Two young Americans travel half-way around the world to learn first-hand about Nike's Indonesian factory conditions and end up taking on the world's most profitable sports apparel company in the world. Sweat, the film, is the journey of Jim Keady and Leslie Kretzu uncovering the story behind the statistics about Nike factory workers. Viewers will discover the injustices of Nike's labor practices in the developing world, specifically in Indonesia, and how Nike's cutthroat, bottom-line economic decisions have a profound effect on human lives.
e skool of activism

the NIKE page

Tiger Woods targeted in Nike protest at Wellington - Aotearoa - New Zealand
A demonstration against golfer Tiger Woods's endorsement of Nike products was held in Wellington this evening. Woods was on his way to a gala charity dinner at the Queens Wharf Events Centre for the Steve Williams Foundation.

Clean Clothes Campaign

Nike now lets you personalize your shoes by submitting a word or phrase which they will stitch onto your shoes. So Jonah Peretti filled out the form and sent them $50 to stitch "sweatshop" onto his shoes. See their response.

Never-seen-before excerpts of Michael Moore's interview with Nike CEO Phil Knight

Nike takes on Greece

Even the Greek gods aren't being spared. Last Friday saw multinational lifestyle company Nike Inc. initiating the first steps in what will be a US$3.5 million lawsuit against the government of Greece. Nike is suing Greece for the violation of international copyright agreements regarding the use of the Nike logo and name on the Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis site.