A Rescue

Written by Clarence

We heard a scream coming from the water, interrupting our picnic. I instinctively turned my head towards the direction of the scream.

"Help me! Someone, anyone!"

I saw a boy who was about twelve years old struggling in the water. He had swum too far out and was having a lot of difficulty in battling the strong currents. I was shocked.

My dad stood up and wasted no time in running to the water and diving in. I was impressed by his heroism. Jumping into the water and rescuing the boy was certainly not what I was thinking of, especially with the currents. I may have been a good swimmer, but even I was not too confident of being able to save the boy.

Dad battled long and hard, finally reaching the boy. He grabbed him by the chin and instructed him to stop struggling, as it would endanger both their lives. Dad towed the boy towards the shore.

It must have cost him a tremendous effort to tow the boy and battle the current. At one point, it seemed that all would be lost. I wondered where the lifeguard was and why he was not doing his duty. Thankfully, both the rescuer and victim made it to shore where my dad received a well-merited hero's welcome.

Just then, the lifeguard appeared. He appeared to be ashamed that he was not present when his services were needed most. However, he congratulated my father and promised that he would receive a award.

The moment my father returned, we bombarded him with questions such as "Are you happy that you received an award?" "Were you scared that you would drown etc." He answered our questions modestly, saying that it was the moral duty of a human being to rescue others when they are in trouble. We proceeded with our picnic and the day went by as if nothing special had happened.

(319 words)

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