An Early Explorer at Sea - Christopher Columbus by Cabrini Tan 4P

Who Was Christopher Columbus?
Christopher Columbus was born in the Italian Seaport in Genoa in 1451 to a family of wool weavers.

The Voyages of Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus departed on his first voyage from the port of Palos(near Huelva) in Southern Spain on 2nd of August, 1492 in command of three ships: The Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. His crew mostly came from surrounding towns such as Lepe and Moguer.

Did You Know?
  • Did you know that Christopher Columbus departed for four voyages in all?
  • Did you know that Christopher Columbus was arrested on his third voyage?
  • Did you know that Christopher Columbus died in Valladolid?

    Christopher Columbus Quiz
    Here are some questions to test your knowledge on Christopher Columbus. Cover the answers but dont peek!
    Q1: When was Christopher Columbus born?

    Answer: He was born in 1451.

    Q2: Name one of the three ships which Christopher Columbus was in-charge of on his first voyage.

    Answer: The Nina, the Pinta or the Santa Maria.

    Q3: Where did Christopher Columbus die?

    Answer: He died in Valladolid.

    Q4: Where was Christopher Columbus born?

    Answer: He was born in an Italian Seaport in Genoa.

    copyright Cabrini Tan 4P 2004