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Meridian Junior College Chinese Orchestra

The Meridian Junior College Chinese Orchestra was officially set up last January 2004. It started off with about 25 members to now 55 members. The orchestra took part in school events and is expanding rapidly. The orchestra is conducted by Mr Quek Ling Kiong, a young and renowned homegrown percussionist and conductor, joined the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO) in 1997. He is currently the Assistant Conductor cum Principal Percussionist of SCO, Conductor of the Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra, Conductor of Nanyang Technological University Chinese Orchestra and many schools and Institutions. He is also a member of the Singapore Chinese Instrumental Music Association and Honorary Committee Member of both the China National Orchestral Music Society and China Percussive Art Society. In 2002, Mr Quek received the Young Artist Award presented by the National Arts Council (NAC). Mr Quek's performing experience is rich and diverse. With the guidance of Mr Quek, the Chinese Orchestra will be taking part in the upcoming Singapore Youth Festivals ( SYF ) Central Judging 2005 organised by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra and the Ministry of Education.


You can contact us at: mjc_co_04@hotmail.com

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Copyright © 2005 by Meridian Jc Chinese Orchestra