Common Name Veil Tail
KeepingThe origin of Veil Tail is under debate, some claim that it is a mutation of Fan tail and others say no. Veil tail looks moe like a Fan tail to the common aquarist. Most striking feature of the Veil tail is its Dorsal fins which stands staright and high. All the other fins are long and extend into flowing ribbons downward. It has double caudal fins and paired anal fins which extend long. There are no forks in the tail. Easily one of the most beautiful these are not the hardiest. They are not very delicate also but they do need more care than other Gold fish such as Fan tail or Blackmoor. They need good space to swim because of their long fins and these should be kept in a species tank. Water quality is a must as otherwise these will develop fin problems such as fin rot easily. They come in colours from Orange, metallic red, black and calico. Rounder the body the better the specimen is. They can live from 4 to 6 years. The water needs to be more warmer compared to other varieties. These are not very competetive and must be kept with their own kind. These are not suitable for pond use.
BreedingEasy to breed.
Origin TempWaterTemper SizeTankFoodBreeding
Japan65-75°F7.2-7.6 pH Very Peaceful3-6 inch20G Tanks All, wormsEgg layer

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