It is always handy to have the following simple medicines with you. They may not cure all the illness, but will be handy for common problems. If you have enough budget then there are lots of medicines available in fish shops for each cure.

   I am listing below some of the commercially available medications which you might find in any aquarium pet shop. Some of these are worth buying. I will leave the choice to the user.
Picture Commercial Name Usage Expert Comments
Binox Broad range product helps clear severe fungal and bacterial problems. Helps weak fish by reducing skin bacteria, cleaning gills, and clearing cloudy eyes. 18 oz. crystals.  
Biospheres AntiStress Reduces stress, panic and aggressive behavior while replenishing the natural protective slime coat fish lose during times of stress. Works directly on the fish and not just the water. Contains natural calming agents and a healing agent. Treats up to 240 gallons.  
Fungus Eliminator Treats fungal and bacterial diseases including columnaris, dropsy, fin, tail rot, and more. Effective at low dosage levels. 20 oz. crystals.  
Fungus Guard Effective preventative and treatment against mouth and body fungus and sore spots on tropical fish and goldfish. Harmless to plants. 1 tsp. treats 10 gallons.  
Biospheres Anti bacteria The first spot on product to treat the fish and not the water. Contains 2 powerful antibiotics (trimethoprin and sulfonamide) that are effective against a wide range of bacterial diseases. Kills bacteria that causes mouth fungus, fin and tail rot, popeye, dropsy and ulcers. Prevents reinfection. Treats up to 240 gallons. Fresh or salt water use.  
Mela fix Patented All-Natural Anti-bacterial remedy for fresh or marine aquariums. Rapidly repairs damaged fins and open wounds. Stops mouth fungus and treats fin and tailrot. All-natural Melaleuca product is safe for reef aquariums and live plants. Use 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons daily for 7 days. Good for all skin and fin disorders and injuries. May not work for parasitic infections as advertised. Universal tonic with great effect.
Furan-2 Contains 2 furan based compounds to combat a variety of gram positive and negative bacteria. Effective against gill disease, mouth fungus, fin and tail rot, dropsy, furunculosis and black molly disease. Use one tablet per 10 gal. daily for up to four days.  
Maroxy Treats fungal and bacterial infections. Use teaspoon per 10 gallons for up to five days. Freshwater use only.  
Malachite Green Effective treatment for all common fungal and parasitic infections. Use 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons. Not for use with "scaleless" fish. For freshwater or saltwater aquariums. See further under "Diseases". Suspected carcinogen. Effective against Ich. Lethal for Tetras.
Formalin-3 3% formaldehyde solution for treatment of protozoan and fungal. Very effective against flukes. Do not use with other medications. For use in any aquarium. Used with Malachite green many times. Quite effective against fungi.
Rid Ich + Combination medication for treating external parasites and fungal infections. Will not harm biological filtration and safe for most "scaleless" fish. Use 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons. Contains formaldehyde and malachite green. For fresh or saltwater aquarium use.  
Methylene Blue Disease preventative for fresh and saltwater. Helps reduce risk of fungal infections on eggs and newly hatched fry. Use 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons. Fresh and saltwater safe. Effective against fungus and Ich. Lethal to plants. Stains.
Maracyn Broad spectrum antibiotic treatment of gram positive bacterial and fungal infections. Use one tablet per 10 gallons fresh or saltwater. Retreat everyday for at least five days.  
Maracyn-Two Efective antibiotic for gram negative bacterial infections. Use two tablets per 10 gallons the first day and one tablet per 10 gallons for an additional four days.  
Internal Parasite Guard An economical alternative to sulfa drugs. Aids in the fast recovery of fish that are thin, listless, and die for no reason. 20 oz. crystals  
Ich Guard II Effective Ick treatment for use on small, weak, and scaleless fish such as catfish and loaches. Helps guard against secondary infections. 8 oz. liquid.  
Pepso Food Eliminates internal fish parasites. Feed for three days and then return fish to normal diet. Feed once a week as a preventative. 1 oz. Good for internal parasites. Feed for 7 days to deworm fish. Not effective against external parasites.
Ich Guard One of the best medications to stop the parasitic disease Ich. Also helps guard against secondary infections.  
Aquazole Safe and effective metronidazole based medication for treatment of Hexamita, Ich, and Cryptocaryon. Easily removed with chemical filtration and will not damage filter bed. 10 grams treats 200 gallons.  
Life Bearer Stabilized liquid remedy eliminates gill flukes, anchor worms, fish lice, and leeches. Will not discolor water or stress aquarium fish.  
Aquarisol Preventative and treatment for Ich, body fungus, and velvet. Can be used as a net dip and is safe for plants. Freshwater use only. 4 oz. treats 2,000 gallons.  
CopperSafe Stabilized form of copper treats external parasites for over a month. One ounce treats 25 gallons of freshwater. Kills Ich, Flukes, Anchor worms and Velet parasites. Works slowly. No impact on plants. Safe for cycle bacteria. Kills shrimps and snails.
Trifon Effective treatment for flukes, fish lice, and leeches in marine or freshwater aquariums. Excellent use for treating goldfish and koi. 1 teaspoon per 20 gal. Not for use with invertabrates. Will not effect biological filtration. Treats up to 460 gallons.  
Acryflavine For use as a treatment and preventative for Oodinum disease in fresh water and marine fish. Use 1 teasoon per 10 gallons. Very good against Columnaris. Not effective against parasites.
Metronidazole Pure reagent grade metronidazole. Effective treatment for many parasitic infestations. An excellent choice for treating hole-in-the-head, cryptocaryon and ich. 5 grams.  
Metrozol Removes protozoan parasites found in the intestinal tract (Hexamita). Use one capsule per 10 gallons. Repeat in 24 hours. Please read complete instructions.  
Formalin 37% formaldehyde for the treatment of freshwater and marine external parasites. Effectively kills external parasites. But also is toxic to fish and suspected carcinogen. Lethal for some fish such as Tetras, Cory's, Loaches.
Stop Parasites FWP All natural, organic and biogradable parasite control. Safe for fish and plants. Freshwater use only. 8 oz. treats up to 20 gallons.  
Eco-FW Effective freshwater ick treatment. Will not harm fish, plants or biological filtration. Safe for use with scaleless and sensitive fish species. Treats 50 gallons.  
Stress Coat A must for all aquarists. Unique patented formula contains aloe vera to protect and heal fish. Replaces the natural slime coating on fish lost during stress. Removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines instantly. Eliminates heavy metals often found in water supply. Use when setting up an aquarium, transporting fish, or when changing aquarium water. Use up to 2 teaspoons per 10 gallons of water.  

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