Why Should Pilots Take All the Blame?

A Petition

This petition was started on 8 Nov 2000.

The petition will officially end on 20th Nov 2000 11:59PM.

LATEST!!: The pilots may be released by next Friday. Check out this channelnewsasia article.


The Petition has now officially ended.

We would like to thank everyone who wrote in to share their views and to support this petition and everyone that visited this website and signed in the guest book. It was truly heartening to see so many Singaporeans show their support for these pilots. We were absolutely overwhelmed in the initial days after the article came out in Straits Times by the sheer amount of emails that began to pour in. Honestly, we never expected to receive such an enthusiastic response. We got emails from people from every walk of life. Ranging from doctors and lawyers to students and retirees. We heard from our neighbors in Malaysia to someone all the way in Luxembourg. Even Singaporeans now living abroad and overseas students wrote in to express their concern over this situation. We are positive that there are many like-minded individuals out there who simply did not have to opportunity to participate.


It was most touching to receive emails from family members and friends of the pilots. Our hearts continue to go out to the families of these men. Besides them, we also got numerous mails from pilots and ex pilots all over the world as well as old and present cabin crew. It was wonderful to see individuals in the same industry show their support for their counterparts. After sifting through all these emails, one common thing existed throughout was to BRING THE PILOTS HOME! This truly was the heart cry of many and we are sure of their families too.


Here, we would like to express our appreciation to all who have lent a hand in one way or another or volunteered to help throughout this consolidation. We thank you for your kind thoughts. It was an arduous process but every second spent was well worth it! One of our friends, part of the team, couldn't bear to tear himself away when he was in Hong Kong for a holiday, that he periodically went to internet cafes to check through emails and even sent us SMS messages for updates J .


Finally, another prevalent thought of those that wrote in was that they wished this tragic accident had never happened. But now that it did, how could we rectify this and move on. Many expressed their sympathies to the families of the victims, those that were lost on SQ006 and we, as the petition team, would again like to express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims.

To Captain Foong, First Officers Ng Kheng Leng and Latiff Cyrano, we pray that you are well! Keep your spirits up and we do hope to see you soon, back home with us.

With Thanks & Warmest Regards,

The Petition Team

Support the petition

To add your name to the petition, email:


please include:

1. Your real name

2. Your email address

3. Any comments you may have

4. How you came to know of the petition


Read the Petition

List Of Names

The Latest Updated List


A sample of what some petition supporters wrote


24/11/00 3:00pm 4630 names listed!

22/11/00 1:04pm...At last count, 4571 names listed!

20/11/00 8:45pm 4490 names listed!

19/11/00 7:33pm 2695 names listed. Over 500 emails printed and ready for consolidation

17/11/00  11:35pm  2319 names listed. Still over 650 names in our inbox!

16/11/00 2:00am 1539 names listed. Still over 500 names in our inbox!

15/11/00 6:52pm 1039 names listed. Still about 400 names not added!

The current number of people supporting the petition as at 14/11/00 5:00 PM (SST) is 924.

15 Nov 2000: The Straits Times ran an article on the petition, "Over 1,000 sign online plea for crash pilots"

 15 Nov 2000: Project Eyeball covered the petition in 2 articles "Tragedy brings out best in netizens" and "Support for pilots"

10 Nov 2000: Streats ran a page 2 article on the petition.

Related Links

Air Line Pilots Association - Singapore (ALPA-S)

Includes a page to send messages of encouragement to the pilots of SQ006

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Last updated on: 8 Dec 2000 5:00pm

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