[ slackz-theICQremix(feat. dj horse)301003 ]


leonard (11:11 AM) :

making rhymes

with the sublime

using time

commit a crime

and feel the slime

blah blah yadda yadda ya

buaya queen (11:11 AM) :

guilty of procrastination

stained with the sins of wastage in excess...

ah, woe is me! who has time finite but live life as if it were infinite...

buaya queen (11:14 AM) :

purge me of this greatest sin

save me from that burning bin

the hellfires of purgation

ever lick at my procrastination

guilty as charged,

my mind unenlarged

wasting away

i think i'll stop all this tomorrow okay?

leonard (11:17 AM) :

ah signs of wit and repartee

have my words lightly sauteed

can wallow in a poet's self pity

a tiny speck in this great city

on and on they lyrically wax

so in bed all day they can slacks

buaya queen (11:22 AM) :

i beg to differ this is not slack,

merely rest, recreation and relak

what of this world's hubble bubble

all its toil and all its trouble

at the end of time what would it bring thee

but sighs and regrets that you were never free

to do the things your heart most desired

until you are old, infirm and way too tired

buaya queen (11:26 AM) :

old young man i speak to thee

verily doth i advise thee

learn i say, yes, learn from me

always take it all easy

isn't it better to be free?

and by the way i pray ask thee

don't you think this sounds pretty?

i'll copy and then i'll ctrl-v

put it on as a website entry

leonard (11:27 AM) :

thus the goal should remain the same

to chase fame and glory in God's name

to lead life with an undying passion

on hindsight, it wouldn't be a wasted session

sure go ahead.

buaya queen (11:28 AM) :

at least i wouldnt have wasted this day in bed

-->An ICQ conversation with Leonard Mah on 30 October 2003. Titled most kindly by The Mah himself.

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