and Gold fish, as the size of the pellets are often big and smaller fish cannot swallow. Some Pellets float and some sink immediately. One must be careful while feeding even bigger fish with pellets. Pellets get enlarged after being soaked in water and often contain entrapped air. If the fish just swallow the pellets, they get soaked after entering the stomach and this can cause swollen stomachs leading to constipation and damage the intestines. The trapped air also can get into the intestines causing constipation. If you are feeding the fish with pellets, soak the pellets in a small container for 5 minutes before feeding the fish. This would eliminate all problems. You do not have this problem with flakes. Always buy good quality flakes, read what are the ingredients in the food. The more the protein content and vegetable content, the better it will be. You can feed frozen green peas by thawing them in warm water for a few minutes and removing the skin. You can also add cooked cabbage, spinach, lettuce etc.. But remember fish need a varied diet, and they need live food. We will discuss some of the live food you can buy and feed the fishes.

   You should also ensure that all occupants of the aquarium get their share of the food. Often the aggressive and bigger fish get to eat most of the food. You can feed in two places in the tank so that weaker fish can also eat in one corner. Sometimes you may have to drive away the bigger fish with a net and feed the smaller ones. Also some fish cannot eat food floating at the top as their mouth are not shaped for this and they need sinking food. You must allow some food to sink to the bottom for these fish. Cory cats are ones which cannot at all eat from the top. I always put the net inside and drive the bigger fish away and allow food to sink to the bottom in one corner where cory's and small fish can eat. After a while the smaller fish and Cory cats know immediately once you put the net in the tank that food is available in that corner and rush there. You must drive away the other fish which also try to reach that corner. After a few days the other fish keep away once the net is inside.