The Girl Who Became A Butterfly

Written by V (4A5 2002)

One day, while Roja was talking a walk in the park, she met a pretty little fairy.

Now, she had always wanted to keep a fairy in her room. This was so that she would no longer have to clean up her messy bedroom.

If she had a fairy, she would only have to ask the fairy use her magic to do the cleaning and her room would be tidied up in an instance. It would not look like a war zone the way it usually did. In addition, she could ask for anything else she desired to have and her wishes would be granted.

She went near the fairy and asked, "Dear Fairy, could you come to my house and live in my room."

The fairy said, "I would like to stay here forever so don't disturb me."

Roja got angry and started throwing stones at the fairy. The fairy also got fed up and cast a spell on Roja. The spell turned Roja into a butterfly.

As a butterfly, Roja ate leaves and drank the honey in the flowers. After a month, she turned into a girl again. She wanted to go home, but had forgotten how to.

Just then, she met Mary. She asked Mary, "Where is my house?"

Mary told her that it was beside a Pong-Pong tree. When she reached home, her parents were glad to see her. Roja told her story to her parents and dared not go out by herself again.