22 June
My exam coming soon,cant believe that i still havent
study>_<i will update photo gallery next week.
17 June
Update trade&sell page,include more deg indies
vid and other indies band VCD and CD.Recomment DEG-kimon,indies interview,Aliene
Ma'riage-Live,Penicillin-95 history vid with pretty hakuei .
9 June
Due le quartz will disband after their last live on
22/9 at Shibuya AX .Y_Y
6 June
Change new silver ash pics in main page.Next update will
be Lasadies and aknot FC mag pics.
26 May
Update dir en grey photo gallery,includer nice pics from
Kisou band score .Press refresh if the page has problem in loadiong.
22 May
Kaoru so cool,love this pic^O^
14 May
Make a small page for introduce more CVB.Click "CVB"
under special.
Kaoru from dir en grey