Baby Qile

Hello Everyone! My name is Qile. Daddy and Mommy calls me Baby Lele.

I'm their bundle of joy and have been keeping them busy 24/7 since i arrived on 30 October 2002. Mommy had a 100% drug-free labour and delivered me in 6.5 hrs after her first contraction started. Mommy read and surfed a lot when i was still a little jellybean inside her womb. She learnt a lot from experienced doulas and other mamas' experience. From there, she decided that she wanted to give me the best start in life by not having any "drugs". So she said NO to gas, pethidine,  epidurals or other forms of pain relief except for something called the TENS machine. She didn't have any episiotomy either. I helped her deliver my 'food source' while in her womb (the placenta) by breastfeeding immediately after birth. So she didn't get any oxytocin injection either!

Mommy says she had a truly wonderful labour and childbirth experience to welcome me into this world!

The meaning of my name: Qile ~ bringing happiness, cheer, joy and enthusiasm. Kieroy is the English translation of Qile.
"Qi" (Kee) is the given middle name for all the grandsons in Daddy's family. Mommy translated "Le" to Roy and changed the spelling to Kieroy as Keeroy looks weird when it's spelled!

Come visit me often so you can see what i've been up to!

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