Welcome to the homepage of the cell group Seven! Actually how
it got it's name... Hmm... It all went back to our cell leader Raymond (The tall
guy with blue shirt in the picture)!!! <Clap Clap Clap> He was reading the
bible one day then he came across a wonderful verse! MATTHEW
7:7 !
The verse says "Ask
and it will be given to
you; seek
and you will
find; knock
and the door will be opened
to you."
At that moment he prayed and then God told him that the verse would be the theme
verse for the cell! So on the day of our multiplication, he announced the name
to our cell and we all agreed to it.
Since then, our cell has taken the direction of praying for
each other every week because we believe that when we ask of our heavenly
Father, we would receive and when we seek Him or the things in our life, God
would supply and allow us to find what we desire and lastly we can knock on the
heart of God and he will open the door for us to enter! We have our very own
prayer booklet called PERMS CH 7!
We collect our weekly prayer requests and we would pray accordingly!
Bio Data Of Our
Our Church Website
CH 7
For The Future!
Played During Our Cell Group