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The Phantom's 'KayPoh' News Network (KPNN)....

LAUGHTER is my best medicine...

Dear Frenz,

I've always believed that laughter will make a person feel good and I try to laugh all the time. Hope you would too.

The Videos here are best viewed on Media Player (videos files may take a while to load.. but trust me.. its worth the wait).. All the videos here have audio. Make sure you have your speakers "ON" to have a Good Laugh... hahahaha....

This is a free website and the bandwith is very limited (what to do... FREE stuffs are like that one mah)... So if there are many people accessing this site at the same time, you may encounter "quota exceeded" problems.. If that happens, close the window and do come back later.

And if you've got any nice funny videos that want to share or post it up here, email them to we'd love to hear from u...


The PhAnToM,
GhOsTrYdEr Club, KPNN
(Kay Poh News Network)

KPNN's Video Archives...

1) TO PLAY.... just click on the Video TITLES...
2) TO DOWNLOAD... right-click & "Save Target As"...

Levis Ad

This isn't really funny... but its quite a good ad anyway..
Caltex Ad Sometimes, its all name of good service rendered. Funny Caltex Ad...
Anti-Terrorist Ad Hmmmm... I sure won't mind being that terrorist man....
Cool Ad

This is quite an interesting ad... Watch the product they're advertising...
Cool Ad II

Another condom ad... Not very funny though...
Anti-Smoking Ad

Smoking kills and in this ad... it literally KILLED...
Another Smoking Ad

Well... be sure to know WHERE you should not take your smoke breaks...
Robo Fight

This is another beer ad... a damn saddistic one too...
Steamy Ad

This ad is very suggestive but with a nice twist at the end... a good one...
Another Steamy Ad

This ad showed why we should not work from home... too much distractions... and more... see ad to find out...
Yet Another Steamy Ad

This ad is so cool... guess this is what we call "occupational hazards"... hehehehe...

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