"SEARCH"  Engines of the world

AltaVista search
Deja News (Usenet Search)
Yahoo! search
Snap search
HotBot Search
Lycos Search
GO (InfoSeek/Disney) search
Excite Search
Google! search 
Ask Jeeves!
Oingo--Meaning-Based Search
Northern Light Search 
Open Directory Project (Mozilla/NewHoo)
Sprockets and Cogs - Truly Targeted Technical Search Tool 
WebCrawler Search
Mamma: Mother of All Search Engines
Search Buddy start page
Open Text Search
All4one search
MetaCrawler Go2Net
The BigHub.com - Home Page
AltaMeter: Main Page 
!How to Search the World Wide Web!
Search Engine Watch: News, Tips and More About Search Engines
Quick Reference Guide to Internet Search Engine Syntax 
Electric Library Personal Edition
Internet Scout Project - Home
Scour.Net (Entertainment) 
What time is it?
What does your phone number spell?

IP Search

Output from ARIN WHOIS
Whois DNS Search
Visual Trace Route
INTERNIC.COM - Domain Name Registration Services
~~ BOINGO.NET - Web developers for small businesses ~~
Structured Network Traceroute
IP Address to Latitude/Longitude
Matrix.Net tracemap (traceroute maps)
Opus One
PHOAKS Home Page
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 
The Babel Fish Corporation's - Language Locator

International Search

AltaVista: Translations
Yahoo! JAPAN
EuroSeek search
TITAN ... Cross Lingual URL Search
Senrigan search (Japan)
Yelloweb Europe Directory

Software Search

FTP search (Norway)
Archie Interface
wuarchive Image Search Form
Directory of /pub/simtelnet/msdos

Location Search

How far is it?
Map Quest
AAA CyberRouter
Yahoo! Maps
Vicinity Mapblast! Results
Syracuse Street Map (via GeoCities)
City.Net Maps

People Search

Yahoo! People Search
InfoSpace Search
Reverse Lookup (InfoSpace)
PC411 (reverse)
Who Where? (Lycos)
The American Information Network
Internet Department of Motor Vehicles - American Information Network.
American Information Network - A nationwide information provider.
The World's Most Wanted - Fugitives and Unsolved Crimes

Other Search Engines

CataList, the official catalog of LISTSERV lists
All-in-One Search Page
The Mother-of-all BBS
Argus/U Mich Clearinghouse
WWW-Index 2.0
Steve Cooperman's Bookmarks
U.S. Patent Advanced Search Page
Rolf Claessen's Search Patents
IBM Patent Server Home Page
UPS Package Tracking
Postal Zip Code Lookup
555-1212 - The most powerful and useful Web Directory
Area Code Lookup
JCS Area Code Lookup Input page (Zip Code)
Links to Postcode Pages - Graham Rhind 
The JimTool Free Site Promotion Submission Bot by VirtualPROMOTE
Audiofind - Multimedia Search Engine
Inference Find! -- Home Page and Resource Center
Secrets to Improve or Raise Search Engine Placements and Achieve Higher Search Engine Positions
The Anatomy of a Search Engine
Analysis of Search Engines
searchterms.com: the top ten
GoTo Suggestions
Welcome to Alexa Internet
InQuizit Technologies. Natural Language, Information/Text Retrieval, Search Engine.
Advanced Book Exchange - Search ABE for used, out of print, rare, antiquarian and hard to find book
Compaq.com - SpeechBot
Longdomainnames.com: where registering of long domain names is at!