disclaimer: i don't own the characters, i only use them.
ccs: cardcaptor sakura. 
chapter 1:Chapter 1
Good morning sakura-Chan said Rika.
Good morning Rika-Chan replied sakura.
Where is Tomoyo-Chan? asked Rika.
At this time, MR Tereda stepped into the class; everyone went back to their seats. Sakura looked at the empty seat beside her and wondered why Tomoyo did not come to school today, as she knew that Tomoyo seldom missed school.
Tomoyo was standing in her backyard as she looked up upon the sky, she did not go to school today, as she knew that he would also not be in school. Her mind could not help but keep wondering what is he doing now. 
At the airport, Eriol was looking around his surrounding although he knew in his heart that no one would come to see him off. Nakuru was checking in and suppi was sleeping in the luggage. He was thinking about a girl, who was always smiling and holding on to a video camera taping sakura, every move. That girl was Daidouji Tomoyo, he wondered if she was going to miss him. 
Sakura knocks on Tomoyo’s door and walks in. she greets her friend and she ask why her friend had miss school this morning. Tomoyo did not answered sakura as her mind was thinking about Eriol Hiragizawa. 
“Tomoyo-Chan, are you listening?” asked sakura.
There was still no reply from her friend so sakura decided to gave up trying as one look of her friend already tell her that her friend was thinking about Eriol. Sakura bid goodbye to Tomoyo and left for home. She decided to start a letter to Eriol later that night.
That night, after sakura finished the letter kerochan handed a letter to sent to suppi boasting about his new game. Sakura send the letter the following day.
The next day, Tomoyo came to school late and did not pay any attention to what the teacher is teaching. Looking at her best friend in this condition, sakura could do nothing but to wait for Eriol letter. Sakura knew this because she had been through this when syaoran left for Hong Kong. 
Meanwhile, Eriol who is in England had just received the letter. He had handed suppi the letter from kerochan, who had retreated to his room for privacy. After reading the letter, Eriol was so happy that he wished he could go back to Japan right away. Although he knew very well that he could only go back during the coming summer vacation. He started a letter to sakura telling her that he will be back to Japan for summer vacation, until then he just has to bear with it. He also added in his letter that he would send another letter to Tomoyo telling her his plan. 
note: this is a non-yaoi fanfic.

    Source: geocities.com/sg/siwei87/fanfics

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