Why Attend

I have asked the following : Why do you attend TI Night? And they have given me their e-replies.

Read and if you agree with them please form a table and sign up for this 83rd TI Night Celebration at the Bottle Tree Park (Yishun)

Julie Ng- Organising Chair

As I write this message, Singapore is preparing itself to celebrate the most important event of the year: its 42nd National Day.

We will be hearing National Day songs throughout the rest of this month and into the next. On the day itself, there will be a grand parade and fireworks in the evening.

In almost every nation around the world, the day of its founding is celebrated with passion and with pride.

I attend TI Night because that is our organisation's National Day. It is an occasion to be celebrated with passion and with pride.

Michael Wee, DTM
District 80 Governor, 2007-2008

I was in the organising committee of TI night - way back in 1986. I believe that was the first Singapore TI night. It was a grand evening at Mandarin Hotel and we had about 500 people - toastmasters and friends.
Toastmasters in the committee included Kelvin Ong, Ekachai and Foo Say Wei. Since then, TI night has become an annual affair for Toastmasters and guests to celebrate.
This is like a birthday party where host and friends celebrate together. This is also a time to rekindle friendship, renew fellowship and recharge our energy for the greater challenges ahead.
Come to the TI night if you want to know more about Toastmasters and her history.

Ernest Chen
1st TI Night Organising Committee

I have attended a few TI Nights and will be attending this coming one because it is going to be held at Bottle Tree Park! It is a very nice place - serenade and romantic.

Come and mark the founding day and honour the founder Dr Ralph C Smedley for this wonderful movement and reminisce the history of Toastmasters in Singapore. A night to celebrate and remembered.

Be there!

Sardinah Jabar
Area S5 Governor

TI Day to me is very special. It is significant as Toastmasters around the world come together and pay tribute to a great Organisation that has changed their lives by giving them a priceless commodity like 'confidence' and learning the 'art of communication'.

Over the years I have had the pleasure and privilege to attend many memorable TI Day celebrations.
Like 'Mother's Day' or 'Father's Day' - our 'Toastmasters International Day' should be celebrated by all Toastmasters. We have every reason to be proud of Toastmasters International.

Let us all mark the Day and celebrate.

Zenobia Kersi Aspar DTM
Thomson Toastmasters Club

I have attended at least 6 times TI Nite
2000 - YWCA Fort Canning
2002 - The Grassroots' Club
2003 - Raffles Town Club
2004 - YWCA Fort Canning
2005 - Roland Seafood Restaurant
2006 - The Grassroots' Club

I have attended almost all the TI Night dinners without fail since I joined Toastmasters in 2000 for one very simple reason - I cannot find reasons for not attending it. TI Night is a unique annual Toastmasters event being organized only in Singapore. You won't be able to find it elsewhere in the world. It is an occasion where you can network with so many fellow Toastmasters (young and old as well as newbies and seasoned ones) from the various clubs in Singapore. You will enjoy the fellowship with lots of fun. On top of that you will feed your stomach with the sumptuous food and at the same time be entertained the whole evening. For all of these at a very affordable cost of less than S$50, what more can you ask for?

Edward Ma Sze Lim, ACS-CL
Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club &
Leng Kee Mandarin Toastmasters Club

I had attended at least three TI Night Celebration. The reasons why I attended TI Night:
1 To get to know more about the Toastmasters Movement.
2. To network and get to know other Toastmasters.
3. To bond with my members and get my members to meet up with other Toastmasters.
Why attending again, to encourage all my Area Z1 members to attend and have fun meeting other Toastmasters and to build identity. We will attend this 83rd Anniversary!

Esther Heng, CTM,CL
Area Z1 Governor

"Toastmasters International Night is an annual gathering which I have not missed since I became a Toastmaster in 1998. It is fun-filled, fellowship with Toastmasters from other clubs. Also, it is a time where you will discover the hidden talents of members when they perform on stage."

Ong Sin Tiong
Queenstown Toastmasters Club (Mandarin and English)
Brilliant Advanced Toastmasters Club

When you are a part of a family or group, more often than not, you look forward to and enjoy getting together, especially when there's a celebration!
That's the time for you to catch up with the latest news, gossips or just share a laugh or two.
It's the same with TI Night Celebration!
I've always enjoyed the events organized by the Areas, Divisions as well as the District.
Usually it's the fellowship that brings me there.
You get to meet up with toastmasters from other clubs. Some toastmasters you see regularly, at one club meeting or other, while others are new to the movement.
Whichever the case may be, it's always good to be amongst people with a common interest.
Do come and join me in the 83rd TI Night Celebration!
Tampines Changkat Toastmasters

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust

The real journey in the Toastmasters movement is not in the number of projects you have presented but in making a difference in other people's lives.

I have joined Toastmasters since 2003 and have been attending TI Night almost on a yearly basis. The main reason that got me going back to the event year after year is because TI Night is a very special day set aside to honor Dr Ralph Smedley for founding the organization. It could be a simple event where people just get together for an evening of fun and entertainment; but the founder's message remains clear for us all - go out and reach out to others. Make a difference in their lives. That's what Toastmasters is about!

Ang Swee Thian, ATM-G, CL
Fuchun Toastmasters Club.

"Dr. Ralph C.Smedley founded the first Toastmasters Club in October 1924. Today, you and I had benefited from its mission of making effective oral communication a worldwide reality.

Of all your busy schedule, make time to honor our founding father at the TI night celebration at Bottle Tree Park.

It is a day to connect and a day to keep the spirit of Toastmasters Alive. Stay connected through continued participation, keep the chain going and keep the movement alive."

DTM Patricia Lum
2007 Singapore Semi Annual Convention

I have attended 2 TI Nights.. I'm attending it this year again as I'm part of the organising committee who will make the difference. The significance of the nite in itself causes one to celebrate and thank the founder for this wonderful movement that had benefited many. It's a day to remember to mark in your calendar as the day Ralph Smedley made the impact in your life as a toastmaster...

Come celebrate together. Let the tradition continue to grow and shape our lives.

Rebecca Lee ACS ALS
Brilliant Advanced Toastmasters Club
Immediate Past President 2006/2007

3 years in Toastmasters and I have attended twice. I attended because I get to socialize with other toastmasters, meet new people, enjoy myself after months of hard work, fabulous food at peanut prices, and of course spent sleepless nights dreaming about the next TI Night!!!

Fernando (VERY) Young (ATM-G)
Division S Governor

I attend TI night because it is another chance to have a good feast and to enjoy the company of members of my club, as well as other clubs. It is also an excellent opportunity for me to learn and exchange pointers with other Toastmasters in a more relaxed setting outside a normal chapter meeting.

Lim Seh leng ACS,CL
Ulu Pandan Toastmasters
Brilliant Advanced Toastmasters
Queenstown Mandarin Toastmasters

Toastmasters is all about communication and leadership. And key to leadership
is developing the skills of network and relationship building. The TI Nite
provides an ideal opportunity to achieve this -- where Toastmasters throughout
the nation come together to mingle, in an environment of fun and enjoyment.

Kelvin Ong, DTM
1st District 51 Governor

Ever since I join the Toastmasters Movement in year 2000, I have attended every TI Night organized in Singapore.

It is a night of fellowship, food and fun. I made many new friends and also renewed friendship at each celebration.

It is a night of paying tribute to the founder of our movement -Dr Ralph C Smedley. I always ask myself, if we as members, don't attend, then who else will attend? I always have this sense of belonging that makes me attend TI Night year after year. See you at Bottle Tree Park.

Julie Ng, ATM-B, AL
Organizing Chair
83rd TI Night Celebration