weib kruez chapter 2 
Chapter 2

Two days later, Nagi finally could not take it and so he went out for a walk but he found himself walking towards the crowd surrounding the shop, which had many flowers. One look at it already told him that it was the Weib Kruez, but still he walked towards his enemies. Yohji was the first to spotted him, so he nudges Aya. Aya looks at Nagi for a moment but then shrug and turn the attention back to a customer. Yohji then walk towards Nagi and ask what is his motive of coming over here. Nagi said nothing but could not help it as he asked Yohji whether Omi was here. Omi heard Aya telling Ken that Nagi was outside, he felt himself blushing. Nagi was looking for him is what Yohji told Omi when he came in, he quickly went outside but Yohji gave him a look that says ‘be careful’. Omi gave Yohji a nod before going out to join Nagi.

“Why do you think Nagi is looking for Omi?” Ken asked with concern.
“ I have no idea.” Yohji said to Ken.

Outside the shop…
“Is there somewhere else we can talk in private?” Nagi asked.
“If you don’t mind, come to my room upstairs.” Omi answered.

Once they reach Omi room, they left the door open so it will be easier for Ken to locate them. Nagi set down on the bed, as there are no other seats available in the room, Omi joined in as well.

“So what is it that you want to talk about?” Omi asked Nagi.
“Well, you see… you know that day when I knocked into you at the corridor, well I seen a strange creature that day.” Nagi said.
“You mean you seen that creature too!” Omi asked.
“Yeah… is that something wrong?” Nagi asked.

That was when Nagi noticed the wound on Omi left arm. 
“Who did that to you?” Nagi asked suddenly pointing to the wound.
“The creature did it, that was what happened two days ago.” Omi answered.
“Did it say something about defying orders and stuff like this?” Nagi asked.
“Well, now that you mentioned it did mention about it and someone named Satan or something.” Omi replied.

“But why was it after us, and because of this all members of Schwartz had lost control of their power, Schuldich had difficult time controlling his mind, as for Farfello we had to keep an eye out on him in case he go around attacking people, as for Crawford… I’m not too sure did not tell us anything but these few days he is getting more and more nagging. Sometimes I just cannot stand him and when I am with them, I have to keep myself from losing control of my power.” Nagi told Omi.

“I does not know why but all I know is we are both in danger.” Omi told Nagi.
“But what I do not understand is that, why did you come to me you can talk to Crawford or others within your group but you have come to your enemies.” Omi asked Nagi.

“I have no idea, but I could not help myself as it was my leg that carry me here.” Nagi told Omi.

“In that case, you are welcome to come to me anytime.” Omi told Nagi.
“But now it’s time for me to go downstairs to help, as this time of the day is usually busy.” Omi smiled at Nagi and Nagi could not help but smiled back in return. Both boys walked out of the room together. When they reach downstairs Ken hurried over to Omi and ask him what they talk about, Omi is reluctant to tell but still he manage to tell Ken that the creature which attack him is after Nagi as well. 

For once, the Weib and Schwartz are at the same position. Still, the Schwartz treated Weib as their enemies Schuldich kept reminding Nagi not to hang out with them.

Omi was still hesitating whether or not should he join in the mission tonight. This time around, they were hunting for someone name Ricky as he had kidnapped young girls to sell to other countries. He was worried that the creature would attack him again, but the others had manage to get him out of the house as they needed his help in tracking down the target.

He was hiding behind a car as he tries to contact his mates but the problem is that he had lost sight of them. Just then, he saw a shadow lurking behind a tree at the front. ‘ Ken-Kun is that you?’ he said hesitantly. Someone stepped out of the shadow; Nagi was standing in front of him.

“What are you doing here?” Nagi asked.
“I was on a mission, but I don’t know where the others were now.” Omi replied.
Nagi let out a chuckle and said, “ you lost contact with them didn’t you?” in a matter of fact manner.
“Well, yeah…” at this moment, two guards came towards them. Nagi use his power to fend them off and pulled Omi with him as he run. 

“Why are you here?” Omi asked Nagi as they run 
“Haha… we are doing your work this time around, Schu had been fussing over it for days. Ricky had kidnapped Mr. Stevens’s daughter. And we are after him as well.” Nagi replied as he once again led Omi through another door. However, Nagi suddenly stops which caused Omi almost tripping over him. 

“What! …” Omi said, “ They are here.” 
“Oh my God, what is Crawford trying to do?” Omi exclaimed.
Yohji then spotted Nagi and Omi at the door, and gave Omi a look that says ‘come and help’. Omi had no choice but to go over, after some struggling Crawford finally let go of Aya.

“Are you all right? Aya-Kun.” Omi asked concern.
“Yeah…” Aya replied.
“Omi, why are you with Nagi?” Ken asked. Meanwhile, Crawford is asking Nagi the same question.
“Well, I lost sight of everyone, Nagi came by and I told him what am I doing out there. And a few guards came by, he helped to fend them off with his power as he have the power to communicate with his team anytime he helped me by leading the way. But I did not expect to see both groups here.” Omi replied.

“Well, neither do I.” Nagi said.
“By the way, where is that Ricky?” Both Nagi and Omi ask their respective teammates at the same time. They look at each other briefly then blush. Ken and Yohji noticed the sight and look at each other knowingly. Schuldish sigh inwardly as he thought ‘ Nagi is going to have a hard time if Crawford and Farfarello ever found out about it’.

“Ricky is dead, the child is all right.” Aya replied. 
“Phew, thank god nothing bad happened.” Omi said.
The Schwartz was just leaving when suddenly the creature appeared in front of them, but only Farfarello and Nagi could see it. Omi turn round and see the creature with another man, he assumed that man to be Satan. 

The creature tried to attack Omi and Nagi but Nagi had built a shield to fend off them from his power. Therefore, the creature turn to the unprotected humans, they were about to attack them when Ken suddenly start to chant the prayers, others join in as well
They continue to chant until the creature and the man disappear.

“Nagi, are you all right?” Crawford asked.
“Omi!” Ken shouted.
“It’s all right, I’m okay.” Omi replied assuring Ken.
Just then, Nagi lose his balance as he has use too much of his power. He almost falls on top of Omi if not for Omi supporting him. When he realized what he had done, he blushes at the sight of Omi. Omi face was so near him, he almost fell back but Ken had prevented him from falling by standing behind him as a support.

The Schwartz left the place leaving the Weib behind; by now, Schuldich had discovered the reasons for why Nagi is always blushing in front of their enemies. 

    Source: geocities.com/sg/siwei87/fanfics

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