FiOnA tAn AkA nAnA17sG
Snap Dollars
Basically a working mother, who have a 2 yr+ daughter & a 11 mth+ son. Anyone heard of 6by6million and/or snap dollars??? What about YourSay and/or WordLinx? Guess Alientrust is more of a stable company now.
Extra Cash?
Used to go clubbing often wif frenz b4 i got married but spending time with my kids after work means so much more to me now. If i'm not wif my kids, it means tat i'm either hanging out wif my hubby or sleeping at home as i do kinda need my energy back. ^_*
Hubby currently working same company as me which means i have to face him 24/7. Can u tink of tat? ^_^ Both my kids are currently staying wif my wonderful mother who is taking great care of them. I have to pay her $$$ though. Well, its still better then having a maid & always wondering will she mistreat my 2 darlings anot. Can u image the stress i have to take besides my work if i were to hire a maid??? Always hope to bring back my own kids and look after them instead but will probably do tat when they are in school which means a few more years down the road and i've changed my job to either a home-based job or a 9-5 job. So tat i might be able to pick them up after school and stroll back home. I might even think of hiring a maid when my 2 darlings are able to go to school as i reckon tat they should be able to take care of themselves and/or react to given situations. Didn't really contact my frenz ever since left school and/or gotten married and/or started working. always been busy working, if not accompanying my kids or flying overseas for business trips. oni time to "communicate" wif them is either via msn messenger or hp sms.