My Self Introduction

Visitors may already have realised that my name is Daniel and I belong to the male gender of the homo-sapiens species. I am current staying on this particular piece of land on planet earth given the name Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles some time ago in the year 1819.

God, through my parents brought me into this world on that faithful day in 1978. This implies that I am currently in my early 20's and is very much active in most activities that people my age do (that would be up to your discretion about what people my age do).

I am a Christian and am currently a regular at Wesley Methodist Church. The church is located right in front of Fort Canning Hill and it is a place filled with fun and excitement (how could it possibly not to be exciting when God is in charge).

As a private student, I am currently doing a diploma course in the fields of IT and will be embarking onto my degree course soon in 2002.

After exploring this homepage of mine, you will be able to find out more about my personality, so I shan't waste any of this space scarce area regarding on the topic. Listed in the main page are links to some of my preferred websites. Take your time to explore and you will get to know more about me in half an hour.

Anyway, the reason why you are looking at this website is because you know who am I. So I shall assume that you had known me for at least a few good years if not for as long as I had live. I shall also assume that you had already know my email address. Therefore, any comments on this website are welcome on my email and I shall make the necessary corrections and enhancements to make your trip more interesting and worthwhile.

A digital photograph of me and my army "kakis" at one of their birthday gathering. I am the guy in black on the extreme left of the photograph.

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