`uR wEsTsIdE`

.-. yOz! Tis blog is DELICATED 2 my one & only `sKaTeR_18`! hOpE he finds his wEsTsIdE sOoN!
.-. aNyWaY, i'm currently an iN-tRaInInG skate-boarder & i would really appreciate if all sKaTeRs could give me tips! tC. send me a MSG at fRiEnDsTeR | hI5 | mAiL mE/mSn!
.-. I'vE also a blog, which is mostly bout my sad.sad. life & all my skating progress! so, have fun exploring my sad.sad. life!

dAtE -- 09.07.04

  - Sparkling Angels -- New affiliate!

.-. Yoz! all links are linked! have fun!

.=. sPiRiTs hIgH & lUrViNg wEi._____vErOnIcA

dAtE -- 21.03.04
.-. hEy pPlE! sKaTe-BoArDiNg daE falls on 21.06.04 & LinKiN paRK concert is on e 22.06.04! B suRE 2 cATcH mE tHeRE!

  - cUtE site award CLOSED -- last given 2 CHERRYTREE14
  = AwArDS -- new awards

.-. yOz pple! chANgeD e layout of both sFvD & my blOG! hAhA, i've made used of lOgOs [westside] & pictures [jay zhou] 2 create e both layouts! NoT too bad, i've changed e format of e tables, such tat e navgations are at e bottom of e upDaTeS! lUrVeD e newest layouts! hAvE fUN & PEACE oUT! [sOmE pAgEs mIghT nOt bE lINkEd yEt]

.=. sPiRiTs hIgH & lUrViNg hAm._____vErOnIcA

sIte RevIewS
deDICatE sOngS

LaYoUt © vErOnIcA
eVeRyThInGy iS oWnEd By E wEbBy-mIsTrEsS!