East Coast Park Outing 2001

4H people if you have any scans please send them to tanttt@singnet.com.sg

Earlier this year (2001), a few of us + some p'ple from 4 Joy, spent an entire afternoon @ East Coast Park, mainly cycling, playing sand, kicking ball and eating mash potatoes + egg (i LOVE it.- Tom) Here are 4 pix taken during the outing. Dun ask why Bowen appears in all of them, maybe cause they like his muscles >:]

East Coast Park Outing 2001 Pictures    
Bowen Bowen
Bowen. The table behind him was where we put our stuff. Bowen. The bike that was leaning against a tree on Bow's left was mine. (Tom's)
Bowen & Tom Bowen & Tom
Bowen (left), Rubbish Bin (centre), Tom (right) Bin (foreground), Bowen & Tom (background)

Big thanks to Geraldine for the pictures.