Children's Rights

Flying Instructor: Child rights activist Mioi Nayayama

e skool of activism

"You say we are your future, but we are your present."


United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF is dedicated to help build a world where the rights of every child are realized. It believes that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress. This is done by working with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child's path. UNICEF upholds the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and is part of the Global Movement for Children.

"Building a World Fit for Children"
From 8 to 10 May 2002, more than 7,000 people participated in the most important international conference on children in more than a decade, the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on Children, at which the nations of the world committed themselves to a series of goals to improve the situation of children and young people. This conference resulted in the document "Building a World Fit for Children".

Child Labour

Child Rights Information Network
The Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) is a global network that disseminates information about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and child rights amongst non-governmental organisations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, inter-governmental organisation (IGOs), educational institutions, and other child rights experts. The Coordinating Unit is based in London, UK.

Global March Campaign against Child Labour
A well-known and worldwide NGO, which works for child labour issue. You go to their site and subscribe their "Child Labour News Service". Also, go to the link page found in their website. There you can find many international NGOs working for children's rights.

Program Against Child Labour Program Against Child Labour, Pacl is started to raise the awareness of the problem of child labour among students in Singapore. Established organisations and their branches have been set up throughout the world to combat this pressing crime that has gotten worse over the years up till the present day. Living in a generally well-clothed society, many of us have ironically been sheltered from this harsh reality that is plaguing over 250 million children worldwide.

A Message from Children and Young People at the Yokohama Congress


The Children's Society
The Children's Society strongly believes that children are our hope for the future. In other words, the resources and time we invest in them today will shape our tomorrow. As a voluntary welfare organisation for all races, religions and creeds, it is committed to protect the physical, emotional and mental well-being of our children, particularly the disadvantaged and those at risk.

Children's Cancer Foundation Singapore
The Children's Cancer Foundation's mission is to improve the quality of life of cancer-stricken children and their families through enhancing their emotional, social and medical well-being.