
一份感情,一个承诺,让阿根坚守了几十年,一直盼望能与青梅竹马的恋人秋心有重逢的一天. 偶然的机会,阿根遇见了一个长得酷似秋心的年轻女性--小秋,自此,阿根的感情不能自拔.


虽然,两人年龄悬殊, 思想差距很大, 性格更是格格不入,但为了寻找避风港, 年轻的小秋选择跟随阿根一起生活. 而阿根却秉持着对梦想的执着, 对传统的依恋,希望藉着与小秋朝夕相对, 以弥补他情感上的遗憾.



Soul · Desire

Driven by a promise made to his first love, Qiu Xin, Ah Gen always longs for the day they will reunite.   However, Ah Gen, after a chance encounter, develops a relationship with Xiao Qiu, a young girl who bears a striking resemblance to Qiu Xin.

Despite their wide age gap as well as differences in mindset and personality, Xiao Qiu moves in with Ah Gen in search of solace and to improve her lot whereas Ah Gen sees Xiao Qiu as a substitute for Qiu Xin to fill the void and emptiness in his heart.

Nevertheless, the differences gradually cause an irreconcilable rift between Ah Gen and Xiao Qiu, which in turn results in an unsalvageable tragedy.


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